
2168 lines
51 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module parser
import v.scanner
import v.ast
import v.token
import v.table
import v.pref
import v.util
import v.errors
import os
import runtime
import time
pub struct Parser {
file_base string // "hello.v"
file_name string // "/home/user/hello.v"
file_name_dir string // "/home/user"
pref &pref.Preferences
scanner &scanner.Scanner
comments_mode scanner.CommentsMode = .skip_comments
// see comment in parse_file
tok token.Token
prev_tok token.Token
peek_tok token.Token
peek_tok2 token.Token
peek_tok3 token.Token
table &table.Table
language table.Language
inside_if bool
inside_if_expr bool
inside_ct_if_expr bool
inside_or_expr bool
inside_for bool
inside_fn bool
inside_str_interp bool
builtin_mod bool // are we in the `builtin` module?
mod string // current module name
attrs []table.Attr // attributes before next decl stmt
expr_mod string // for constructing full type names in parse_type()
scope &ast.Scope
global_scope &ast.Scope
imports map[string]string // alias => mod_name
ast_imports []ast.Import // mod_names
used_imports []string // alias
is_amp bool // for generating the right code for `&Foo{}`
returns bool
inside_match bool // to separate `match A { }` from `Struct{}`
inside_select bool // to allow `ch <- Struct{} {` inside `select`
inside_match_case bool // to separate `match_expr { }` from `Struct{}`
inside_match_body bool // to fix eval not used TODO
inside_unsafe bool
is_stmt_ident bool // true while the beginning of a statement is an ident/selector
expecting_type bool // `is Type`, expecting type
errors []errors.Error
warnings []errors.Warning
vet_errors []string
cur_fn_name string
in_generic_params bool // indicates if parsing between `<` and `>` of a method/function
// for tests
pub fn parse_stmt(text string, table &table.Table, scope &ast.Scope) ast.Stmt {
pref := &pref.Preferences{}
s := scanner.new_scanner(text, .skip_comments, pref)
mut p := Parser{
scanner: s
table: table
pref: pref
scope: scope
global_scope: &ast.Scope{
start_pos: 0
parent: 0
return p.stmt(false)
pub fn parse_text(text string, b_table &table.Table, pref &pref.Preferences, scope &ast.Scope, global_scope &ast.Scope) ast.File {
s := scanner.new_scanner(text, .skip_comments, pref)
mut p := Parser{
scanner: s
table: b_table
pref: pref
scope: scope
errors: []errors.Error{}
warnings: []errors.Warning{}
global_scope: global_scope
return p.parse()
pub fn parse_file(path string, b_table &table.Table, comments_mode scanner.CommentsMode, pref &pref.Preferences, global_scope &ast.Scope) ast.File {
// NB: when comments_mode == .toplevel_comments,
// the parser gives feedback to the scanner about toplevel statements, so that the scanner can skip
// all the tricky inner comments. This is needed because we do not have a good general solution
// for handling them, and should be removed when we do (the general solution is also needed for vfmt)
// println('parse_file("$path")')
// text := os.read_file(path) or {
// panic(err)
// }
mut p := Parser{
scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, comments_mode, pref)
comments_mode: comments_mode
table: b_table
file_name: path
file_base: os.base(path)
file_name_dir: os.dir(path)
pref: pref
scope: &ast.Scope{
start_pos: 0
parent: global_scope
errors: []errors.Error{}
warnings: []errors.Warning{}
global_scope: global_scope
return p.parse()
pub fn parse_vet_file(path string, table_ &table.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) (ast.File, []string) {
global_scope := &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
mut p := Parser{
scanner: scanner.new_vet_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref)
comments_mode: .parse_comments
table: table_
file_name: path
file_base: os.base(path)
file_name_dir: os.dir(path)
pref: pref
scope: &ast.Scope{
start_pos: 0
parent: global_scope
errors: []errors.Error{}
warnings: []errors.Warning{}
global_scope: global_scope
if p.scanner.text.contains('\n ') {
source_lines := os.read_lines(path) or {
for lnumber, line in source_lines {
if line.starts_with(' ') {
p.vet_error('Looks like you are using spaces for indentation.', lnumber)
file := p.parse()
p.vet_errors << p.scanner.vet_errors
return file, p.vet_errors
pub fn (mut p Parser) parse() ast.File {
// comments_mode: comments_mode
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
for p.tok.kind == .comment {
stmts << p.comment_stmt()
// module
module_decl := p.module_decl()
stmts << module_decl
// imports
for {
if p.tok.kind == .key_import {
stmts << p.import_stmt()
if p.tok.kind == .comment {
stmts << p.comment_stmt()
for {
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
// println('stmt at ' + p.tok.str())
stmts << p.top_stmt()
// clear the attributes after each statement
p.attrs = []
// println('nr stmts = $stmts.len')
// println(stmts[0])
p.scope.end_pos = p.tok.pos
return ast.File{
path: p.file_name
mod: module_decl
imports: p.ast_imports
stmts: stmts
scope: p.scope
global_scope: p.global_scope
errors: p.errors
warnings: p.warnings
struct Queue {
idx int
mu &sync.Mutex
mu2 &sync.Mutex
paths []string
table &table.Table
parsed_ast_files []ast.File
pref &pref.Preferences
global_scope &ast.Scope
fn (mut q Queue) run() {
for {
idx := q.idx
if idx >= q.paths.len {
path := q.paths[idx]
file := parse_file(path, q.table, .skip_comments, q.pref, q.global_scope)
q.parsed_ast_files << file
println('run done(idx=$idx)')
pub fn parse_files(paths []string, table &table.Table, pref &pref.Preferences, global_scope &ast.Scope) []ast.File {
// println('nr_cpus= $nr_cpus')
$if macos {
if pref.is_parallel && paths[0].contains('/array.v') {
println('\n\n\nparse_files() nr_files=$paths.len')
nr_cpus := runtime.nr_cpus()
mut q := &Queue{
paths: paths
table: table
pref: pref
global_scope: global_scope
mu: sync.new_mutex()
mu2: sync.new_mutex()
for _ in 0 .. nr_cpus - 1 {
go q.run()
println('all done')
return q.parsed_ast_files
if false {
// TODO: remove this; it just prevents warnings about unused time and runtime
// ///////////////
mut files := []ast.File{}
for path in paths {
// println('parse_files $path')
files << parse_file(path, table, .skip_comments, pref, global_scope)
return files
pub fn (mut p Parser) init_parse_fns() {
if p.comments_mode == .toplevel_comments {
// p.prefix_parse_fns = make(100, 100, sizeof(PrefixParseFn))
// p.prefix_parse_fns[token.Kind.name] = parse_name
pub fn (mut p Parser) read_first_token() {
// need to call next() 4 times to get peek token 1,2,3 and current token
pub fn (mut p Parser) open_scope() {
p.scope = &ast.Scope{
parent: p.scope
start_pos: p.tok.pos
pub fn (mut p Parser) close_scope() {
// p.scope.end_pos = p.tok.pos
// NOTE: since this is usually called after `p.parse_block()`
// ie. when `prev_tok` is rcbr `}` we most likely want `prev_tok`
// we could do the following, but probably not needed in 99% of cases:
// `end_pos = if p.prev_tok.kind == .rcbr { p.prev_tok.pos } else { p.tok.pos }`
p.scope.end_pos = p.prev_tok.pos
p.scope.parent.children << p.scope
p.scope = p.scope.parent
pub fn (mut p Parser) parse_block() []ast.Stmt {
// println('parse block')
stmts := p.parse_block_no_scope(false)
// println('nr exprs in block = $exprs.len')
return stmts
pub fn (mut p Parser) parse_block_no_scope(is_top_level bool) []ast.Stmt {
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
if p.tok.kind != .rcbr {
mut c := 0
for {
stmts << p.stmt(is_top_level)
// p.warn('after stmt(): tok=$p.tok.str()')
if p.tok.kind in [.eof, .rcbr] {
if c % 100000 == 0 {
eprintln('parsed $c statements so far from fn $p.cur_fn_name ...')
