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64 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module ast
import v.token
pub enum AttrKind {
plain // [name]
string // ['name']
number // [123]
bool // [true] || [false]
comptime_define // [if name]
// e.g. `[unsafe]`
pub struct Attr {
name string // [name]
has_arg bool
arg string // [name: arg]
kind AttrKind
ct_expr Expr // .kind == comptime_define, for [if !name]
ct_opt bool // true for [if user_defined_name?]
pos token.Pos
pub mut:
ct_evaled bool // whether ct_skip has been evaluated already
ct_skip bool // is the comptime expr *false*, filled by checker
pub fn (a Attr) debug() string {
return 'Attr{ name: "$a.name", has_arg: $a.has_arg, arg: "$a.arg", kind: $a.kind, ct_expr: $a.ct_expr, ct_opt: $a.ct_opt, ct_skip: $a.ct_skip}'
// str returns the string representation without square brackets
pub fn (a Attr) str() string {
mut s := ''
mut arg := if a.has_arg {
s += '$a.name: '
} else {
s += match a.kind {
.plain, .number, .bool { arg }
.string { "'$arg'" }
.comptime_define { 'if $arg' }
return s
pub fn (attrs []Attr) contains(str string) bool {
return attrs.any(it.name == str)
pub fn (attrs []Attr) find_comptime_define() ?int {
for idx in 0 .. attrs.len {
if attrs[idx].kind == .comptime_define {
return idx
return none