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Raw Blame History

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module main
import os
import flag
import time
import term
import math
import scripting
import v.util
struct CmdResult {
runs int
cmd string
icmd int
outputs []string
oms map[string][]int
summary map[string]Aints
timings []int
atiming Aints
struct Context {
count int
series int
warmup int
show_help bool
show_output bool
fail_on_regress_percent int
verbose bool
commands []string
results []CmdResult
cline string // a terminal clearing line
struct Aints {
values []int
imin int
imax int
average f64
stddev f64
fn new_aints(vals []int) Aints {
mut res := Aints{ values: vals }
mut sum := i64(0)
mut imin := math.max_i32
mut imax := -math.max_i32
for i in vals {
if i < imin {
imin = i
if i > imax {
imax = i
res.imin = imin
res.imax = imax
if vals.len > 0 {
res.average = sum / f64(vals.len)
mut devsum := f64(0.0)
for i in vals {
x := f64(i) - res.average
devsum += (x * x)
res.stddev = math.sqrt( devsum / f64(vals.len) )
return res
fn (a Aints) str() string { return util.bold('${a.average:9.3f}') + 'ms ± σ: ${a.stddev:-5.1f}ms, min max: ${a.imin}ms ${a.imax}ms' }
const (
max_fail_percent = 100000
fn main(){
mut context := Context{}
fn (mut context Context) parse_options() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.description('Repeat command(s) and collect statistics. NB: you have to quote each command, if it contains spaces.')
fp.arguments_description('CMD1 CMD2 ...')
context.count = fp.int('count', `c`, 10, 'Repetition count.')
context.series = fp.int('series', `s`, 2, 'Series count. `-s 2 -c 4 a b` => aaaabbbbaaaabbbb, while `-s 3 -c 2 a b` => aabbaabbaabb.')
context.warmup = fp.int('warmup', `w`, 2, 'Warmup runs. These are done *only at the start*, and are ignored.')
context.show_help = fp.bool('help', `h`, false, 'Show this help screen.')
context.show_output = fp.bool('output', `O`, false, 'Show command stdout/stderr in the progress indicator for each command. NB: slower, for verbose commands.')
context.verbose = fp.bool('verbose', `v`, false, 'Be more verbose.')
context.fail_on_regress_percent = fp.int('fail_percent', `f`, max_fail_percent, 'Fail with 1 exit code, when first cmd is X% slower than the rest (regression).')
if context.show_help {
if context.verbose {
context.commands = fp.finalize() or {
eprintln('Error: ' + err)
context.results = []CmdResult{ len: context.commands.len, init: CmdResult{} }
context.cline = '\r' + term.h_divider('')
fn (mut context Context) clear_line() {
fn (mut context Context) run() {
mut run_warmups := 0
for si in 1..context.series+1 {
for icmd, cmd in context.commands {
mut runs := 0
mut duration := 0
mut sum := 0
mut oldres := ''
println('Series: ${si:4}/${context.series:-4}, command: $cmd')
if context.warmup > 0 && run_warmups < context.commands.len {
for i in 1..context.warmup+1 {
print('\r warming up run: ${i:4}/${context.warmup:-4} for ${cmd:-50s} took ${duration:6} ms ...')
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch({})
os.exec(cmd) or { continue }
duration = int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds())
for i in 1..(context.count+1) {
avg := f64(sum)/f64(i)
print('\rAverage: ${avg:9.3f}ms | run: ${i:4}/${context.count:-4} | took ${duration:6} ms')
if context.show_output {
print(' | result: ${oldres:-s}')
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch({})
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
eprintln('${i:10} failed runnning cmd: $cmd')
duration = int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds())
if res.exit_code != 0 {
eprintln('${i:10} non 0 exit code for cmd: $cmd')
context.results[icmd].outputs << res.output.trim_right('\r\n').replace('\r\n', '\n').split("\n")
context.results[icmd].timings << duration
sum += duration
oldres = res.output.replace('\n', ' ')
context.results[icmd].cmd = cmd
context.results[icmd].icmd = icmd
context.results[icmd].runs += runs
context.results[icmd].atiming = new_aints(context.results[icmd].timings)
mut m := map[string][]int
for o in context.results[icmd].outputs {
x := o.split(':')
if x.len > 1 {
k := x[0]
v := x[1].trim_left(' ').int()
m[k] << v
mut summary := map[string]Aints{}
for k,v in m {
// show a temporary summary for the current series/cmd cycle
s := new_aints(v)
println(' $k: $s')
summary[k] = s
// merge current raw results to the previous ones
old_oms := context.results[icmd].oms
mut new_oms := map[string][]int
for k,v in m {
if old_oms[k].len == 0 {
new_oms[k] = v
} else {
new_oms[k] << old_oms[k]
new_oms[k] << v
context.results[icmd].oms = new_oms
// create full summaries, taking account of all runs
for icmd in 0..context.results.len {
mut new_full_summary := map[string]Aints{}
for k,v in context.results[icmd].oms {
new_full_summary[k] = new_aints(v)
context.results[icmd].summary = new_full_summary
fn (mut context Context) show_diff_summary() {
context.results.sort_with_compare(fn (a, b &CmdResult) int {
if a.atiming.average < b.atiming.average {
return -1
if a.atiming.average > b.atiming.average {
return 1
return 0
println('Summary (commands are ordered by ascending mean time), after $context.series series of $context.count repetitions:')
base := context.results[0].atiming.average
mut first_cmd_percentage := f64(100.0)
for i, r in context.results {
cpercent := (r.atiming.average / base) * 100 - 100
first_marker := if r.icmd == 0 { util.bold('>') } else { ' ' }
if r.icmd == 0 {
first_cmd_percentage = cpercent
println(' ${first_marker}${(i+1):3} | ${cpercent:6.1f}% slower | ${r.cmd:-55s} | ${r.atiming}')
if context.fail_on_regress_percent == max_fail_percent || context.results.len < 2 {
$if debugcontext ? {
println('context: $context')
fail_threshold_max := f64(context.fail_on_regress_percent)
if first_cmd_percentage > fail_threshold_max {
print('Performance regression detected, failing since ')
println('${first_cmd_percentage:5.1f}% > ${fail_threshold_max:5.1f}% threshold.')