
175 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import v.ast
import v.token
fn (mut c Checker) for_c_stmt(node ast.ForCStmt) {
prev_loop_label := c.loop_label
if node.has_init {
if node.has_inc {
c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos)
c.loop_label = prev_loop_label
fn (mut c Checker) for_in_stmt(mut node ast.ForInStmt) {
prev_loop_label := c.loop_label
typ := c.expr(node.cond)
typ_idx := typ.idx()
if node.key_var.len > 0 && node.key_var != '_' {
c.check_valid_snake_case(node.key_var, 'variable name', node.pos)
if node.val_var.len > 0 && node.val_var != '_' {
c.check_valid_snake_case(node.val_var, 'variable name', node.pos)
if node.is_range {
high_type := c.expr(node.high)
high_type_idx := high_type.idx()
if typ_idx in ast.integer_type_idxs && high_type_idx !in ast.integer_type_idxs {
c.error('range types do not match', node.cond.pos())
} else if typ_idx in ast.float_type_idxs || high_type_idx in ast.float_type_idxs {
c.error('range type can not be float', node.cond.pos())
} else if typ_idx == ast.bool_type_idx || high_type_idx == ast.bool_type_idx {
c.error('range type can not be bool', node.cond.pos())
} else if typ_idx == ast.string_type_idx || high_type_idx == ast.string_type_idx {
c.error('range type can not be string', node.cond.pos())
if high_type in [ast.int_type, ast.int_literal_type] {
node.val_type = typ
} else {
node.val_type = high_type
node.high_type = high_type
node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, node.val_type)
} else {
sym := c.table.final_sym(typ)
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
// iterators
next_fn := sym.find_method_with_generic_parent('next') or {
c.error('a struct must have a `next()` method to be an iterator', node.cond.pos())
if !next_fn.return_type.has_flag(.optional) {
c.error('iterator method `next()` must return an optional', node.cond.pos())
return_sym := c.table.sym(next_fn.return_type)
if return_sym.kind == .multi_return {
c.error('iterator method `next()` must not return multiple values', node.cond.pos())
// the receiver
if next_fn.params.len != 1 {
c.error('iterator method `next()` must have 0 parameters', node.cond.pos())
mut val_type := next_fn.return_type.clear_flag(.optional)
if node.val_is_mut {
val_type = val_type.ref()
node.cond_type = typ
node.kind = sym.kind
node.val_type = val_type
node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, val_type)
} else if sym.kind == .string && node.val_is_mut {
c.error('string type is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.pos)
} else {
if sym.kind == .map && !(node.key_var.len > 0 && node.val_var.len > 0) {
'declare a key and a value variable when ranging a map: `for key, val in map {`\n' +
'use `_` if you do not need the variable', node.pos)
if node.key_var.len > 0 {
key_type := match sym.kind {
.map { sym.map_info().key_type }
else { ast.int_type }
node.key_type = key_type
node.scope.update_var_type(node.key_var, key_type)
mut value_type := c.table.value_type(typ)
if sym.kind == .string {
value_type = ast.byte_type
if value_type == ast.void_type || typ.has_flag(.optional) {
if typ != ast.void_type {
c.error('for in: cannot index `${c.table.type_to_str(typ)}`', node.cond.pos())
if node.val_is_mut {
value_type = value_type.ref()
match mut node.cond {
ast.Ident {
if mut node.cond.obj is ast.Var {
if !node.cond.obj.is_mut {
c.error('`$node.cond.obj.name` is immutable, it cannot be changed',
ast.ArrayInit {
c.error('array literal is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos)
ast.MapInit {
c.error('map literal is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos)
ast.SelectorExpr {
root_ident := node.cond.root_ident() or { node.cond.expr as ast.Ident }
if root_ident.kind != .unresolved {
if !(root_ident.obj as ast.Var).is_mut {
c.error('field `$node.cond.field_name` is immutable, it cannot be changed',
else {}
node.cond_type = typ
node.kind = sym.kind
node.val_type = value_type
node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, value_type)
c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos)
c.loop_label = prev_loop_label
fn (mut c Checker) for_stmt(mut node ast.ForStmt) {
prev_loop_label := c.loop_label
c.expected_type = ast.bool_type
typ := c.expr(node.cond)
if !node.is_inf && typ.idx() != ast.bool_type_idx && !c.pref.translated && !c.file.is_translated {
c.error('non-bool used as for condition', node.pos)
if mut node.cond is ast.InfixExpr {
if node.cond.op == .key_is {
if node.cond.right is ast.TypeNode && node.cond.left in [ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr] {
if c.table.type_kind(node.cond.left_type) in [.sum_type, .interface_] {
c.smartcast(node.cond.left, node.cond.left_type, node.cond.right_type, mut
// TODO: update loop var type
// how does this work currenly?
c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos)
c.loop_label = prev_loop_label
if c.smartcast_mut_pos != token.Pos{} {
c.smartcast_mut_pos = token.Pos{}