
425 lines
9.4 KiB

import json
import time
enum JobTitle {
struct Employee {
name string
age int
salary f32
title JobTitle
fn test_simple() ? {
x := Employee{'Peter', 28, 95000.5, .worker}
s := json.encode(x)
eprintln('Employee x: $s')
assert s == '{"name":"Peter","age":28,"salary":95000.5,"title":2}'
y := json.decode(Employee, s) ?
eprintln('Employee y: $y')
assert y.name == 'Peter'
assert y.age == 28
assert y.salary == 95000.5
assert y.title == .worker
fn test_decode_top_level_array() {
s := '[{"name":"Peter", "age": 29}, {"name":"Bob", "age":31}]'
x := json.decode([]Employee, s) or { panic(err) }
assert x.len == 2
assert x[0].name == 'Peter'
assert x[0].age == 29
assert x[1].name == 'Bob'
assert x[1].age == 31
struct Usr {
name string
struct Item {
tag string
enum Animal {
dog // Will be encoded as `0`
type Entity = Animal | Item | Usr | string | time.Time
struct SomeGame {
title string
player Entity
other []Entity
fn test_encode_decode_sumtype() ? {
game := SomeGame{
title: 'Super Mega Game'
player: Usr{'PoopLord69'}
other: [
enc := json.encode(game)
dec := json.decode(SomeGame, enc) ?
assert game.title == dec.title
assert game.player == dec.player
assert (game.other[4] as time.Time).unix_time() == (dec.other[4] as time.Time).unix_time()
fn bar<T>(payload string) ?Bar { // ?T doesn't work currently
result := json.decode(T, payload) ?
return result
struct Bar {
x string
fn test_generic() {
result := bar<Bar>('{"x":"test"}') or { Bar{} }
assert result.x == 'test'
struct User2 {
age int
nums []int
reg_date time.Time
struct User {
age int
nums []int
last_name string [json: lastName]
is_registered bool [json: IsRegistered]
typ int [json: 'type']
pets string [json: 'pet_animals'; raw]
fn test_parse_user() ? {
s := '{"age": 10, "nums": [1,2,3], "type": 1, "lastName": "Johnson", "IsRegistered": true, "pet_animals": {"name": "Bob", "animal": "Dog"}}'
u2 := json.decode(User2, s) ?
u := json.decode(User, s) ?
assert u.age == 10
assert u.last_name == 'Johnson'
assert u.is_registered == true
assert u.nums.len == 3
assert u.nums[0] == 1
assert u.nums[1] == 2
assert u.nums[2] == 3
assert u.typ == 1
assert u.pets == '{"name":"Bob","animal":"Dog"}'
fn test_encode_decode_time() ? {
user := User2{
age: 25
reg_date: time.new_time(year: 2020, month: 12, day: 22, hour: 7, minute: 23)
s := json.encode(user)
assert s.contains('"reg_date":1608621780')
user2 := json.decode(User2, s) ?
assert user2.reg_date.str() == '2020-12-22 07:23:00'
fn (mut u User) foo() string {
return json.encode(u)
fn test_encode_user() {
mut usr := User{
age: 10
nums: [1, 2, 3]
last_name: 'Johnson'
is_registered: true
typ: 0
pets: 'foo'
expected := '{"age":10,"nums":[1,2,3],"lastName":"Johnson","IsRegistered":true,"type":0,"pet_animals":"foo"}'
out := json.encode(usr)
assert out == expected
// Test json.encode on mutable pointers
assert usr.foo() == expected
struct Color {
space string
point string [raw]
fn test_raw_json_field() {
color := json.decode(Color, '{"space": "YCbCr", "point": {"Y": 123}}') or {
assert color.point == '{"Y":123}'
assert color.space == 'YCbCr'
fn test_bad_raw_json_field() {
color := json.decode(Color, '{"space": "YCbCr"}') or {
assert color.point == ''
assert color.space == 'YCbCr'
struct City {
name string
struct Country {
cities []City
name string
fn test_struct_in_struct() ? {
country := json.decode(Country, '{ "name": "UK", "cities": [{"name":"London"}, {"name":"Manchester"}]}') ?
assert country.name == 'UK'
assert country.cities.len == 2
assert country.cities[0].name == 'London'
assert country.cities[1].name == 'Manchester'
fn test_encode_map() {
expected := '{"one":1,"two":2,"three":3,"four":4}'
numbers := {
'one': 1
'two': 2
'three': 3
'four': 4
out := json.encode(numbers)
assert out == expected
fn test_parse_map() ? {
expected := {
'one': 1
'two': 2
'three': 3
'four': 4
out := json.decode(map[string]int, '{"one":1,"two":2,"three":3,"four":4}') ?