if c > 1000000 {
p.error_with_pos('parsed over $c statements from fn $p.cur_fn_name, the parser is probably stuck',
if is_top_level {
return stmts
fn (mut p Parser) next_with_comment() {
p.tok = p.peek_tok
p.peek_tok = p.scanner.scan()
fn (mut p Parser) next() {
p.prev_tok = p.tok
p.tok = p.peek_tok
p.peek_tok = p.peek_tok2
p.peek_tok2 = p.peek_tok3
p.peek_tok3 = p.scanner.scan()
if p.tok.kind==.comment {
p.comments << ast.Comment{text:p.tok.lit, line_nr:p.tok.line_nr}
fn (mut p Parser) check(expected token.Kind) {
// for p.tok.kind in [.line_comment, .mline_comment] {
// p.next()
// }
if p.tok.kind != expected {
if p.tok.kind == .name {
p.error('unexpected name `$p.tok.lit`, expecting `$expected.str()`')
} else {
p.error('unexpected `$p.tok.kind.str()`, expecting `$expected.str()`')
// JS functions can have multiple dots in their name:
// JS.foo.bar.and.a.lot.more.dots()
fn (mut p Parser) check_js_name() string {
mut name := ''
for p.peek_tok.kind == .dot {
name += '${p.tok.lit}.'
p.next() // .name
p.next() // .dot
// last .name
name += p.tok.lit
return name
fn (mut p Parser) check_name() string {
name := p.tok.lit
if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && name in p.imports {
return name
pub fn (mut p Parser) top_stmt() ast.Stmt {
$if trace_parser ? {
tok_pos := p.tok.position()
eprintln('parsing file: ${p.file_name:-30} | tok.kind: ${p.tok.kind:-10} | tok.lit: ${p.tok.lit:-10} | tok_pos: ${tok_pos.str():-45} | top_stmt')
for {
match p.tok.kind {
.key_pub {
match p.peek_tok.kind {
.key_const {
return p.const_decl()
.key_fn {
return p.fn_decl()
.key_struct, .key_union {
return p.struct_decl()
.key_interface {
return p.interface_decl()
.key_enum {
return p.enum_decl()
.key_type {
return p.type_decl()
else {
p.error('wrong pub keyword usage')
return ast.Stmt{}
.lsbr {
// attrs are stored in `p.attrs`
.key_interface {
return p.interface_decl()
.key_import {
p.error_with_pos('`import x` can only be declared at the beginning of the file',
return p.import_stmt()
.key_global {
return p.global_decl()
.key_const {
return p.const_decl()
.key_fn {
return p.fn_decl()
.key_struct {
return p.struct_decl()
.dollar {
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: p.if_expr(true)
.hash {
return p.hash()
.key_type {
return p.type_decl()
.key_enum {
return p.enum_decl()
.key_union {
return p.struct_decl()
.comment {
return p.comment_stmt()
else {
if p.pref.is_script && !p.pref.is_test {
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
for p.tok.kind != .eof {
stmts << p.stmt(false)
return ast.FnDecl{
name: 'main.main'
mod: 'main'
stmts: stmts
file: p.file_name
return_type: table.void_type
} else if p.pref.is_fmt {
return p.stmt(false)
} else {
p.error('bad top level statement ' + p.tok.str())
return ast.Stmt{}
// TODO remove dummy return statement
// the compiler complains if it's not there
return ast.Stmt{}
// TODO [if vfmt]
pub fn (mut p Parser) check_comment() ast.Comment {
if p.tok.kind == .comment {
return p.comment()
return ast.Comment{}
pub fn (mut p Parser) comment() ast.Comment {
pos := p.tok.position()
text := p.tok.lit
// p.next_with_comment()
return ast.Comment{
is_multi: text.contains('\n')
text: text
pos: pos
pub fn (mut p Parser) comment_stmt() ast.ExprStmt {
comment := p.comment()
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: comment
pos: comment.pos
pub fn (mut p Parser) eat_comments() []ast.Comment {
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for {
if p.tok.kind != .comment {
comments << p.comment()
return comments
pub fn (mut p Parser) eat_lineend_comments() []ast.Comment {
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for {
if p.tok.kind != .comment || p.tok.line_nr != p.prev_tok.line_nr {
comments << p.comment()
return comments
pub fn (mut p Parser) stmt(is_top_level bool) ast.Stmt {
$if trace_parser ? {
tok_pos := p.tok.position()
eprintln('parsing file: ${p.file_name:-30} | tok.kind: ${p.tok.kind:-10} | tok.lit: ${p.tok.lit:-10} | tok_pos: ${tok_pos.str():-45} | stmt($is_top_level)')
p.is_stmt_ident = p.tok.kind == .name
match p.tok.kind {
.lcbr {
pos := p.tok.position()
stmts := p.parse_block()
return ast.Block{
stmts: stmts
pos: pos
.key_assert {
assert_pos := p.tok.position()
expr := p.expr(0)
return ast.AssertStmt{
expr: expr
pos: assert_pos
.key_for {
return p.for_stmt()
.name, .key_mut, .key_shared, .key_atomic, .key_static, .mul {
if p.tok.kind == .name {
if p.tok.lit == 'sql' {
return p.sql_stmt()
if p.peek_tok.kind == .colon {
// `label:`
spos := p.tok.position()
name := p.check_name()
if p.tok.kind == .key_for {
mut stmt := p.stmt(is_top_level)
