370 lines
10 KiB
370 lines
10 KiB
module builder
import os
import v.ast
import v.table
import v.pref
import v.util
import v.vmod
import v.checker
import v.parser
import v.depgraph
pub struct Builder {
compiled_dir string // contains os.real_path() of the dir of the final file beeing compiled, or the dir itself when doing `v .`
module_path string
pref &pref.Preferences
checker checker.Checker
global_scope &ast.Scope
out_name_c string
out_name_js string
max_nr_errors int = 100
pub mut:
module_search_paths []string
parsed_files []ast.File
cached_msvc MsvcResult
table &table.Table
pub fn new_builder(pref &pref.Preferences) Builder {
rdir := os.real_path(pref.path)
compiled_dir := if os.is_dir(rdir) { rdir } else { os.dir(rdir) }
mut table := table.new_table()
table.is_fmt = false
if pref.use_color == .always {
if pref.use_color == .never {
msvc := find_msvc() or {
if pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
verror('Cannot find MSVC on this OS')
valid: false
return Builder{
pref: pref
table: table
checker: checker.new_checker(table, pref)
global_scope: &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
compiled_dir: compiled_dir
max_nr_errors: if pref.error_limit > 0 {
} else {
cached_msvc: msvc
// max_nr_errors: pref.error_limit ?? 100 TODO potential syntax?
// parse all deps from already parsed files
pub fn (mut b Builder) parse_imports() {
mut done_imports := []string{}
if b.pref.is_vsh {
done_imports << 'os'
// TODO (joe): decide if this is correct solution.
// in the case of building a module, the actual module files
// are passed via cmd line, so they have already been parsed
// by this stage. note that if one files from a module was
// parsed (but not all of them), then this will cause a problem.
// we could add a list of parsed files instead, but I think
// there is a better solution all around, I will revisit this.
// NOTE: there is a very similar occurance with the way
// internal module test's work, and this was the reason there
// were issues with duplicate declarations, so we should sort
// that out in a similar way.
for file in b.parsed_files {
if file.mod.name != 'main' && file.mod.name !in done_imports {
done_imports << file.mod.name
// NB: b.parsed_files is appended in the loop,
// so we can not use the shorter `for in` form.
for i := 0; i < b.parsed_files.len; i++ {
ast_file := b.parsed_files[i]
for imp in ast_file.imports {
mod := imp.mod
if mod == 'builtin' {
verror('cannot import module "builtin"')
if mod in done_imports {
import_path := b.find_module_path(mod, ast_file.path) or {
// v.parsers[i].error_with_token_index('cannot import module "$mod" (not found)', v.parsers[i].import_table.get_import_tok_idx(mod))
// break
// println('module_search_paths:')
// println(b.module_search_paths)
verror('cannot import module "$mod" (not found)')
v_files := b.v_files_from_dir(import_path)
if v_files.len == 0 {
// v.parsers[i].error_with_token_index('cannot import module "$mod" (no .v files in "$import_path")', v.parsers[i].import_table.get_import_tok_idx(mod))
verror('cannot import module "$mod" (no .v files in "$import_path")')
// Add all imports referenced by these libs
parsed_files := parser.parse_files(v_files, b.table, b.pref, b.global_scope)
for file in parsed_files {
if file.mod.name != mod {
// v.parsers[pidx].error_with_token_index('bad module definition: ${v.parsers[pidx].file_path} imports module "$mod" but $file is defined as module `$p_mod`', 1
verror('bad module definition: $ast_file.path imports module "$mod" but $file.path is defined as module `$file.mod.name`')
b.parsed_files << parsed_files
done_imports << mod
if b.pref.print_v_files {
for p in b.parsed_files {
pub fn (mut b Builder) resolve_deps() {
graph := b.import_graph()
deps_resolved := graph.resolve()
cycles := deps_resolved.display_cycles()
if b.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln('------ resolved dependencies graph: ------')
if cycles.len > 1 {
verror('error: import cycle detected between the following modules: \n' + cycles)
mut mods := []string{}
for node in deps_resolved.nodes {
mods << node.name
if b.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln('------ imported modules: ------')
mut reordered_parsed_files := []ast.File{}
for m in mods {
for pf in b.parsed_files {
if m == pf.mod.name {
reordered_parsed_files << pf
// eprintln('pf.mod.name: $pf.mod.name | pf.path: $pf.path')
b.table.modules = mods
b.parsed_files = reordered_parsed_files
// graph of all imported modules
pub fn (b &Builder) import_graph() &depgraph.DepGraph {
builtins := util.builtin_module_parts
mut graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph()
for p in b.parsed_files {
mut deps := []string{}
if p.mod.name !in builtins {
deps << 'builtin'
if b.pref.backend == .c {
// TODO JavaScript backend doesn't handle os for now
if b.pref.is_vsh && p.mod.name != 'os' {
deps << 'os'
for m in p.imports {
deps << m.mod
graph.add(p.mod.name, deps)
return graph
pub fn (b Builder) v_files_from_dir(dir string) []string {
if !os.exists(dir) {
if dir == 'compiler' && os.is_dir('vlib') {
println('looks like you are trying to build V with an old command')
println('use `v -o v cmd/v` instead of `v -o v compiler`')
verror("$dir doesn't exist")
} else if !os.is_dir(dir) {
verror("$dir isn't a directory!")