assert out == expected
struct Data {
countries []Country
users map[string]User
extra map[string]map[string]int
fn test_nested_type() ? {
data_expected := '{"countries":[{"cities":[{"name":"London"},{"name":"Manchester"}],"name":"UK"},{"cities":[{"name":"Donlon"},{"name":"Termanches"}],"name":"KU"}],"users":{"Foo":{"age":10,"nums":[1,2,3],"lastName":"Johnson","IsRegistered":true,"type":0,"pet_animals":"little foo"},"Boo":{"age":20,"nums":[5,3,1],"lastName":"Smith","IsRegistered":false,"type":4,"pet_animals":"little boo"}},"extra":{"2":{"n1":2,"n2":4,"n3":8,"n4":16},"3":{"n1":3,"n2":9,"n3":27,"n4":81}}}'
data := Data{
countries: [
name: 'UK'
cities: [City{'London'}, City{'Manchester'}]
name: 'KU'
cities: [City{'Donlon'}, City{'Termanches'}]
users: {
'Foo': User{
age: 10
nums: [1, 2, 3]
last_name: 'Johnson'
is_registered: true
typ: 0
pets: 'little foo'
'Boo': User{
age: 20
nums: [5, 3, 1]
last_name: 'Smith'
is_registered: false
typ: 4
pets: 'little boo'
extra: {
'2': {
'n1': 2
'n2': 4
'n3': 8
'n4': 16
'3': {
'n1': 3
'n2': 9
'n3': 27
'n4': 81
out := json.encode(data)
assert out == data_expected
data2 := json.decode(Data, data_expected) ?
assert data2.countries.len == data.countries.len
for i in 0 .. 1 {
assert data2.countries[i].name == data.countries[i].name
assert data2.countries[i].cities.len == data.countries[i].cities.len
for j in 0 .. 1 {
assert data2.countries[i].cities[j].name == data.countries[i].cities[j].name
for key, user in data.users {
assert data2.users[key].age == user.age
assert data2.users[key].nums == user.nums
assert data2.users[key].last_name == user.last_name
assert data2.users[key].is_registered == user.is_registered
assert data2.users[key].typ == user.typ
// assert data2.users[key].pets == user.pets // TODO FIX
for k, v in data.extra {
for k2, v2 in v {
assert data2.extra[k][k2] == v2
struct Foo<T> {
name string
data T
fn test_generic_struct() ? {
foo_int := Foo<int>{'bar', 12}
foo_enc := json.encode(foo_int)
assert foo_enc == '{"name":"bar","data":12}'
foo_dec := json.decode(Foo<int>, foo_enc) ?
assert foo_dec.name == 'bar'
assert foo_dec.data == 12
fn test_errors() {
invalid_array := fn () {
data := '{"countries":[{"cities":[{"name":"London"},{"name":"Manchester"}],"name":"UK"},{"cities":{"name":"Donlon"},"name":"KU"}],"users":{"Foo":{"age":10,"nums":[1,2,3],"lastName":"Johnson","IsRegistered":true,"type":0,"pet_animals":"little foo"},"Boo":{"age":20,"nums":[5,3,1],"lastName":"Smith","IsRegistered":false,"type":4,"pet_animals":"little boo"}},"extra":{"2":{"n1":2,"n2":4,"n3":8,"n4":16},"3":{"n1":3,"n2":9,"n3":27,"n4":81}}}'
json.decode(Data, data) or {
assert err.msg.starts_with('Json element is not an array:')
assert false
invalid_object := fn () {
data := '{"countries":[{"cities":[{"name":"London"},{"name":"Manchester"}],"name":"UK"},{"cities":[{"name":"Donlon"},{"name":"Termanches"}],"name":"KU"}],"users":[{"age":10,"nums":[1,2,3],"lastName":"Johnson","IsRegistered":true,"type":0,"pet_animals":"little foo"},{"age":20,"nums":[5,3,1],"lastName":"Smith","IsRegistered":false,"type":4,"pet_animals":"little boo"}],"extra":{"2":{"n1":2,"n2":4,"n3":8,"n4":16},"3":{"n1":3,"n2":9,"n3":27,"n4":81}}}'
json.decode(Data, data) or {
assert err.msg.starts_with('Json element is not an object:')
assert false
type ID = string
struct Message {
id ID
fn test_decode_alias_struct() ? {
msg := json.decode(Message, '{"id": "118499178790780929"}') ?
// hacky way of comparing aliased strings
assert msg.id.str() == '118499178790780929'
fn test_encode_alias_struct() {
expected := '{"id":"118499178790780929"}'
msg := Message{'118499178790780929'}
out := json.encode(msg)
assert out == expected
struct List {
id int
items []string
fn test_list() ? {
list := json.decode(List, '{"id": 1, "items": ["1", "2"]}') ?
assert list.id == 1
assert list.items == ['1', '2']
fn test_list_no_id() ? {
list := json.decode(List, '{"items": ["1", "2"]}') ?
assert list.id == 0
assert list.items == ['1', '2']
fn test_list_no_items() ? {
list := json.decode(List, '{"id": 1}') ?
assert list.id == 1
assert list.items == []
struct Info {
id int
items []string
maps map[string]string
fn test_decode_null_object() ? {
info := json.decode(Info, '{"id": 22, "items": null, "maps": null}') ?
assert info.id == 22
assert '$info.items' == '[]'
assert '$info.maps' == '{}'
struct Foo2 {
name string
fn test_pretty() {
foo := Foo2{'Bob'}
assert json.encode_pretty(foo) == '{
"name": "Bob"
struct Foo3 {
name string
age int [omitempty]
fn test_omit_empty() {
foo := Foo3{'Bob', 0}
assert json.encode_pretty(foo) == '{
"name": "Bob"
// println('omitempty:')
// println(json.encode_pretty(foo))