201 lines
5.2 KiB
201 lines
5.2 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import v.ast
import v.token
fn (mut c Checker) sql_expr(mut node ast.SqlExpr) ast.Type {
c.inside_sql = true
defer {
c.inside_sql = false
sym := c.table.sym(node.table_expr.typ)
c.ensure_type_exists(node.table_expr.typ, node.pos) or { return ast.void_type }
old_ts := c.cur_orm_ts
c.cur_orm_ts = *sym
defer {
c.cur_orm_ts = old_ts
if sym.info !is ast.Struct {
c.error('The table symbol `$sym.name` has to be a struct', node.table_expr.pos)
return ast.void_type
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
fields := c.fetch_and_verify_orm_fields(info, node.table_expr.pos, sym.name)
mut sub_structs := map[int]ast.SqlExpr{}
for f in fields.filter((c.table.type_symbols[int(it.typ)].kind == .struct_
|| (c.table.sym(it.typ).kind == .array
&& c.table.sym(c.table.sym(it.typ).array_info().elem_type).kind == .struct_))
&& c.table.get_type_name(it.typ) != 'time.Time') {
typ := if c.table.sym(f.typ).kind == .struct_ {
} else if c.table.sym(f.typ).kind == .array {
} else {
mut n := ast.SqlExpr{
pos: node.pos
has_where: true
typ: typ
db_expr: node.db_expr
table_expr: ast.TypeNode{
pos: node.table_expr.pos
typ: typ
tmp_inside_sql := c.inside_sql
c.sql_expr(mut n)
c.inside_sql = tmp_inside_sql
n.where_expr = ast.InfixExpr{
op: .eq
pos: n.pos
left: ast.Ident{
language: .v
tok_kind: .eq
scope: c.fn_scope
obj: ast.Var{}
mod: 'main'
name: 'id'
is_mut: false
kind: .unresolved
info: ast.IdentVar{}
right: ast.Ident{
language: .c
mod: 'main'
tok_kind: .eq
obj: ast.Var{}
is_mut: false
scope: c.fn_scope
info: ast.IdentVar{
typ: ast.int_type
left_type: ast.int_type
right_type: ast.int_type
auto_locked: ''
or_block: ast.OrExpr{}
sub_structs[int(typ)] = n
node.fields = fields
node.sub_structs = sub_structs.move()
if node.has_where {
if node.has_offset {
if node.has_limit {
if node.has_order {
return node.typ
fn (mut c Checker) sql_stmt(mut node ast.SqlStmt) ast.Type {
mut typ := ast.void_type
for mut line in node.lines {
a := c.sql_stmt_line(mut line)
if a != ast.void_type {
typ = a
return typ
fn (mut c Checker) sql_stmt_line(mut node ast.SqlStmtLine) ast.Type {
c.inside_sql = true
defer {
c.inside_sql = false
c.ensure_type_exists(node.table_expr.typ, node.pos) or { return ast.void_type }
table_sym := c.table.sym(node.table_expr.typ)
old_ts := c.cur_orm_ts
c.cur_orm_ts = *table_sym
defer {
c.cur_orm_ts = old_ts
if table_sym.info !is ast.Struct {
c.error('unknown type `$table_sym.name`', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
info := table_sym.info as ast.Struct
fields := c.fetch_and_verify_orm_fields(info, node.table_expr.pos, table_sym.name)
mut sub_structs := map[int]ast.SqlStmtLine{}
for f in fields.filter(((c.table.type_symbols[int(it.typ)].kind == .struct_)
|| (c.table.sym(it.typ).kind == .array
&& c.table.sym(c.table.sym(it.typ).array_info().elem_type).kind == .struct_))
&& c.table.get_type_name(it.typ) != 'time.Time') {
typ := if c.table.sym(f.typ).kind == .struct_ {
} else if c.table.sym(f.typ).kind == .array {
} else {
mut object_var_name := '${node.object_var_name}.$f.name'
if typ != f.typ {
object_var_name = node.object_var_name
mut n := ast.SqlStmtLine{
pos: node.pos
kind: node.kind
table_expr: ast.TypeNode{
pos: node.table_expr.pos
typ: typ
object_var_name: object_var_name
tmp_inside_sql := c.inside_sql
c.sql_stmt_line(mut n)
c.inside_sql = tmp_inside_sql
sub_structs[typ] = n
node.fields = fields
node.sub_structs = sub_structs.move()
for i, column in node.updated_columns {
x := node.fields.filter(it.name == column)
if x.len == 0 {
c.error('type `$table_sym.name` has no field named `$column`', node.pos)
field := x[0]
node.updated_columns[i] = c.fetch_field_name(field)
if node.kind == .update {
for expr in node.update_exprs {
if node.where_expr !is ast.EmptyExpr {
return ast.void_type
fn (mut c Checker) fetch_and_verify_orm_fields(info ast.Struct, pos token.Pos, table_name string) []ast.StructField {
fields := info.fields.filter(
(it.typ in [ast.string_type, ast.bool_type] || int(it.typ) in ast.number_type_idxs
|| c.table.type_symbols[int(it.typ)].kind == .struct_
|| (c.table.sym(it.typ).kind == .array
&& c.table.sym(c.table.sym(it.typ).array_info().elem_type).kind == .struct_))
&& !it.attrs.contains('skip'))
if fields.len == 0 {
c.error('V orm: select: empty fields in `$table_name`', pos)
return []ast.StructField{}
if fields[0].name != 'id' {
c.error('V orm: `id int` must be the first field in `$table_name`', pos)
return fields