
119 lines
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module util
import term
import strings
// Possibility is a simple pair of a string, with a similarity coefficient
// determined by the editing distance to a wanted value.
struct Possibility {
value string
svalue string
similarity f32 // Note: 0.0 for *equal* strings.
// Suggestion is set of known possibilities and a wanted string.
// It has helper methods for making educated guesses based on the possibilities,
// on which of them match best the wanted string.
struct Suggestion {
known []Possibility
wanted string
swanted string
// new_suggestion creates a new Suggestion, given a wanted value and a list of possibilities.
pub fn new_suggestion(wanted string, possibilities []string) Suggestion {
mut s := Suggestion{
wanted: wanted
swanted: short_module_name(wanted)
return s
// add adds the `val` to the list of known possibilities of the suggestion.
// It calculates the similarity metric towards the wanted value.
pub fn (mut s Suggestion) add(val string) {
if val in [s.wanted, s.swanted] {
sval := short_module_name(val)
if sval in [s.wanted, s.swanted] {
// round to 3 decimal places to avoid float comparison issues
similarity := f32(int(strings.dice_coefficient(s.swanted, sval) * 1000)) / 1000
s.known << Possibility{
value: val
svalue: sval
similarity: similarity
// add adds all of the `many` to the list of known possibilities of the suggestion
pub fn (mut s Suggestion) add_many(many []string) {
for x in many {
// sort sorts the list of known possibilities, based on their similarity metric.
// Equal strings will be first, followed by less similar ones, very distinct ones will be last.
pub fn (mut s Suggestion) sort() {
s.known.sort(a.similarity < b.similarity)
// say produces a final suggestion message, based on the preset `wanted` and
// `possibilities` fields, accumulated in the Suggestion.
pub fn (s Suggestion) say(msg string) string {
mut res := msg
mut found := false
if s.known.len > 0 {
top_posibility := s.known.last()
if top_posibility.similarity > 0.5 {
val := top_posibility.value
if !val.starts_with('[]') {
res += '.\nDid you mean `${highlight_suggestion(val)}`?'
found = true
if !found {
if s.known.len > 0 {
mut values := s.known.map('`${highlight_suggestion(it.svalue)}`')
if values.len == 1 {
res += '.\n1 possibility: ${values[0]}.'
} else if values.len < 25 {
// it is hard to read/use too many suggestions
res += '.\n$values.len possibilities: ' + values.join(', ') + '.'
return res
// short_module_name returns a shortened version of the fully qualified `name`,
// i.e. `xyz.def.abc.symname` -> `abc.symname`
pub fn short_module_name(name string) string {
if !name.contains('.') {
return name
vals := name.split('.')
if vals.len < 2 {
return name
mname := vals[vals.len - 2]
symname := vals[vals.len - 1]
return '${mname}.$symname'
// highlight_suggestion returns a colorfull/highlighted version of `message`,
// but only if the standart error output allows for color messages, otherwise
// the plain message will be returned.
pub fn highlight_suggestion(message string) string {
return term.ecolorize(term.bright_blue, message)