match mut stmt {
ast.ForStmt {
stmt.label = name
return stmt
ast.ForInStmt {
stmt.label = name
return stmt
ast.ForCStmt {
stmt.label = name
return stmt
else {
assert false
return ast.GotoLabel{
name: name
pos: spos.extend(p.tok.position())
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .name {
p.error_with_pos('unexpected name `$p.peek_tok.lit`', p.peek_tok.position())
} else if !p.inside_if_expr && !p.inside_match_body && !p.inside_or_expr &&
p.peek_tok.kind in [.rcbr, .eof] {
p.error_with_pos('`$p.tok.lit` evaluated but not used', p.tok.position())
return p.parse_multi_expr(is_top_level)
.comment {
return p.comment_stmt()
.key_return {
return p.return_stmt()
.dollar {
if p.peek_tok.kind == .key_if {
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: p.if_expr(true)
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .key_for {
return p.comp_for()
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .name {
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: p.vweb()
p.error_with_pos('unexpected \$', p.tok.position())
return ast.Stmt{}
.key_continue, .key_break {
tok := p.tok
line := p.tok.line_nr
mut label := ''
if p.tok.line_nr == line && p.tok.kind == .name {
label = p.check_name()
return ast.BranchStmt{
kind: tok.kind
label: label
pos: tok.position()
.key_unsafe {
return p.unsafe_stmt()
.hash {
return p.hash()
.key_defer {
spos := p.tok.position()
stmts := p.parse_block()
return ast.DeferStmt{
stmts: stmts
pos: spos.extend(p.tok.position())
.key_go {
spos := p.tok.position()
expr := p.expr(0)
// mut call_expr := &ast.CallExpr(0) // TODO
// { call_expr = it }
return ast.GoStmt{
call_expr: expr
pos: spos.extend(p.tok.position())
.key_goto {
spos := p.tok.position()
name := p.check_name()
return ast.GotoStmt{
name: name
pos: spos
.key_const {
p.error_with_pos('const can only be defined at the top level (outside of functions)',
return ast.Stmt{}
// literals, 'if', etc. in here
else {
return p.parse_multi_expr(is_top_level)
fn (mut p Parser) expr_list() ([]ast.Expr, []ast.Comment) {
mut exprs := []ast.Expr{}
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for {
expr := p.expr(0)
if expr is ast.Comment {
comments << expr
} else {
exprs << expr
if p.tok.kind != .comma {
return exprs, comments
// when is_top_stmt is true attrs are added to p.attrs
fn (mut p Parser) attributes() {
mut has_ctdefine := false
for p.tok.kind != .rsbr {
start_pos := p.tok.position()
attr := p.parse_attr()
if p.attrs.contains(attr.name) {
p.error_with_pos('duplicate attribute `$attr.name`', start_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.position()))
if attr.is_ctdefine {
if has_ctdefine {
p.error_with_pos('only one `[if flag]` may be applied at a time `$attr.name`',
} else {
has_ctdefine = true
p.attrs << attr
if p.tok.kind != .semicolon {
if p.tok.kind == .rsbr {
p.error('unexpected `$p.tok.kind.str()`, expecting `;`')
if p.attrs.len == 0 {
p.error_with_pos('attributes cannot be empty', p.prev_tok.position().extend(p.tok.position()))
fn (mut p Parser) parse_attr() table.Attr {
if p.tok.kind == .key_unsafe {
return table.Attr{
name: 'unsafe'
mut is_ctdefine := false
if p.tok.kind == .key_if {
is_ctdefine = true
mut name := ''
mut arg := ''
is_string := p.tok.kind == .string
mut is_string_arg := false
if is_string {
name = p.tok.lit
} else {
name = p.check_name()
if name == 'unsafe_fn' {
p.error_with_pos('please use `[unsafe]` instead', p.tok.position())
} else if name == 'trusted_fn' {
p.error_with_pos('please use `[trusted]` instead', p.tok.position())
if p.tok.kind == .colon {
// `name: arg`
if p.tok.kind == .name {
arg = p.check_name()
} else if p.tok.kind == .string { // `name: 'arg'`
arg = p.tok.lit
is_string_arg = true
return table.Attr{
name: name
is_string: is_string
is_ctdefine: is_ctdefine
arg: arg
is_string_arg: is_string_arg
pub fn (mut p Parser) error(s string) {
p.error_with_pos(s, p.tok.position())
pub fn (mut p Parser) warn(s string) {
p.warn_with_pos(s, p.tok.position())
pub fn (mut p Parser) error_with_pos(s string, pos token.Position) {
mut kind := 'error:'
if p.pref.output_mode == .stdout {
if p.pref.is_verbose {
kind = 'parser error:'
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, s, p.file_name, pos)
} else {
p.errors << errors.Error{
file_path: p.file_name
pos: pos
reporter: .parser
message: s
if p.pref.output_mode == .silent {
// Normally, parser errors mean that the parser exits immediately, so there can be only 1 parser error.
// In the silent mode however, the parser continues to run, even though it would have stopped. Some
// of the parser logic does not expect that, and may loop forever.
