
228 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
struct array {
// Using a void pointer allows to implement arrays without generics and without generating
// extra code for every type.
data voidptr
len int
cap int
element_size int
// Private function, used by V (`nums := []int`)
fn new_array(mylen, cap, elm_size int) array {
arr := array {
len: mylen
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(cap * elm_size)
return arr
pub fn _make(len, cap, elm_size int) array {
return new_array(len, cap, elm_size)
// Private function, used by V (`nums := [1, 2, 3]`)
fn new_array_from_c_array(len, cap, elm_size int, c_array voidptr) array {
arr := array {
len: len
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(cap * elm_size)
// TODO Write all memory functions (like memcpy) in V
C.memcpy(arr.data, c_array, len * elm_size)
return arr
// Private function, used by V (`nums := [1, 2, 3] !`)
fn new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(len, cap, elm_size int, c_array voidptr) array {
arr := array {
len: len
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: c_array
return arr
// Private function, used by V (`[0; 100]`)
fn array_repeat(val voidptr, nr_repeats, elm_size int) array {
arr := array {
len: nr_repeats
cap: nr_repeats
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(nr_repeats * elm_size)
for i := 0; i < nr_repeats; i++ {
C.memcpy(arr.data + i * elm_size, val, elm_size)
return arr
pub fn (a mut array) sort_with_compare(compare voidptr) {
C.qsort(a.data, a.len, a.element_size, compare)
pub fn (a mut array) insert(i int, val voidptr) {
if i >= a.len {
panic('array.insert: index larger than length')
size := a.element_size
C.memmove(a.data + (i + 1) * size, a.data + i * size, (a.len - i) * size)
a.set(i, val)
pub fn (a mut array) prepend(val voidptr) {
a.insert(0, val)
pub fn (a mut array) delete(idx int) {
size := a.element_size
C.memmove(a.data + idx * size, a.data + (idx + 1) * size, (a.len - idx) * size)
fn (a array) _get(i int) voidptr {
if i < 0 || i >= a.len {
panic('array index out of range: $i/$a.len')
return a.data + i * a.element_size
pub fn (a array) first() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.first: empty array')
return a.data + 0
pub fn (a array) last() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.last: empty array')
return a.data + (a.len - 1) * a.element_size
pub fn (s array) left(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(0, n)
pub fn (s array) right(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(n, s.len)
pub fn (s array) slice(start, _end int) array {
mut end := _end
if start > end {
panic('invalid slice index: $start > $end')
if end >= s.len {
end = s.len
l := end - start
res := array {
element_size: s.element_size
data: s.data + start * s.element_size
len: l
cap: l
return res
pub fn (a mut array) set(idx int, val voidptr) {
if idx < 0 || idx >= a.len {
panic('array index out of range: $idx / $a.len')
C.memcpy(a.data + a.element_size * idx, val, a.element_size)
fn (arr mut array) _push(val voidptr) {
if arr.len >= arr.cap - 1 {
cap := (arr.len + 1) * 2
// println('_push: realloc, new cap=$cap')
if arr.cap == 0 {
arr.data = malloc(cap * arr.element_size)
else {
arr.data = C.realloc(arr.data, cap * arr.element_size)
arr.cap = cap
C.memcpy(arr.data + arr.element_size * arr.len, val, arr.element_size)
// `val` is array.data
// TODO make private, right now it's used by strings.Builder
pub fn (arr mut array) _push_many(val voidptr, size int) {
if arr.len >= arr.cap - size {
cap := (arr.len + size) * 2
// println('_push: realloc, new cap=$cap')
if arr.cap == 0 {
arr.data = malloc(cap * arr.element_size)
else {
arr.data = C.realloc(arr.data, cap * arr.element_size)
arr.cap = cap
C.memcpy(arr.data + arr.element_size * arr.len, val, arr.element_size * size)
arr.len += size
pub fn (a []int) str() string {
mut res := '['
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
val := a[i]
res += '$val'
if i < a.len - 1 {
res += ', '
res += ']'
return res
pub fn (a []int) free() {
// TODO generic
// "[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]"
pub fn (a []string) str() string {
mut res := '['
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
val := a[i]
res += '"$val"'
if i < a.len - 1 {
res += ', '
res += ']'
return res
fn free(a voidptr) {