
119 lines
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module embed_file
import os
pub const (
is_used = 1
// https://github.com/vlang/rfcs/blob/master/embedding_resources.md
// EmbedFileData encapsulates functionality for the `$embed_file()` compile time call.
pub struct EmbedFileData {
apath string
compression_type string
compressed &u8
uncompressed &u8
free_compressed bool
free_uncompressed bool
len int
path string
pub fn (ed EmbedFileData) str() string {
return 'embed_file.EmbedFileData{ len: $ed.len, path: "$ed.path", apath: "$ed.apath", uncompressed: ${ptr_str(ed.uncompressed)} }'
pub fn (mut ed EmbedFileData) free() {
unsafe {
if ed.free_compressed {
ed.compressed = &u8(0)
if ed.free_uncompressed {
ed.uncompressed = &u8(0)
pub fn (original &EmbedFileData) to_string() string {
unsafe {
mut ed := &EmbedFileData(original)
the_copy := &u8(memdup(ed.data(), ed.len))
return the_copy.vstring_with_len(ed.len)
pub fn (original &EmbedFileData) to_bytes() []u8 {
unsafe {
mut ed := &EmbedFileData(original)
the_copy := memdup(ed.data(), ed.len)
return the_copy.vbytes(ed.len)
pub fn (mut ed EmbedFileData) data() &u8 {
if !isnil(ed.uncompressed) {
return ed.uncompressed
if isnil(ed.uncompressed) && !isnil(ed.compressed) {
decoder := g_embed_file_decoders.decoders[ed.compression_type] or {
panic('EmbedFileData error: unknown compression of "$ed.path": "$ed.compression_type"')
compressed := unsafe { ed.compressed.vbytes(ed.len) }
decompressed := decoder.decompress(compressed) or {
panic('EmbedFileData error: decompression of "$ed.path" failed: $err')
unsafe {
ed.uncompressed = &u8(memdup(decompressed.data, ed.len))
} else {
mut path := os.resource_abs_path(ed.path)
if !os.is_file(path) {
path = ed.apath
if !os.is_file(path) {
panic('EmbedFileData error: files "$ed.path" and "$ed.apath" do not exist')
bytes := os.read_bytes(path) or {
panic('EmbedFileData error: "$path" could not be read: $err')
ed.uncompressed = bytes.data
ed.free_uncompressed = true
return ed.uncompressed
// EmbedFileIndexEntry is used internally by the V compiler when you compile a
// program that uses $embed_file('file.bin') in -prod mode.
// V will generate a static index of all embedded files, and will call the
// find_index_entry_by_path over the index and the relative paths of the embeds.
// Note: these are public on purpose, to help -usecache.
pub struct EmbedFileIndexEntry {
id int
path string
algo string
data &u8
// find_index_entry_by_path is used internally by the V compiler:
pub fn find_index_entry_by_path(start voidptr, path string, algo string) &EmbedFileIndexEntry {
mut x := &EmbedFileIndexEntry(start)
for x.id >= 0 && x.data != 0 && (x.algo != algo || x.path != path) {
unsafe {
$if debug_embed_file_in_prod ? {
eprintln('>> v.embed_file find_index_entry_by_path ${ptr_str(start)}, id: $x.id, path: "$path", algo: "$algo" => ${ptr_str(x)}')
return x