// The p.next() here is needed, so the parser is more robust, and *always* advances, even in the -silent mode.
pub fn (mut p Parser) warn_with_pos(s string, pos token.Position) {
if p.pref.warns_are_errors {
p.error_with_pos(s, pos)
if p.pref.skip_warnings {
if p.pref.output_mode == .stdout {
ferror := util.formatted_error('warning:', s, p.file_name, pos)
} else {
p.warnings << errors.Warning{
file_path: p.file_name
pos: pos
reporter: .parser
message: s
pub fn (mut p Parser) vet_error(s string, line int) {
p.vet_errors << '$p.scanner.file_path:${line + 1}: $s'
fn (mut p Parser) parse_multi_expr(is_top_level bool) ast.Stmt {
// in here might be 1) multi-expr 2) multi-assign
// 1, a, c ... } // multi-expression
// a, mut b ... :=/= // multi-assign
// collect things upto hard boundaries
tok := p.tok
left, left_comments := p.expr_list()
left0 := left[0]
if tok.kind == .key_mut && p.tok.kind != .decl_assign {
p.error('expecting `:=` (e.g. `mut x :=`)')
if p.tok.kind in [.assign, .decl_assign] || p.tok.kind.is_assign() {
return p.partial_assign_stmt(left, left_comments)
} else if tok.kind !in [.key_if, .key_match, .key_lock, .key_rlock, .key_select] &&
left0 !is ast.CallExpr && (is_top_level || p.tok.kind != .rcbr) && left0 !is ast.PostfixExpr &&
!(left0 is ast.InfixExpr && (left0 as ast.InfixExpr).op in [.left_shift, .arrow]) && left0 !is
ast.ComptimeCall {
p.error_with_pos('expression evaluated but not used', left0.position())
if left.len == 1 {
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: left0
pos: tok.position()
comments: left_comments
is_expr: p.inside_for
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: ast.ConcatExpr{
vals: left
pos: tok.position()
pos: tok.position()
comments: left_comments
pub fn (mut p Parser) parse_ident(language table.Language) ast.Ident {
// p.warn('name ')
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
mut_pos := p.tok.position()
is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
if is_mut {
is_static := p.tok.kind == .key_static
if is_static {
if p.tok.kind == .name {
pos := p.tok.position()
mut name := p.check_name()
if name == '_' {
return ast.Ident{
tok_kind: p.tok.kind
name: '_'
kind: .blank_ident
pos: pos
info: ast.IdentVar{
is_mut: false
is_static: false
if p.inside_match_body && name == 'it' {
// p.warn('it')
if p.expr_mod.len > 0 {
name = '${p.expr_mod}.$name'
return ast.Ident{
tok_kind: p.tok.kind
kind: .unresolved
name: name
language: language
mod: p.mod
pos: pos
is_mut: is_mut
mut_pos: mut_pos
info: ast.IdentVar{
is_mut: is_mut
is_static: is_static
share: table.sharetype_from_flags(is_shared, is_atomic)
} else {
p.error('unexpected token `$p.tok.lit`')
return ast.Ident{}
pub fn (mut p Parser) name_expr() ast.Expr {
prev_tok_kind := p.prev_tok.kind
mut node := ast.Expr{}
if p.expecting_type {
p.expecting_type = false
// get type position before moving to next
type_pos := p.tok.position()
typ := p.parse_type()
return ast.Type{
typ: typ
pos: type_pos
language := if p.tok.lit == 'C' {
} else if p.tok.lit == 'JS' {
} else {
mut mod := ''
// p.warn('resetting')
p.expr_mod = ''
// `map[string]int` initialization
if p.tok.lit == 'map' && p.peek_tok.kind == .lsbr {
map_type := p.parse_map_type()
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr && p.peek_tok.kind == .rcbr {
return ast.MapInit{
typ: map_type
pos: p.tok.position()
// `chan typ{...}`
if p.tok.lit == 'chan' {
first_pos := p.tok.position()
mut last_pos := first_pos
chan_type := p.parse_chan_type()
mut has_cap := false
mut cap_expr := ast.Expr{}
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
last_pos = p.tok.position()
} else {
key := p.check_name()
match key {
'cap' {
has_cap = true
cap_expr = p.expr(0)
'len', 'init' {
p.error('`$key` cannot be initialized for `chan`. Did you mean `cap`?')
else {
p.error('wrong field `$key`, expecting `cap`')
last_pos = p.tok.position()
return ast.ChanInit{
pos: first_pos.extend(last_pos)
has_cap: has_cap
cap_expr: cap_expr
typ: chan_type
// Raw string (`s := r'hello \n ')
if p.tok.lit in ['r', 'c', 'js'] && p.peek_tok.kind == .string && !p.inside_str_interp {
return p.string_expr()
// don't allow r`byte` and c`byte`
if p.tok.lit in ['r', 'c'] && p.peek_tok.kind == .chartoken {
opt := if p.tok.lit == 'r' { '`r` (raw string)' } else { '`c` (c string)' }
p.error('cannot use $opt with `byte` and `rune`')
known_var := p.mark_var_as_used(p.tok.lit)
mut is_mod_cast := false
if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && !known_var &&
(language != .v || p.known_import(p.tok.lit) || p.mod.all_after_last('.') == p.tok.lit) {
// p.tok.lit has been recognized as a module
if language == .c {
mod = 'C'
} else if language == .js {
mod = 'JS'
} else {
if p.tok.lit in p.imports {
// mark the imported module as used
if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && p.peek_tok2.lit[0].is_capital() {
is_mod_cast = true
// prepend the full import
mod = p.imports[p.tok.lit]
p.expr_mod = mod
lit0_is_capital := p.tok.lit[0].is_capital()
// use heuristics to detect `func<T>()` from `var < expr`
is_generic_call := !lit0_is_capital && p.peek_tok.kind == .lt && (match p.peek_tok2.kind {
.name {
// maybe `f<int>`, `f<map[`
(p.peek_tok2.kind == .name &&
p.peek_tok3.kind == .gt) ||
(p.peek_tok2.lit == 'map' && p.peek_tok3.kind == .lsbr)
.lsbr {
// maybe `f<[]T>`, assume `var < []` is invalid
p.peek_tok3.kind == .rsbr
else {
// p.warn('name expr $p.tok.lit $p.peek_tok.str()')
same_line := p.tok.line_nr == p.peek_tok.line_nr
// `(` must be on same line as name token otherwise it's a ParExpr
if !same_line && p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar {
node = p.parse_ident(language)
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar || is_generic_call {
// foo(), foo<int>() or type() cast
mut name := p.tok.lit
if mod.len > 0 {
name = '${mod}.$name'
name_w_mod := p.prepend_mod(name)
// type cast. TODO: finish
// if name in table.builtin_type_names {
if (!known_var && (name in p.table.type_idxs ||
name_w_mod in p.table.type_idxs) && name !in ['C.stat', 'C.sigaction']) ||
is_mod_cast || (language == .v && name[0].is_capital()) {
// MainLetter(x) is *always* a cast, as long as it is not `C.`
// TODO handle C.stat()
start_pos := p.tok.position()
mut to_typ := p.parse_type()
if p.is_amp {
// Handle `&Foo(0)`
to_typ = to_typ.to_ptr()
// this prevents inner casts to also have an `&`
// example: &Foo(malloc(int(num)))
// without the next line int would result in int*
p.is_amp = false
mut expr := ast.Expr{}