mut files := os.ls(dir) or {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println('v_files_from_dir ("$dir")')
return b.pref.should_compile_filtered_files(dir, files)
pub fn (b Builder) log(s string) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
pub fn (b Builder) info(s string) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
fn module_path(mod string) string {
// submodule support
return mod.replace('.', os.path_separator)
pub fn (b &Builder) find_module_path(mod string, fpath string) ?string {
// support @VROOT/v.mod relative paths:
mut mcache := vmod.get_cache()
vmod_file_location := mcache.get_by_file(fpath)
mod_path := module_path(mod)
mut module_lookup_paths := []string{}
if vmod_file_location.vmod_file.len != 0 &&
vmod_file_location.vmod_folder !in b.module_search_paths {
module_lookup_paths << vmod_file_location.vmod_folder
module_lookup_paths << b.module_search_paths
for search_path in module_lookup_paths {
try_path := os.join_path(search_path, mod_path)
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println(' >> trying to find $mod in $try_path ..')
if os.is_dir(try_path) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println(' << found $try_path .')
return try_path
smodule_lookup_paths := module_lookup_paths.join(', ')
return error('module "$mod" not found in:\n$smodule_lookup_paths')
fn (b &Builder) show_total_warns_and_errors_stats() {
if b.pref.is_stats {
println('checker summary: ${util.bold(b.checker.nr_errors.str())} V errors, ${util.bold(b.checker.nr_warnings.str())} V warnings')
fn (b &Builder) print_warnings_and_errors() {
defer {
if b.pref.output_mode == .silent {
if b.checker.nr_errors > 0 {
if b.pref.is_verbose && b.checker.nr_warnings > 1 {
println('$b.checker.nr_warnings warnings')
if b.checker.nr_warnings > 0 && !b.pref.skip_warnings {
for i, err in b.checker.warnings {
kind := if b.pref.is_verbose { '$err.reporter warning #$b.checker.nr_warnings:' } else { 'warning:' }
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, err.message, err.file_path, err.pos)
if err.details.len > 0 {
eprintln('details: $err.details')
// eprintln('')
if i > b.max_nr_errors {
if b.pref.is_verbose && b.checker.nr_errors > 1 {
println('$b.checker.nr_errors errors')
if b.checker.nr_errors > 0 {
for i, err in b.checker.errors {
kind := if b.pref.is_verbose { '$err.reporter error #$b.checker.nr_errors:' } else { 'error:' }
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, err.message, err.file_path, err.pos)
if err.details.len > 0 {
eprintln('details: $err.details')
// eprintln('')
if i > b.max_nr_errors {
if b.table.redefined_fns.len > 0 {
mut total_conflicts := 0
for fn_name in b.table.redefined_fns {
// Find where this function was already declared
mut redefines := []FunctionRedefinition{}
mut redefine_conflicts := map[string]int{}
for file in b.parsed_files {
for stmt in file.stmts {
if stmt is ast.FnDecl {
if stmt.name == fn_name {
fheader := stmt.stringify(b.table, 'main')
redefines << FunctionRedefinition{
fpath: file.path
fline: stmt.pos.line_nr
f: stmt
fheader: fheader
if redefine_conflicts.len > 1 {
eprintln('redefinition of function `$fn_name`')
for redefine in redefines {
eprintln(util.formatted_error('conflicting declaration:', redefine.fheader,
redefine.fpath, redefine.f.pos))
if total_conflicts > 0 {
struct FunctionRedefinition {
fpath string
fline int
fheader string
f ast.FnDecl
fn verror(s string) {
util.verror('builder error', s)
pub fn (mut b Builder) timing_message(msg string, ms i64) {
value := util.bold('$ms')
formatted_message := '$msg: $value ms'
if b.pref.show_timings {
} else {