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module version
import os
pub const v_version = '0.2.4'
// vhash() returns the build string C.V_COMMIT_HASH . See cmd/tools/gen_vc.v .
pub fn vhash() string {
mut buf := [50]u8{}
buf[0] = 0
unsafe {
bp := &buf[0]
C.snprintf(&char(bp), 50, c'%s', C.V_COMMIT_HASH)
return tos_clone(bp)
pub fn full_hash() string {
build_hash := vhash()
current_hash := githash(false)
if build_hash == current_hash {
return build_hash
return '${build_hash}.$current_hash'
// full_v_version() returns the full version of the V compiler
pub fn full_v_version(is_verbose bool) string {
if is_verbose {
return 'V $version.v_version $full_hash()'
hash := githash(false)
return 'V $version.v_version $hash'
// githash(x) returns the current git commit hash.
// When x is false, it is very fast - it just returns a predefined C constant.
// When x is true, it tries to get the current commit hash, by parsing the
// relevant files in the .git/ folder, or if that is not possible
// for example when using a V from a V binary release, that does not have .git/
// defaults to getting the predefined C constant again.
// Note: githash(true) must be called only when v detects that it builds itself.
// For all other programs, githash(false) should be used.
pub fn githash(should_get_from_filesystem bool) string {
for {
// The `for` construct here is used as a goto substitute.
// The code in this function will break out of the `for`
// if it detects an error and can not continue.
if should_get_from_filesystem {
vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
// .git/HEAD
git_head_file := os.join_path(vroot, '.git', 'HEAD')
if !os.exists(git_head_file) {
// 'ref: refs/heads/master' ... the current branch name
head_content := os.read_file(git_head_file) or { break }
mut current_branch_hash := head_content
if head_content.starts_with('ref: ') {
gcbranch_rel_path := head_content.replace('ref: ', '').trim_space()
gcbranch_file := os.join_path(vroot, '.git', gcbranch_rel_path)
// .git/refs/heads/master
if !os.exists(gcbranch_file) {
// get the full commit hash contained in the ref heads file
branch_hash := os.read_file(gcbranch_file) or { break }
current_branch_hash = branch_hash
desired_hash_length := 7
if current_branch_hash.len > desired_hash_length {
return current_branch_hash[0..desired_hash_length]
mut buf := [50]u8{}
buf[0] = 0
unsafe {
bp := &buf[0]
C.snprintf(&char(bp), 50, c'%s', C.V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH)
return tos_clone(bp)