
56 lines
1.5 KiB

import os
import rand
import term
const vexe = @VEXE
fn interpreter_wrap(a string) string {
return 'fn main() {$a}'
fn interp_test(expression string, expected string) ? {
tmpdir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), 'v_interpret_test_$rand.ulid()')
os.mkdir_all(tmpdir) or {}
defer {
os.rmdir_all(tmpdir) or {}
tmpfile := os.join_path(tmpdir, 'input.v')
outfile := os.join_path(tmpdir, 'output.txt')
os.write_file(tmpfile, interpreter_wrap(expression))?
if os.system('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} interpret ${os.quoted_path(tmpfile)} > ${os.quoted_path(outfile)}') != 0 {
eprintln('>>> Failed to interpret V expression: |$expression|')
return error('v interp')
res := os.read_file(outfile)?
output := res.trim_space()
if output != expected {
eprintln('>>> The output of the V expression, is not the same as the expected one')
eprintln(' V expression: $expression')
eprintln(' output: |$output|')
eprintln(' expected: |$expected|')
return error('test')
println('${term.colorize(term.green, 'OK')} ${term.colorize(term.bright_blue, expression.replace('\n',
' '))}')
println(' >> ${term.colorize(term.bright_yellow, output)}')
struct InterpTest {
input string
output string
fn test_interpreter() ? {
mut tests := []InterpTest{}
tests << InterpTest{'println(3+3)', '6'}
tests << InterpTest{'println(3)', '3'}
tests << InterpTest{'println(3-4)', '-1'}
tests << InterpTest{'println(3*3)', '9'}
tests << InterpTest{'a := 3\nprintln(a*3)', '9'}
for test in tests {
interp_test(test.input, test.output)?
assert true