
454 lines
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module builtin
// <string.h>
fn C.memcpy(dest byteptr, src byteptr, n int) voidptr
fn C.memcmp(byteptr, byteptr, int) int
fn C.memmove(byteptr, byteptr, int) voidptr
fn C.calloc(int, int) byteptr
fn C.malloc(int) byteptr
fn C.realloc(a byteptr, b int) byteptr
fn C.free(ptr voidptr)
fn C.exit(code int)
fn C.qsort(base voidptr, items size_t, item_size size_t, cb qsort_callback_func)
fn C.sprintf(a ...voidptr) int
fn C.strlen(s &char) int
fn C.sscanf(byteptr, byteptr, ...byteptr) int
fn C.isdigit(c int) bool
// stdio.h
fn C.popen(c &char, t &char) voidptr
// <execinfo.h>
fn C.backtrace(a &voidptr, size int) int
fn C.backtrace_symbols(a &voidptr, size int) &&char
fn C.backtrace_symbols_fd(a &voidptr, size int, fd int)
// <libproc.h>
pub fn proc_pidpath(int, voidptr, int) int
fn C.realpath(&char, &char) &char
// fn C.chmod(byteptr, mode_t) int
fn C.chmod(byteptr, u32) int
fn C.printf(byteptr, ...voidptr) int
fn C.puts(byteptr) int
fn C.fputs(str byteptr, stream &C.FILE) int
fn C.fflush(&C.FILE) int
// TODO define args in these functions
fn C.fseek(stream &C.FILE, offset int, whence int) int
fn C.fopen(filename &char, mode &char) &C.FILE
fn C.fileno(&C.FILE) int
fn C.fread(ptr voidptr, item_size size_t, items size_t, stream &C.FILE) size_t
fn C.fwrite(ptr voidptr, item_size size_t, items size_t, stream &C.FILE) size_t
fn C.fclose(stream &C.FILE) int
fn C.pclose(stream &C.FILE) int
// process execution, os.process:
fn C.getpid() int
fn C.system(cmd &char) int
fn C.posix_spawn(child_pid &int, path &char, file_actions voidptr, attrp voidptr, argv &&char, envp &&char) int
fn C.posix_spawnp(child_pid &int, exefile &char, file_actions voidptr, attrp voidptr, argv &&char, envp &&char) int
fn C.execve(cmd_path &char, args voidptr, envs voidptr) int
fn C.execvp(cmd_path charptr, args &charptr) int
fn C._execve(cmd_path charptr, args voidptr, envs voidptr) int
fn C._execvp(cmd_path charptr, args &charptr) int
fn C.fork() int
fn C.wait(status &int) int
fn C.waitpid(pid int, status &int, options int) int
fn C.kill(pid int, sig int) int
fn C.setenv(&char, &char, int) int
fn C.unsetenv(&char) int
fn C.access(path &char, amode int) int
fn C.remove(filename &char) int
fn C.rmdir(path &char) int
fn C.chdir(path &char) int
fn C.rewind(stream &C.FILE) int
fn C.stat(&char, voidptr) int
fn C.lstat(path &char, buf &C.stat) int
fn C.rename(old_filename &char, new_filename &char) int
fn C.fgets(str &char, n int, stream &C.FILE) int
fn C.memset(str voidptr, c int, n size_t) int
fn C.sigemptyset() int
fn C.getcwd(buf &char, size size_t) &char
fn C.signal(signal int, handlercb voidptr) voidptr
fn C.mktime() int
fn C.gettimeofday(tv &C.timeval, tz &C.timezone) int
fn C.sleep(seconds u32) u32
// fn C.usleep(usec useconds_t) int
fn C.usleep(usec u32) int
fn C.opendir(&char) voidptr
fn C.closedir(dirp &C.DIR) int
// fn C.mkdir(path &char, mode mode_t) int
fn C.mkdir(path &char, mode u32) int
// C.rand returns a pseudorandom integer from 0 (inclusive) to C.RAND_MAX (exclusive)
fn C.rand() int
// C.srand seeds the internal PRNG with the given value.