mut arg := ast.Expr{}
mut has_arg := false
expr = p.expr(0)
// TODO, string(b, len)
if p.tok.kind == .comma && to_typ.idx() == table.string_type_idx {
arg = p.expr(0) // len
has_arg = true
end_pos := p.tok.position()
node = ast.CastExpr{
typ: to_typ
expr: expr
arg: arg
has_arg: has_arg
pos: start_pos.extend(end_pos)
p.expr_mod = ''
return node
} else {
// fn call
// println('calling $p.tok.lit')
node = p.call_expr(language, mod)
} else if (p.peek_tok.kind == .lcbr ||
(p.peek_tok.kind == .lt && lit0_is_capital)) &&
(!p.inside_match || (p.inside_select && prev_tok_kind == .arrow && lit0_is_capital)) && !p.inside_match_case &&
(!p.inside_if || p.inside_select) &&
(!p.inside_for || p.inside_select) { // && (p.tok.lit[0].is_capital() || p.builtin_mod) {
return p.struct_init(false) // short_syntax: false
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && (lit0_is_capital && !known_var && language == .v) {
// T.name
if p.tok.lit == 'T' {
pos := p.tok.position()
name := p.check_name()
field := p.check_name()
return ast.SelectorExpr{
expr: ast.Ident{
name: name
field_name: field
pos: pos
// `Color.green`
mut enum_name := p.check_name()
if mod != '' {
enum_name = mod + '.' + enum_name
} else {
enum_name = p.prepend_mod(enum_name)
// p.warn('Color.green $enum_name ' + p.prepend_mod(enum_name) + 'mod=$mod')
val := p.check_name()
// println('enum val $enum_name . $val')
p.expr_mod = ''
return ast.EnumVal{
enum_name: enum_name
val: val
pos: p.tok.position()
mod: mod
} else if p.peek_tok.kind == .colon && p.prev_tok.kind != .str_dollar {
// `foo(key:val, key2:val2)`
return p.struct_init(true) // short_syntax:true
// JS. function call with more than 1 dot
} else if language == .js && p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && p.peek_tok2.kind == .name {
node = p.call_expr(language, mod)
} else {
node = p.parse_ident(language)
p.expr_mod = ''
return node
fn (mut p Parser) index_expr(left ast.Expr) ast.IndexExpr {
// left == `a` in `a[0]`
start_pos := p.tok.position()
p.next() // [
mut has_low := true
if p.tok.kind == .dotdot {
has_low = false
// [..end]
high := p.expr(0)
pos := start_pos.extend(p.tok.position())
return ast.IndexExpr{
left: left
pos: pos
index: ast.RangeExpr{
low: ast.Expr{}
high: high
has_high: true
pos: pos
expr := p.expr(0) // `[expr]` or `[expr..`
mut has_high := false
if p.tok.kind == .dotdot {
// [start..end] or [start..]
mut high := ast.Expr{}
if p.tok.kind != .rsbr {
has_high = true
high = p.expr(0)
pos := start_pos.extend(p.tok.position())
return ast.IndexExpr{
left: left
pos: pos
index: ast.RangeExpr{
low: expr
high: high
has_high: has_high
has_low: has_low
pos: pos
// [expr]
pos := start_pos.extend(p.tok.position())
return ast.IndexExpr{
left: left
index: expr
pos: pos
fn (mut p Parser) scope_register_it() {
p.scope.register('it', ast.Var{
name: 'it'
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
fn (mut p Parser) scope_register_ab() {
p.scope.register('a', ast.Var{
name: 'a'
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
p.scope.register('b', ast.Var{
name: 'b'
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
fn (mut p Parser) dot_expr(left ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if p.tok.kind == .dollar {
return p.comptime_method_call(left)
name_pos := p.tok.position()
field_name := p.check_name()
is_filter := field_name in ['filter', 'map']
if is_filter {
} else if field_name == 'sort' {
// ! in mutable methods
if p.tok.kind == .not && p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar {
// Method call
// TODO move to fn.v call_expr()
if p.tok.kind == .lpar {
args := p.call_args()
if is_filter && args.len != 1 {
p.error('needs exactly 1 argument')
mut or_stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
mut or_kind := ast.OrKind.absent
mut or_pos := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind == .key_orelse {
p.scope.register('errcode', ast.Var{
name: 'errcode'
typ: table.int_type
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
p.scope.register('err', ast.Var{
name: 'err'
typ: table.string_type
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
or_kind = .block
or_stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope(false)
or_pos = or_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.position())
// `foo()?`
if p.tok.kind == .question {
or_kind = .propagate
end_pos := p.tok.position()
pos := token.Position{
line_nr: name_pos.line_nr
pos: name_pos.pos
len: end_pos.pos - name_pos.pos
mcall_expr := ast.CallExpr{
left: left
name: field_name
args: args
pos: pos
is_method: true
or_block: ast.OrExpr{
stmts: or_stmts
kind: or_kind
pos: or_pos
if is_filter || field_name == 'sort' {
return mcall_expr
mut is_mut := false
mut mut_pos := token.Position{}
if p.inside_match || p.inside_if_expr {
match left {
ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr {
is_mut = left.is_mut
mut_pos = left.mut_pos
else {}
sel_expr := ast.SelectorExpr{
expr: left
field_name: field_name
pos: name_pos
is_mut: is_mut
mut node := ast.Expr{}
node = sel_expr
if is_filter {
return node
// `.green`
// `pref.BuildMode.default_mode`
fn (mut p Parser) enum_val() ast.EnumVal {
val := p.check_name()
return ast.EnumVal{
val: val
pos: p.tok.position()
fn (mut p Parser) string_expr() ast.Expr {
is_raw := p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'r'
is_cstr := p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'c'
if is_raw || is_cstr {
mut node := ast.Expr{}
val := p.tok.lit
pos := p.tok.position()
if p.peek_tok.kind != .str_dollar {
node = ast.StringLiteral{
val: val
is_raw: is_raw
language: if is_cstr { table.Language.c } else { table.Language.v }
pos: pos
return node
mut exprs := []ast.Expr{}
mut vals := []string{}
mut has_fmts := []bool{}
mut fwidths := []int{}
mut precisions := []int{}
mut visible_pluss := []bool{}
mut fills := []bool{}
mut fmts := []byte{}
mut fposs := []token.Position{}
// Handle $ interpolation
p.inside_str_interp = true
for p.tok.kind == .string {
vals << p.tok.lit
if p.tok.kind != .str_dollar {
exprs << p.expr(0)
mut has_fmt := false
mut fwidth := 0
mut fwidthneg := false
// 987698 is a magic default value, unlikely to be present in user input. NB: 0 is valid precision
mut precision := 987698
mut visible_plus := false
mut fill := false
mut fmt := `_` // placeholder
if p.tok.kind == .colon {
// ${num:-2d}
if p.tok.kind == .minus {
fwidthneg = true
} else if p.tok.kind == .plus {
visible_plus = true
// ${num:2d}
if p.tok.kind == .number {
fields := p.tok.lit.split('.')
