
130 lines
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module callgraph
import v.ast
import v.ast.walker
import v.pref
import v.dotgraph
// callgraph.show walks the AST, starting at main() and prints a DOT output describing the calls
// that function make transitively
pub fn show(mut table ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences, ast_files []&ast.File) {
mut mapper := &Mapper{
pref: pref
table: table
dg: dotgraph.new('CallGraph', 'CallGraph for $pref.path', 'green')
// Node14 [shape="box",label="PrivateBase",URL="$classPrivateBase.html"];
// Node15 -> Node9 [dir=back,color="midnightblue",fontsize=10,style="solid"];
for afile in ast_files {
walker.walk(mut mapper, afile)
struct Mapper {
pos int
pref &pref.Preferences
table &ast.Table
file &ast.File = 0
node &ast.Node = 0
fn_decl &ast.FnDecl = 0
caller_name string
dot_caller_name string
is_caller_used bool
dg dotgraph.DotGraph
fn (mut m Mapper) dot_normalise_node_name(name string) string {
res := name.replace_each([
return res
fn (mut m Mapper) fn_name(fname string, receiver_type ast.Type, is_method bool) string {
if !is_method {
return fname
rec_sym := m.table.sym(receiver_type)
return '${rec_sym.name}.$fname'
fn (mut m Mapper) dot_fn_name(fname string, recv_type ast.Type, is_method bool) string {
if is_method {
return 'Node_method_' + int(recv_type).str() + '_' + m.dot_normalise_node_name(fname)
return 'Node_fn_' + m.dot_normalise_node_name(fname)
fn (mut m Mapper) visit(node &ast.Node) ? {
m.node = unsafe { node }
match node {
ast.File {
m.file = unsafe { &node }
ast.Stmt {
match node {
ast.FnDecl {
m.is_caller_used = true
if m.pref.skip_unused {
m.is_caller_used = m.table.used_fns[node.fkey()]
m.fn_decl = unsafe { &node }
m.caller_name = m.fn_name(node.name, node.receiver.typ, node.is_method)
m.dot_caller_name = m.dot_fn_name(node.name, node.receiver.typ, node.is_method)
if m.is_caller_used {
node_name: m.dot_caller_name
should_highlight: m.caller_name == 'main.main'
else {}
ast.Expr {
match node {
ast.CallExpr {
if m.is_caller_used {
dot_called_name := m.dot_fn_name(node.name, node.receiver_type,
// Node15 -> Node9 [dir=back,color="midnightblue",fontsize=10,style="solid"];
m.dg.new_edge(m.dot_caller_name, dot_called_name,
should_highlight: m.caller_name == 'main.main'
else {}
else {}