588 lines
10 KiB
588 lines
10 KiB
import simplemodule
fn simple<T>(p T) T {
return p
fn test_identity() {
assert simple<int>(1) == 1
assert simple<int>(1 + 0) == 1
assert simple<string>('g') == 'g'
assert simple<string>('g') + 'h' == 'gh'
assert simple<[]int>([1])[0] == 1
assert simple<map[string]string>({
'a': 'b'
})['a'] == 'b'
assert simple<simplemodule.Data>(simplemodule.Data{ value: 8 }).value == 8
x := &simplemodule.Data{
value: 123
assert simple<&simplemodule.Data>(x).value == 123
fn plus<T>(xxx T, b T) T {
// x := a
// y := b
// ww := ww
// q := xx + 1
return xxx + b
fn test_infix_expr() {
a := plus<int>(2, 3)
assert a == 5
assert plus<int>(10, 1) == 11
assert plus<string>('a', 'b') == 'ab'
fn plus_one<T>(a T) T {
mut b := a
return b
fn minus_one<T>(a T) T {
mut b := a
return b
fn test_postfix_expr() {
assert plus_one(-1) == 0
assert plus_one(u8(0)) == 1
assert plus_one(u16(1)) == 2
assert plus_one(u32(2)) == 3
assert plus_one(u64(3)) == 4
assert plus_one(i8(-10)) == -9
assert plus_one(i16(-9)) == -8
assert plus_one(int(-8)) == -7
assert plus_one(i64(-7)) == -6
assert minus_one(0) == -1
assert minus_one(u8(1)) == 0
assert minus_one(u16(2)) == 1
assert minus_one(u32(3)) == 2
assert minus_one(u64(4)) == 3
assert minus_one(i8(-8)) == -9
assert minus_one(i16(-7)) == -8
assert minus_one(int(-6)) == -7
assert minus_one(i64(-5)) == -6
// the point is to see if it compiles, more than if the result
// is correct, so 1e-6 isn't necessarily the right value to do this
// but it's not important
delta := 1e-6
assert plus_one(1.1) - 2.1 < delta
assert plus_one(f32(2.2)) - 3.2 < delta
assert plus_one(f64(3.3)) - 4.3 < delta
assert minus_one(1.1) - 0.1 < delta
assert minus_one(f32(2.2)) - 1.2 < delta
assert minus_one(f64(3.3)) - 2.3 < delta
fn sum<T>(l []T) T {
mut r := T(0)
for e in l {
r += e
return r
fn test_array() {
b := [1, 2, 3]
assert sum(b) == 6
fn max<T>(brug string, a ...T) T {
mut max := a[0]
for item in a[1..] {
if max < item {
max = item
return max
fn test_generic_variadic() {
assert max('krkr', 1, 2, 3, 4) == 4
a := [f64(1.2), 3.2, 0.1, 2.2]
assert max('krkr', ...a) == 3.2
assert max('krkr', ...[u8(4), 3, 2, 1]) == 4
fn create<T>() {
_ := T{}
mut xx := T{}
xx.name = 'foo'
assert xx.name == 'foo'
struct User {
name string
struct City {
name string
fn (u User) init() {
fn (c City) init() {
fn mut_arg<T>(mut x T) {
// println(x.name) // = 'foo'
fn mut_arg2<T>(mut x T) T {
// println(x.name) // = 'foo'
return *x
fn test_create() {
mut u := User{}
mut_arg<User>(mut u)
mut_arg2<User>(mut u)
fn return_array<T>(arr []T) []T {
return arr
fn test_return_array() {
a1 := return_array<int>([1, 2, 3])
assert a1 == [1, 2, 3]
a2 := return_array<f64>([1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
assert a2 == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
a3 := return_array<string>(['a', 'b', 'c'])
assert a3 == ['a', 'b', 'c']
a4 := return_array<bool>([true, false, true])
assert a4 == [true, false, true]
fn opt<T>(v T) ?T {
if sizeof(T) > 1 {
return v
return none
fn test_optional() {
s := opt('hi') or { '' }
assert s == 'hi'
i := opt(5) or { 0 }
assert i == 5
b := opt(s[0]) or { 99 }
assert b == 99
fn ptr<T>(v T) &T {
a := [v]
return a.data
fn test_ptr() {
assert *ptr(4) == 4