fn C.srand(seed u32)
fn C.atof(str &char) f64
fn C.tolower(c int) int
fn C.toupper(c int) int
fn C.getchar() int
fn C.strerror(int) &char
fn C.snprintf(str &char, size size_t, format &char, opt ...voidptr) int
fn C.fprintf(byteptr, ...byteptr)
fn C.WIFEXITED(status int) bool
fn C.WEXITSTATUS(status int) int
fn C.WIFSIGNALED(status int) bool
fn C.WTERMSIG(status int) int
fn C.isatty(fd int) int
fn C.syscall(number int, va ...voidptr) int
fn C.sysctl(name &int, namelen u32, oldp voidptr, oldlenp voidptr, newp voidptr, newlen size_t) int
fn C._fileno(int) int
fn C._get_osfhandle(fd int) C.intptr_t
fn C.GetModuleFileName(hModule voidptr, lpFilename &u16, nSize u32) int
fn C.GetModuleFileNameW(hModule voidptr, lpFilename &u16, nSize u32) u32
fn C.CreateFile(lpFilename &u16, dwDesiredAccess u32, dwShareMode u32, lpSecurityAttributes &u16, dwCreationDisposition u32, dwFlagsAndAttributes u32, hTemplateFile voidptr) voidptr
fn C.CreateFileW(lpFilename &u16, dwDesiredAccess u32, dwShareMode u32, lpSecurityAttributes &u16, dwCreationDisposition u32, dwFlagsAndAttributes u32, hTemplateFile voidptr) u32
fn C.GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hFile voidptr, lpFilePath &u16, nSize u32, dwFlags u32) int
fn C.CreatePipe(hReadPipe &voidptr, hWritePipe &voidptr, lpPipeAttributes voidptr, nSize u32) bool
fn C.SetHandleInformation(hObject voidptr, dwMask u32, dw_flags u32) bool
fn C.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(lpSrc &u16, lpDst &u16, nSize u32) u32
fn C.SendMessageTimeout() u32
fn C.SendMessageTimeoutW(hWnd voidptr, Msg u32, wParam &u16, lParam &u32, fuFlags u32, uTimeout u32, lpdwResult &u64) u32
fn C.CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName &u16, lpCommandLine &u16, lpProcessAttributes voidptr, lpThreadAttributes voidptr, bInheritHandles bool, dwCreationFlags u32, lpEnvironment voidptr, lpCurrentDirectory &u16, lpStartupInfo voidptr, lpProcessInformation voidptr) bool
fn C.ReadFile(hFile voidptr, lpBuffer voidptr, nNumberOfBytesToRead u32, lpNumberOfBytesRead C.LPDWORD, lpOverlapped voidptr) bool
fn C.GetFileAttributesW(lpFileName byteptr) u32
fn C.RegQueryValueEx(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, lp_reserved &u32, lpType &u32, lpData byteptr, lpcbData &u32) voidptr
fn C.RegQueryValueExW(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, lp_reserved &u32, lpType &u32, lpData byteptr, lpcbData &u32) int
fn C.RegOpenKeyEx(hKey voidptr, lpSubKey &u16, ulOptions u32, samDesired u32, phkResult voidptr) voidptr
fn C.RegOpenKeyExW(hKey voidptr, lpSubKey &u16, ulOptions u32, samDesired u32, phkResult voidptr) int
fn C.RegSetValueEx() voidptr
fn C.RegSetValueExW(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, Reserved u32, dwType u32, lpData byteptr, lpcbData u32) int
fn C.RegCloseKey(hKey voidptr)
fn C.RemoveDirectory(lpPathName &char) int
// fn C.GetStdHandle() voidptr
fn C.GetStdHandle(u32) voidptr
// fn C.SetConsoleMode()
fn C.SetConsoleMode(voidptr, u32) int
// fn C.GetConsoleMode() int
fn C.GetConsoleMode(voidptr, &u32) int
fn C.GetCurrentProcessId() int
fn C.wprintf()
// fn C.setbuf()
fn C.setbuf(voidptr, &char)
fn C.SymCleanup(hProcess voidptr)
fn C.MultiByteToWideChar(codePage u32, dwFlags u32, lpMultiMyteStr &char, cbMultiByte int, lpWideCharStr &u16, cchWideChar int) int
fn C.wcslen(str &u16) int
fn C.WideCharToMultiByte(codePage u32, dwFlags u32, lpWideCharStr &u16, cchWideChar int, lpMultiByteStr &char, cbMultiByte int, lpDefaultChar &char, lpUsedDefaultChar &int) int
fn C._wstat(path &u16, buffer &C._stat)
fn C._wrename(oldname &u16, newname &u16) int
fn C._wfopen(filename &u16, mode &u16) voidptr
fn C._wpopen(command &u16, mode &u16) voidptr
fn C._pclose(stream &C.FILE) int
fn C._wsystem(command &u16) int
fn C._wgetenv(varname &u16) voidptr
fn C._putenv(envstring &char) int
fn C._waccess(path &u16, mode int) int
fn C._wremove(path &u16) int