if fields[0].len > 0 && fields[0][0] == `0` {
fill = true
fwidth = fields[0].int()
if fwidthneg {
fwidth = -fwidth
if fields.len > 1 {
precision = fields[1].int()
if p.tok.kind == .name {
if p.tok.lit.len == 1 {
fmt = p.tok.lit[0]
has_fmt = true
} else {
p.error('format specifier may only be one letter')
fwidths << fwidth
has_fmts << has_fmt
precisions << precision
visible_pluss << visible_plus
fmts << fmt
fills << fill
fposs << p.prev_tok.position()
node = ast.StringInterLiteral{
vals: vals
exprs: exprs
need_fmts: has_fmts
fwidths: fwidths
precisions: precisions
pluss: visible_pluss
fills: fills
fmts: fmts
fmt_poss: fposs
pos: pos
// need_fmts: prelimery - until checker finds out if really needed
p.inside_str_interp = false
return node
fn (mut p Parser) parse_number_literal() ast.Expr {
lit := p.tok.lit
pos := p.tok.position()
mut node := ast.Expr{}
if lit.index_any('.eE') >= 0 && lit[..2] !in ['0x', '0X', '0o', '0O', '0b', '0B'] {
node = ast.FloatLiteral{
val: lit
pos: pos
} else {
node = ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: lit
pos: pos
return node
fn (mut p Parser) module_decl() ast.Module {
mut name := 'main'
is_skipped := p.tok.kind != .key_module
mut module_pos := token.Position{}
if !is_skipped {
module_pos = p.tok.position()
mut pos := p.tok.position()
name = p.check_name()
if module_pos.line_nr != pos.line_nr {
p.error_with_pos('`module` and `$name` must be at same line', pos)
pos = p.tok.position()
if module_pos.line_nr == pos.line_nr && p.tok.kind != .comment {
if p.tok.kind != .name {
p.error_with_pos('`module x` syntax error', pos)
} else {
p.error_with_pos('`module x` can only declare one module', pos)
module_pos = module_pos.extend(pos)
mut full_mod := p.table.qualify_module(name, p.file_name)
if p.pref.build_mode == .build_module && !full_mod.contains('.') {
// A hack to make building vlib modules work
// `v build-module v.gen` will result in `full_mod = "gen"`, not "v.gen",
// because the module being built
// is not imported.
// So here we fetch the name of the module by looking at the path that's being built.
word := p.pref.path.after('/')
if full_mod == word {
full_mod = p.pref.path.after('vlib/').replace('/', '.')
// println('new full mod =$full_mod')
// println('file_name=$p.file_name path=$p.pref.path')
p.mod = full_mod
p.builtin_mod = p.mod == 'builtin'
return ast.Module{
name: full_mod
is_skipped: is_skipped
pos: module_pos
fn (mut p Parser) import_stmt() ast.Import {
import_pos := p.tok.position()
pos := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind == .lpar {
p.error_with_pos('`import()` has been deprecated, use `import x` instead', pos)
mut mod_name := p.check_name()
if import_pos.line_nr != pos.line_nr {
p.error_with_pos('`import` statements must be a single line', pos)
mut mod_alias := mod_name
for p.tok.kind == .dot {
pos_t := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind != .name {
p.error_with_pos('module syntax error, please use `x.y.z`', pos)
if import_pos.line_nr != pos_t.line_nr {
p.error_with_pos('`import` and `submodule` must be at same line', pos)
submod_name := p.check_name()
mod_name += '.' + submod_name
mod_alias = submod_name
if p.tok.kind == .key_as {
mod_alias = p.check_name()
if mod_alias == mod_name.split('.').last() {
p.error_with_pos('import alias `$mod_name as $mod_alias` is redundant', p.prev_tok.position())
mut node := ast.Import{
pos: pos
mod: mod_name
alias: mod_alias
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr { // import module { fn1, Type2 } syntax
p.import_syms(mut node)
p.register_used_import(mod_name) // no `unused import` msg for parent
pos_t := p.tok.position()
if import_pos.line_nr == pos_t.line_nr {
if p.tok.kind !in [.lcbr, .eof] {
p.error_with_pos('cannot import multiple modules at a time', pos_t)
p.imports[mod_alias] = mod_name
// if mod_name !in p.table.imports {
p.table.imports << mod_name
p.ast_imports << node
// }
return node
// import_syms parses the inner part of `import module { submod1, submod2 }`
fn (mut p Parser) import_syms(mut parent ast.Import) {
pos_t := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { // closed too early
p.error_with_pos('empty `$parent.mod` import set, remove `{}`', pos_t)
if p.tok.kind != .name { // not a valid inner name
p.error_with_pos('import syntax error, please specify a valid fn or type name',
for p.tok.kind == .name {
pos := p.tok.position()
alias := p.check_name()
name := '${parent.mod}.$alias'
if alias[0].is_capital() {
idx := p.table.add_placeholder_type(name, .v)
typ := table.new_type(idx)
prepend_mod_name := p.prepend_mod(alias)
kind: .alias
name: prepend_mod_name
source_name: prepend_mod_name
mod: p.mod
parent_idx: idx
info: table.Alias{
parent_type: typ
language: table.Language.v
is_import: true
is_public: false
// so we can work with the fully declared type in fmt+checker
parent.syms << ast.ImportSymbol{
pos: pos
name: alias
kind: .type_
} else {
if !p.table.known_fn(name) {
p.table.fns[alias] = table.Fn{
is_placeholder: true
mod: parent.mod
name: name
// so we can work with this in fmt+checker
parent.syms << ast.ImportSymbol{
pos: pos
name: alias
kind: .fn_
if p.tok.kind == .comma { // go again if more than one