assert *ptr('aa') == 'aa'
fn map_f<T, U>(l []T, f fn (T) U) []U {
mut r := []U{}
for e in l {
r << f(e)
return r
fn foldl<T>(l []T, nil T, f fn(T,T)T) T {
mut r := nil
for e in l {
r = f(r, e)
return r
fn square(x int) int {
return x * x
fn mul_int(x int, y int) int {
return x * y
fn assert_eq<T>(a T, b T) {
r := a == b
assert r
fn print_nice<T>(x T, indent int) string {
mut space := ''
for _ in 0 .. indent {
space = space + ' '
return '$space$x'
fn test_generic_fn() {
assert_eq(simple(0 + 1), 1)
assert_eq(simple('g') + 'h', 'gh')
assert_eq(sum([5.1, 6.2, 7.0]), 18.3)
assert_eq(plus(i64(4), i64(6)), i64(10))
a := [1, 2, 3, 4]
b := map_f(a, square)
assert_eq(sum(b), 30) // 1+4+9+16 = 30
// assert_eq(foldl(b, 1, mul_int), 576) // 1*4*9*16 = 576
assert print_nice('str', 8) == ' str'
struct Point {
x f64
y f64
fn (mut p Point) translate<T>(x T, y T) {
p.x += x
p.y += y
fn test_generic_method() {
mut p := Point{}
p.translate(2, 1.0)
assert p.x == 2.0 && p.y == 1.0
fn get_values<T>(i T) []T {
return [i]
fn test_generic_fn_in_for_in_expression() {
for value in get_values(1) {
assert value == 1
for i, val in get_values(0) {
assert i == val
for value in get_values('a') {
assert value == 'a'
// test generic struct
struct DB {
driver string
struct Group {
pub mut:
name string
group_name string
struct Permission {
pub mut:
name string
struct Repo<T, U> {
db DB
pub mut:
model T
permission U
// TODO: multiple type generic struct needs fixing in return for fn
// fn new_repo<T>(db DB) Repo<T,U> {
// return Repo<T,Permission>{db: db}
// }
fn test_generic_struct() {
mut a := Repo<User, Permission>{
model: User{
name: 'joe'
assert a.model.name == 'joe'
mut b := Repo<Group, Permission>{
permission: Permission{
name: 'superuser'
b.model.name = 'admins'
assert b.model.name == 'admins'
assert b.permission.name == 'superuser'
assert typeof(a.model).name == 'User'
assert typeof(b.model).name == 'Group'
struct Foo<T> {
data T
fn (f Foo<int>) value() string {
return f.data.str()
fn test_generic_struct_method() {
foo_int := Foo<int>{2}
assert foo_int.value() == '2'
fn test_struct_from_other_module() {
g := simplemodule.ThisIsGeneric<Permission>{}
assert g.msg.name == ''
fn test_generic_struct_print_array_as_field() {
foo := Foo<[]string>{
data: []string{}
assert foo.str() == 'Foo<[]string>{\n data: []\n}'
struct Abc {
x int
y int
z int
fn p<T>(args ...T) {
size := sizeof(T)
print('p called with size: ${size:3} | ')
for _, x in args {
print(' ')
assert true
fn test_generic_fn_with_variadics() {
s := 'abc'
i := 1
abc := Abc{1, 2, 3}
// these calls should all compile, and print the arguments,
// even though the arguments are all a different type and arity:
p('Good', 'morning', 'world')
struct Context {}
struct App {
context Context
fn test<T>(mut app T) {
nested_test<T>(mut app)
fn nested_test<T>(mut app T) {
app.context = Context{}
fn test_pass_generic_to_nested_function() {
mut app := App{}
test(mut app)
fn generic_return_map<M>() map[string]M {
return {
'': M{}
fn test_generic_return_map() {
assert typeof(generic_return_map<string>()).name == 'map[string]string'
fn generic_return_nested_map<M>() map[string]map[string]M {
return {
'': {
'': M{}
fn test_generic_return_nested_map() {
