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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

fn test_simple_string_interpolation() {
a := 'Hello'
b := 'World'
res := '$a $b'
assert res == 'Hello World'
fn test_mixed_string_interpolation() {
num := 7
str := 'abc'
s1 := 'number=$num'
assert s1 == 'number=7'
s2 := 'string=$str'
assert s2 == 'string=abc'
s3 := 'a: $num | b: $str'
assert s3 == 'a: 7 | b: abc'
fn test_formatted_string_interpolation() {
x := 'abc'
axb := 'a:$x:b'
assert axb == 'a:abc:b'
x_10 := 'a:${x:10s}:b'
x10_ := 'a:${x:-10s}:b'
assert x_10 == 'a: abc:b'
assert x10_ == 'a:abc :b'
i := 23
si_right := '${i:10d}'
si__left := '${i:-10d}'
assert si_right == ' 23'
assert si__left == '23 '
fn test_excape_dollar_in_string() {
i := 42
assert '($i)' == '(42)'
assert '(\$i)'.contains('i') && !'(\$i)'.contains('42')
assert !'(\\$i)'.contains('i') && '(\\$i)'.contains('42') && '(\\$i)'.contains('\\')
assert '(\\\$i)'.contains('i') && !'(\\\$i)'.contains('42') && '(\\$i)'.contains('\\')
assert !'(\\\\$i)'.contains('i') && '(\\\\$i)'.contains('42') && '(\\\\$i)'.contains('\\\\')
assert '($i)' == '(42)'
assert '(\${i})'.contains('i') && !'(\${i})'.contains('42')
assert !'(\\$i)'.contains('i') && '(\\$i)'.contains('42') && '(\\$i)'.contains('\\')
assert '(\\\${i})'.contains('i') && !'(\\\${i})'.contains('42') && '(\\$i)'.contains('\\')
assert !'(\\\\$i)'.contains('i') && '(\\\\$i)'.contains('42') && '(\\\\$i)'.contains('\\\\')
assert i == 42
fn test_implicit_str() {
i := 42
assert 'int $i' == 'int 42'
assert '$i' == '42'
check := '$i' == '42'
assert check
text := '$i' + '42'
assert text == '4242'
fn test_string_interpolation_percent_escaping() {
test := 'hello'
hello := 'world'
x := '%.*s$hello$test |${hello:-30s}|'
assert x == '%.*sworldhello |world |'
fn test_string_interpolation_string_prefix() {
// `r`, `c` and `js` are also used as a string prefix.
r := 'r'
rr := '$r$r'
assert rr == 'rr'
c := 'c'
cc := '$c$c'
assert cc == 'cc'
js := 'js'
jsjs := '$js$js'
assert jsjs == 'jsjs'
fn test_interpolation_string_prefix_expr() {
r := 1
c := 2
js := 1
assert '>${3 + r}<' == '>4<'
assert '${r == js} $js' == 'true 1'
assert '>${js + c} ${js + r == c}<' == '>3 true<'
fn test_inttypes_string_interpolation() {
c := i8(-103) // -0x67
uc := u8(217) // 0xD9
uc2 := u8(13) // 0x0D
s := i16(-23456) // -0x5BA0
us := u16(54321) // 0xD431
i := -1622999040 // -0x60BD 0000
ui := u32(3421958087) // 0xCBF6 EFC7
vp := voidptr(ui)
mut bp := &u8(0)
$if x64 {
bp = &u8(15541149836) // 0x3 9E53 208C
} $else {
bp = &u8(3541149836) // 0xD311 A88C
l := i64(-7694555558525237396)
ul := u64(17234006112912956370)
assert '$s $us' == '-23456 54321'
assert '$ui $i' == '3421958087 -1622999040'
assert '$l $ul' == '-7694555558525237396 17234006112912956370'
assert '>${s:11}:${us:-13}<' == '> -23456:54321 <'
assert '0x${ul:-19x}:${l:22d}' == '0xef2b7d4001165bd2 : -7694555558525237396'
assert '${c:5}${uc:-7}x' == ' -103217 x'
assert '${c:x}:${uc:x}:${uc2:02X}' == '-67:d9:0D'
assert '${s:X}:${us:x}:${u16(uc):04x}' == '-5BA0:d431:00d9'
assert '${i:x}:${ui:X}:${int(s):x}' == '-60bd0000:CBF6EFC7:-5ba0'
assert '${l:x}:${ul:X}' == '-6ac88d8352677894:EF2B7D4001165BD2'
// default pointer format is platform dependent, so try a few
eprintln("platform pointer format: '${vp:p}:$bp'")
$if x64 {
assert '${vp:p}:$bp' == '0xcbf6efc7:0x39e53208c' || '${vp:p}:$bp' == 'CBF6EFC7:39E53208C'
|| '${vp:p}:$bp' == 'cbf6efc7:39e53208c'
|| '${vp:p}:$bp' == '00000000CBF6EFC7:000000039E53208C'
} $else {
assert '${vp:p}:$bp' == 'CBF6EFC7:D311A88C' || '${vp:p}:$bp' == 'cbf6efc7:d311a88c'
|| '${vp:p}:$bp' == '0xcbf6efc7:0xd311a88c'
fn test_utf8_string_interpolation() {
a := 'à-côté'
st := 'Sträßle'
m := '10'
assert '$a $st $m' == 'à-côté Sträßle 10'
zz := '>${a:10}< >${st:-8}< >${m:5}<-'
zz_expected := '> à-côté< >Sträßle < > 10<-'
eprintln(' zz: $zz')
eprintln('zz_expected: $zz_expected')
assert zz == zz_expected
// e := '\u20AC' // Eurosign doesn' work with MSVC and tcc
e := ''
assert '100.00 $e' == '100.00 '
m2 := 'Москва́' // cyrillic а́: combination of U+0430 and U+0301, UTF-8: d0 b0 cc 81
d := 'Antonín Dvořák' // latin á: U+00E1, UTF-8: c3 a1
assert ':${m2:7}:${d:-15}:' == ': Москва́:Antonín Dvořák :'
g := 'Πελοπόννησος'
assert '>${g:-13}<' == '>Πελοπόννησος <'
struct Sss {
v1 int
v2 f64
fn (s Sss) str() string {
return '[$s.v1, ${s.v2:.3f}]'
fn test_string_interpolation_str_evaluation() {
mut x := Sss{17, 13.455893}
assert '$x' == '[17, 13.456]'
fn test_string_interpolation_with_negative_format_width_should_compile_and_run_without_segfaulting() {
// discovered during debugging VLS
i := 3
input := '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"initialize","params":{}}'
eprintln('+60 ${i:10} | input.len: ${input.len:10} | ${input.bytes().hex():60} | $input')
eprintln('-60 ${i:10} | input.len: ${input.len:10} | ${input.bytes().hex():-60} | $input')
assert true
struct Aa {
a int
struct Bb {
b Aa
fn (x Bb) f() Aa {
return x.b
fn test_method_interpolation() {
y := Bb{
b: Aa{
a: 2
assert '>$y.f().a<' == '>2<'
assert '>$y.f().a<' == '>2<'
fn f(i int) int {
return i
fn test_call() {
s := '${f(4)}'
assert s == '4'