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { // finish if closing `}` is seen
if p.tok.kind != .rcbr {
p.error_with_pos('import syntax error, no closing `}`', p.tok.position())
fn (mut p Parser) const_decl() ast.ConstDecl {
start_pos := p.tok.position()
is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub
if is_pub {
end_pos := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind != .lpar {
p.error('consts must be grouped, e.g.\nconst (\n\ta = 1\n)')
p.next() // (
mut fields := []ast.ConstField{}
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for {
comments = p.eat_comments()
if p.tok.kind == .rpar {
pos := p.tok.position()
name := p.check_name()
if util.contains_capital(name) {
p.warn_with_pos('const names cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead',
full_name := p.prepend_mod(name)
// name := p.check_name()
// println('!!const: $name')
if p.tok.kind == .key_fn {
p.error('const initializer fn literal is not a constant')
expr := p.expr(0)
field := ast.ConstField{
name: full_name
mod: p.mod
expr: expr
pos: pos
comments: comments
fields << field
p.global_scope.register(field.name, field)
comments = []
return ast.ConstDecl{
pos: start_pos.extend(end_pos)
fields: fields
is_pub: is_pub
end_comments: comments
fn (mut p Parser) return_stmt() ast.Return {
first_pos := p.tok.position()
// no return
mut comments := p.eat_comments()
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
return ast.Return{
comments: comments
pos: first_pos
// return exprs
exprs, comments2 := p.expr_list()
comments << comments2
end_pos := exprs.last().position()
return ast.Return{
exprs: exprs
comments: comments
pos: first_pos.extend(end_pos)
const (
// modules which allow globals by default
global_enabled_mods = ['rand', 'sokol.sapp']
// left hand side of `=` or `:=` in `a,b,c := 1,2,3`
fn (mut p Parser) global_decl() ast.GlobalDecl {
if !p.pref.translated && !p.pref.is_livemain && !p.builtin_mod && !p.pref.building_v &&
p.mod != 'ui' && p.mod != 'gg2' && p.mod != 'uiold' && !p.pref.enable_globals && !p.pref.is_fmt &&
p.mod !in global_enabled_mods {
p.error('use `v --enable-globals ...` to enable globals')
start_pos := p.tok.position()
end_pos := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind != .lpar {
p.error('globals must be grouped, e.g. `__global ( a = int(1) )`')
p.next() // (
mut fields := []ast.GlobalField{}
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for {
comments = p.eat_comments()
if p.tok.kind == .rpar {
pos := p.tok.position()
name := p.check_name()
has_expr := p.tok.kind == .assign
if has_expr {
p.next() // =
typ := p.parse_type()
if p.tok.kind == .assign {
p.error('global assign must have the type around the value, use `__global ( name = type(value) )`')
mut expr := ast.Expr{}
if has_expr {
if p.tok.kind != .lpar {
p.error('global assign must have a type and value, use `__global ( name = type(value) )` or `__global ( name type )`')
p.next() // (
expr = p.expr(0)
field := ast.GlobalField{
name: name
has_expr: has_expr
expr: expr
pos: pos
typ: typ
comments: comments
fields << field
p.global_scope.register(field.name, field)
comments = []
return ast.GlobalDecl{
pos: start_pos.extend(end_pos)
fields: fields
end_comments: comments
fn (mut p Parser) enum_decl() ast.EnumDecl {
is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub
start_pos := p.tok.position()
if is_pub {
end_pos := p.tok.position()
enum_name := p.check_name()
if enum_name.len == 1 {
p.error_with_pos('single letter capital names are reserved for generic template types.',
name := p.prepend_mod(enum_name)
enum_decl_comments := p.eat_comments()
mut vals := []string{}
// mut default_exprs := []ast.Expr{}
mut fields := []ast.EnumField{}
for p.tok.kind != .eof && p.tok.kind != .rcbr {
pos := p.tok.position()
val := p.check_name()
vals << val
mut expr := ast.Expr{}
mut has_expr := false
// p.warn('enum val $val')
if p.tok.kind == .assign {
expr = p.expr(0)
has_expr = true
fields << ast.EnumField{
name: val
pos: pos
expr: expr
has_expr: has_expr
comments: p.eat_comments()
is_flag := p.attrs.contains('flag')
is_multi_allowed := p.attrs.contains('_allow_multiple_values')
if is_flag {
if fields.len > 32 {
p.error('when an enum is used as bit field, it must have a max of 32 fields')
for f in fields {
if f.has_expr {
p.error_with_pos('when an enum is used as a bit field, you can not assign custom values',
pubfn := if p.mod == 'main' { 'fn' } else { 'pub fn' }
$pubfn ( e &$enum_name) has(flag $enum_name) bool { return (int(*e) & (int(flag))) != 0 }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) set(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = int(*e) | (int(flag)) } }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) clear(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = int(*e) & ~(int(flag)) } }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) toggle(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = int(*e) ^ (int(flag)) } }
kind: .enum_
name: name
source_name: name
mod: p.mod
info: table.Enum{
vals: vals
is_flag: is_flag
is_multi_allowed: is_multi_allowed
return ast.EnumDecl{
name: name
is_pub: is_pub
is_flag: is_flag