assert typeof(generic_return_nested_map<string>()).name == 'map[string]map[string]string'
fn multi_return<A, B>() (A, B) {
return A{}, B{}
struct Foo1 {}
struct Foo2 {}
struct Foo3 {}
struct Foo4 {}
fn test_multi_return() {
// compiles
multi_return<Foo1, Foo2>()
multi_return<Foo3, Foo4>()
fn multi_generic_args<T, V>(t T, v V) bool {
return true
fn test_multi_generic_args() {
assert multi_generic_args('Super', 2021)
fn new<T>() T {
return T{}
fn test_generic_init() {
// array init
mut a := new<[]string>()
assert a.len == 0
a << 'a'
assert a.len == 1
assert a[0] == 'a'
// map init
mut b := new<map[string]string>()
assert b.len == 0
b['b'] = 'b'
assert b.len == 1
assert b['b'] == 'b'
// struct init
mut c := new<User>()
c.name = 'c'
assert c.name == 'c'
fn return_one<T>(rec int, useless T) T {
// foo < bar<T>() should work
if rec == 0 || 0 < return_one<T>(rec - 1, useless) {
return T(1)
return T(0)
struct MultiLevel<T> {
foo T
fn get_multilevel_foo<T>(bar MultiLevel<T>) int {
return bar.foo.foo
fn get_multilevel_foo_2<T, U>(bar T, baz U) int {
return bar.foo.foo + baz.foo.foo
fn test_multi_level_generics() {
one := MultiLevel<int>{
foo: 10
two := MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>{
foo: one
assert two.foo.foo == 10
three := MultiLevel<MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>>{
foo: two
assert three.foo.foo.foo == 10
assert get_multilevel_foo<MultiLevel<int>>(two) == 10
assert get_multilevel_foo_2<MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>, MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>>(two,
two) == 20
struct Empty_ {}
fn (e1 Empty_) < (e2 Empty_) bool {
return true
struct TandU<T, U> {
t T
u U
fn boring_function<T>(t T) bool {
return true
fn test_generic_detection() {
v1, v2 := -1, 1
// not generic
a1, a2 := v1 < v2, v2 > v1
assert a1 && a2
b1, b2 := v1 < simplemodule.zero, v2 > v1
assert b1 && b2
// generic
assert multi_generic_args<int, string>(0, 's')
assert multi_generic_args<Foo1, Foo2>(Foo1{}, Foo2{})
assert multi_generic_args<Foo<int>, Foo<int>>(Foo<int>{}, Foo<int>{})
// TODO: assert multi_generic_args<Foo<int>, Foo<int>>(Foo1{}, Foo2{})
assert multi_generic_args<simplemodule.Data, int>(simplemodule.Data{}, 0)
assert multi_generic_args<int, simplemodule.Data>(0, simplemodule.Data{})
assert multi_generic_args<[]int, int>([]int{}, 0)
assert multi_generic_args<map[int]int, int>(map[int]int{}, 0)
assert 0 < return_one<int>(10, 0)
// "the hardest cases"
foo, bar, baz := 1, 2, 16
res1, res2 := foo < bar, baz >> (foo + 1 - 1)
assert res1
assert res2 == 8
res3, res4 := Empty_{} < Empty_{}, baz >> (foo + 1 - 1)
assert res3
assert res4 == 8
assert boring_function<TandU<Empty_, int>>(TandU<Empty_, int>{
t: Empty_{}
u: 10
assert boring_function<MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>>(MultiLevel<MultiLevel<int>>{
foo: MultiLevel<int>{
foo: 10
assert boring_function<TandU<MultiLevel<int>, []int>>(TandU<MultiLevel<int>, []int>{
t: MultiLevel<int>{
foo: 10
u: [10]
// this final case challenges your scanner :-)
assert boring_function<TandU<TandU<int, MultiLevel<Empty_>>, map[string][]int>>(TandU<TandU<int, MultiLevel<Empty_>>, map[string][]int>{
t: TandU<int, MultiLevel<Empty_>>{
t: 20
u: MultiLevel<Empty_>{
foo: Empty_{}
u: {
'bar': [40]