
103 lines
3.0 KiB

import v.checker
import v.ast
import v.table
import v.gen
import v.token
fn string_inter_lit(mut c checker.Checker, mut node ast.StringInterLiteral) table.Type {
for i, expr in node.exprs {
ftyp := c.expr(expr)
node.expr_types << ftyp
typ := c.table.unalias_num_type(ftyp)
mut fmt := node.fmts[i]
// analyze and validate format specifier
if fmt !in [`E`, `F`, `G`, `e`, `f`, `g`,
`d`, `u`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`, `s`, `p`, `_`] {
c.error('unknown format specifier `${fmt:c}`',
if node.precisions[i] != 987698 &&
!typ.is_float() {
c.error('precision specification only valid for float types',
if node.pluss[i] && !typ.is_number() {
c.error('plus prefix only allowd for numbers', node.fmt_poss[i])
if (typ.is_unsigned() && fmt !in [`u`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`]) || (typ.is_signed() &&
fmt !in [`d`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`]) || (typ.is_int_literal()
&& fmt !in [`d`, `c`, `x`, `X`, `o`,
`u`, `x`, `X`, `o`]) || (typ.is_float() && fmt !in [`E`, `F`,
`G`, `e`, `f`, `g`]) || (typ.is_pointer() &&
fmt !in [`p`, `x`, `X`]) || (typ.is_string() && fmt != `s`)
|| (typ.idx() in [table.i64_type_idx,
] && fmt == `c`) {
c.error('illegal format specifier `${fmt:c}` for type `${c.table.get_type_name(ftyp)}`',
node.need_fmts[i] = fmt != c.get_default_fmt(ftyp, typ)
return table.string_type
fn get_some_val(a_test, b_test, c_test, d_test, e_test, f_test f64) f64 {
return a_test*b_test*c_test*
fn main() {
a, b, r, d := 5.3, 7.5, 4.4, 6.6
if a+b+
d > a+b+r*d+
a*b+r {
v_str := 'v'
s := []string{}
s << ' `$v_str`'
println('this is quite a long string' + ' that is followd by an even longer part that should go to another line')
if (a == b && b > r) || (d > r) || (a < b) || (b< d && a+b > r) || (a+b+d >= 0 && r < 0) || (a > b && d-r < b) {
fn gen_str_for_multi_return(mut g gen.Gen,
info table.MultiReturn, styp, str_fn_name string) {
for i, _ in info.types {
println('\tstrings__Builder_write(&sb, _STR("\'%.*s\\000\'", 2, a.arg$i));')
struct Parser {
peek_tok token.Token
peek_tok2 token.Token
peek_tok3 token.Token
fn (mut p Parser) name_expr() {
if p.peek_tok.kind ==
.lpar || (p.peek_tok.kind == .lt && p.peek_tok2.kind == .name &&
p.peek_tok3.kind == .gt) {
fn set_nr_muls(t table.Type, nr_muls int) table.Type {
return int(t) &
0xff00ffff | (nr_muls << 16)
// Test what exprs are treated as multiline. The ternary if only functions as a wrapper.
// When one expr in a branch doesn't fit a single line, the whole if will be unwrapped.
fn multiline_exprs() {
// StructInit with at least one field
_ := if true { Foo{} } else { Foo{ val: 123} }
// ConcatExpr with a multiline child expr
_, _ := if true { 1, Foo{val: 123} } else { 2, Foo{} }