is_multi_allowed: is_multi_allowed
fields: fields
pos: start_pos.extend(end_pos)
attrs: p.attrs
comments: enum_decl_comments
fn (mut p Parser) type_decl() ast.TypeDecl {
start_pos := p.tok.position()
is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub
if is_pub {
end_pos := p.tok.position()
decl_pos := start_pos.extend(end_pos)
name := p.check_name()
if name.len == 1 && name[0].is_capital() {
p.error_with_pos('single letter capital names are reserved for generic template types.',
mut sum_variants := []table.Type{}
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
if p.tok.kind == .key_fn {
// function type: `type mycallback fn(string, int)`
fn_name := p.prepend_mod(name)
fn_type := p.parse_fn_type(fn_name)
comments = p.eat_lineend_comments()
return ast.FnTypeDecl{
name: fn_name
is_pub: is_pub
typ: fn_type
pos: decl_pos
comments: comments
first_type := p.parse_type() // need to parse the first type before we can check if it's `type A = X | Y`
if p.tok.kind == .pipe {
sum_variants << first_type
// type SumType = A | B | c
for {
variant_type := p.parse_type()
sum_variants << variant_type
if p.tok.kind != .pipe {
prepend_mod_name := p.prepend_mod(name)
kind: .sum_type
name: prepend_mod_name
source_name: prepend_mod_name
mod: p.mod
info: table.SumType{
variants: sum_variants
is_public: is_pub
comments = p.eat_lineend_comments()
return ast.SumTypeDecl{
name: name
is_pub: is_pub
sub_types: sum_variants
pos: decl_pos
comments: comments
// type MyType int
parent_type := first_type
parent_name := p.table.get_type_symbol(parent_type).name
pid := parent_type.idx()
language := if parent_name.len > 2 && parent_name.starts_with('C.') {
} else if parent_name.len > 2 && parent_name.starts_with('JS.') {
} else {
prepend_mod_name := p.prepend_mod(name)
kind: .alias
name: prepend_mod_name
source_name: prepend_mod_name
mod: p.mod
parent_idx: pid
info: table.Alias{
parent_type: parent_type
language: language
is_public: is_pub
comments = p.eat_lineend_comments()
return ast.AliasTypeDecl{
name: name
is_pub: is_pub
parent_type: parent_type
pos: decl_pos
comments: comments
fn (mut p Parser) assoc() ast.Assoc {
var_name := p.check_name()
pos := p.tok.position()
mut v := p.scope.find_var(var_name) or {
p.error('unknown variable `$var_name`')
return ast.Assoc{}
v.is_used = true
// println('assoc var $name typ=$var.typ')
mut fields := []string{}
mut vals := []ast.Expr{}
for {
fields << p.check_name()
expr := p.expr(0)
vals << expr
if p.tok.kind == .comma {
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
return ast.Assoc{
var_name: var_name
fields: fields
exprs: vals
pos: pos
fn (p &Parser) new_true_expr() ast.Expr {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: true
pos: p.tok.position()
fn verror(s string) {
util.verror('parser error', s)
fn (mut p Parser) top_level_statement_start() {
if p.comments_mode == .toplevel_comments {
$if debugscanner ? {
eprintln('>> p.top_level_statement_start | tidx:${p.tok.tidx:-5} | p.tok.kind: ${p.tok.kind:-10} | p.tok.lit: $p.tok.lit $p.peek_tok.lit $p.peek_tok2.lit $p.peek_tok3.lit ...')
fn (mut p Parser) top_level_statement_end() {
if p.comments_mode == .toplevel_comments {
$if debugscanner ? {
eprintln('>> p.top_level_statement_end | tidx:${p.tok.tidx:-5} | p.tok.kind: ${p.tok.kind:-10} | p.tok.lit: $p.tok.lit $p.peek_tok.lit $p.peek_tok2.lit $p.peek_tok3.lit ...')
fn (mut p Parser) rewind_scanner_to_current_token_in_new_mode() {
// Go back and rescan some tokens, ensuring that the parser's
// lookahead buffer p.peek_tok .. p.peek_tok3, will now contain
// the correct tokens (possible comments), for the new mode
// This refilling of the lookahead buffer is needed for the
// .toplevel_comments parsing mode.
tidx := p.tok.tidx
p.scanner.set_current_tidx(tidx - 5)
no_token := token.Token{}
p.prev_tok = no_token
p.tok = no_token
p.peek_tok = no_token
p.peek_tok2 = no_token
p.peek_tok3 = no_token
for {
// eprintln('rewinding to ${p.tok.tidx:5} | goal: ${tidx:5}')
if tidx == p.tok.tidx {
pub fn (mut p Parser) mark_var_as_used(varname string) bool {
if obj := p.scope.find(varname) {
match mut obj {
ast.Var {
obj.is_used = true
return true
else {}
return false
fn (mut p Parser) unsafe_stmt() ast.Stmt {
pos := p.tok.position()
if p.tok.kind != .lcbr {
p.error_with_pos('please use `unsafe {`', p.tok.position())
if p.inside_unsafe {
p.error_with_pos('already inside `unsafe` block', pos)
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
// `unsafe {}`
return ast.Block{
is_unsafe: true
pos: pos
p.inside_unsafe = true
p.open_scope() // needed in case of `unsafe {stmt}`
defer {
p.inside_unsafe = false
stmt := p.stmt(false)
if p.tok.kind == .rcbr {
if stmt is ast.ExprStmt {
// `unsafe {expr}`
if stmt.expr.is_expr() {
ue := ast.UnsafeExpr{
expr: stmt.expr
pos: pos
// parse e.g. `unsafe {expr}.foo()`
expr := p.expr_with_left(ue, 0, p.is_stmt_ident)
return ast.ExprStmt{
expr: expr
pos: pos
// unsafe {stmts}
mut stmts := [stmt]
for p.tok.kind != .rcbr {
stmts << p.stmt(false)
return ast.Block{
stmts: stmts
is_unsafe: true
pos: pos
fn (mut p Parser) trace(fbase string, message string) {
if p.file_base == fbase {
println('> p.trace | ${fbase:-10s} | $message')