fn C.ReadConsole(in_input_handle voidptr, out_buffer voidptr, in_chars_to_read u32, out_read_chars &u32, in_input_control voidptr) bool
fn C.WriteConsole() voidptr
fn C.WriteFile() voidptr
fn C._wchdir(dirname &u16)
fn C._wgetcwd(buffer &u16, maxlen int) int
fn C._fullpath() int
fn C.GetFullPathName(voidptr, u32, voidptr, voidptr) u32
fn C.GetCommandLine() voidptr
fn C.LocalFree()
fn C.FindFirstFileW(lpFileName &u16, lpFindFileData voidptr) voidptr
fn C.FindFirstFile(lpFileName byteptr, lpFindFileData voidptr) voidptr
fn C.FindNextFile(hFindFile voidptr, lpFindFileData voidptr) int
fn C.FindClose(hFindFile voidptr)
// macro
fn C.MAKELANGID(lgid voidptr, srtid voidptr) int
fn C.FormatMessage(dwFlags u32, lpSource voidptr, dwMessageId u32, dwLanguageId u32, lpBuffer voidptr, nSize int, Arguments ...voidptr) voidptr
fn C.CloseHandle(voidptr) int
fn C.GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess voidptr, lpExitCode &u32)
fn C.GetTickCount() i64
fn C.Sleep(dwMilliseconds u32)
fn C.WSAStartup(u16, &voidptr) int
fn C.WSAGetLastError() int
fn C.closesocket(int) int
fn C.vschannel_init(&C.TlsContext)
fn C.request(&C.TlsContext, int, &u16, byteptr, &byteptr)
fn C.vschannel_cleanup(&C.TlsContext)
fn C.URLDownloadToFile(int, &u16, &u16, int, int)
fn C.GetLastError() u32
fn C.CreateDirectory(byteptr, int) bool
// win crypto
fn C.BCryptGenRandom(int, voidptr, int, int) int
// win synchronization
fn C.CreateMutex(int, bool, byteptr) voidptr
fn C.WaitForSingleObject(voidptr, int) int
fn C.ReleaseMutex(voidptr) bool
fn C.CreateEvent(int, bool, bool, byteptr) voidptr
fn C.SetEvent(voidptr) int
fn C.CreateSemaphore(voidptr, int, int, voidptr) voidptr
fn C.ReleaseSemaphore(voidptr, int, voidptr) voidptr
fn C.InitializeSRWLock(voidptr)
fn C.AcquireSRWLockShared(voidptr)
fn C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(voidptr)
fn C.ReleaseSRWLockShared(voidptr)
fn C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(voidptr)
// pthread.h
fn C.pthread_mutex_init(voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_mutex_lock(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_mutex_unlock(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_mutex_destroy(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_init(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(voidptr, int) int
fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(voidptr, int) int
fn C.pthread_rwlock_init(voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_rwlock_rdlock(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_rwlock_wrlock(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_rwlock_unlock(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_condattr_init(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_condattr_setpshared(voidptr, int) int
fn C.pthread_condattr_destroy(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_cond_init(voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_cond_signal(voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_cond_wait(voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_cond_timedwait(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.pthread_cond_destroy(voidptr) int
fn C.sem_init(voidptr, int, u32) int
fn C.sem_post(voidptr) int
fn C.sem_wait(voidptr) int
fn C.sem_trywait(voidptr) int
fn C.sem_timedwait(voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.sem_destroy(voidptr) int
// MacOS semaphore functions
fn C.dispatch_semaphore_create(i64) voidptr
fn C.dispatch_semaphore_signal(voidptr) i64
fn C.dispatch_semaphore_wait(voidptr, u64) i64
fn C.dispatch_time(u64, i64) u64
fn C.dispatch_release(voidptr)
// file descriptor based reading/writing
fn C.read(fd int, buf voidptr, count size_t) int
fn C.write(fd int, buf voidptr, count size_t) int
fn C.close(fd int) int
// pipes
fn C.pipe(pipefds &int) int
fn C.dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) int
// used by gl, stbi, freetype
fn C.glTexImage2D()