
745 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module table
import os
import v.cflag
import v.token
pub struct Table {
pub mut:
types []TypeSymbol
type_idxs map[string]int
fns map[string]Fn
imports []string // List of all imports
modules []string // Topologically sorted list of all modules registered by the application
cflags []cflag.CFlag
redefined_fns []string
fn_gen_types map[string][]Type // for generic functions
cmod_prefix string // needed for table.type_to_str(Type) while vfmt; contains `os.`
is_fmt bool
pub struct Fn {
params []Param
return_type Type
return_type_source_name string
is_variadic bool
language Language
is_generic bool
is_pub bool
is_deprecated bool
is_unsafe bool
is_placeholder bool
mod string
ctdefine string // compile time define. myflag, when [if myflag] tag
attrs []Attr
pub mut:
name string
fn (f &Fn) method_equals(o &Fn) bool {
return f.params[1..].equals(o.params[1..]) && f.return_type == o.return_type && f.return_type_source_name ==
o.return_type_source_name && f.is_variadic == o.is_variadic && f.language == o.language &&
f.is_generic == o.is_generic && f.is_pub == o.is_pub && f.mod == o.mod && f.name == o.name
pub struct Param {
pos token.Position
name string
is_mut bool
typ Type
type_source_name string
is_hidden bool // interface first arg
fn (p &Param) equals(o &Param) bool {
return p.name == o.name && p.is_mut == o.is_mut && p.typ == o.typ && p.type_source_name ==
o.type_source_name && p.is_hidden == o.is_hidden
fn (p []Param) equals(o []Param) bool {
if p.len != o.len {
return false
for i in 0 .. p.len {
if !p[i].equals(o[i]) {
return false
return true
pub struct Var {
name string
is_mut bool
typ Type
pub fn new_table() &Table {
mut t := &Table{}
t.is_fmt = true
return t
// used to compare fn's & for naming anon fn's
pub fn (f &Fn) signature() string {
mut sig := ''
for i, arg in f.params {
// TODO: for now ignore mut/pts in sig for now
typ := arg.typ.set_nr_muls(0)
// if arg.is_mut {
// sig += 'mut_'
// }
// sig += '$arg.typ'
sig += '$typ'
if i < f.params.len - 1 {
sig += '_'
sig += '_$f.return_type'
return sig
// source_signature generates the signature of a function which looks like in the V source
pub fn (f &Fn) source_signature() string {
mut sig := '('
for i, arg in f.params {
if arg.is_mut {
sig += 'mut '
sig += '$arg.type_source_name'
if i < f.params.len - 1 {
sig += ', '
sig += ')'
if f.return_type != void_type {
sig += ' $f.return_type_source_name'
return sig
pub fn (f &Fn) is_same_method_as(func &Fn) bool {
if f.return_type != func.return_type {
return false
if f.params.len != func.params.len {
return false
for i in 1 .. f.params.len {
if f.params[i].typ != func.params[i].typ {
return false
return true
pub fn (t &Table) find_fn(name string) ?Fn {
f := t.fns[name]
if f.name.str != 0 {
return f
return none
pub fn (t &Table) known_fn(name string) bool {
t.find_fn(name) or {
return false
return true
pub fn (mut t Table) register_fn(new_fn Fn) {
// println('reg fn $new_fn.name nr_args=$new_fn.args.len')
t.fns[new_fn.name] = new_fn
pub fn (mut t TypeSymbol) register_method(new_fn Fn) {
// println('reg me $new_fn.name nr_args=$new_fn.args.len')
t.methods << new_fn
pub fn (t &Table) register_aggregate_method(mut sym TypeSymbol, name string) ?Fn {
if sym.kind != .aggregate {
panic('Unexpected type symbol: $sym.kind')
agg_info := sym.info as Aggregate
// an aggregate always has at least 2 types
mut found_once := false
mut new_fn := Fn{}
for typ in agg_info.types {
ts := t.get_type_symbol(typ)
if type_method := ts.find_method(name) {
if !found_once {
found_once = true
new_fn = type_method
} else if !new_fn.method_equals(type_method) {
return error('method `${t.type_to_str(typ)}.$name` signature is different')
} else {
return error('unknown method: `${t.type_to_str(typ)}.$name`')
// register the method in the aggregate, so lookup is faster next time
return new_fn
pub fn (t &Table) type_has_method(s &TypeSymbol, name string) bool {
// println('type_has_method($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent_idx=$s.parent_idx')
if _ := t.type_find_method(s, name) {
return true
return false
// search from current type up through each parent looking for method
pub fn (t &Table) type_find_method(s &TypeSymbol, name string) ?Fn {
// println('type_find_method($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent_idx=$s.parent_idx')
mut ts := s
for {
if method := ts.find_method(name) {
return method
if ts.kind == .aggregate {
method := t.register_aggregate_method(mut ts, name) ?
return method
if ts.parent_idx == 0 {
ts = unsafe {&t.types[ts.parent_idx]}
return none
fn (t &Table) register_aggregate_field(mut sym TypeSymbol, name string) ?Field {
if sym.kind != .aggregate {
panic('Unexpected type symbol: $sym.kind')
mut agg_info := sym.info as Aggregate
// an aggregate always has at least 2 types
mut found_once := false
mut new_field := Field{}
for typ in agg_info.types {
ts := t.get_type_symbol(typ)
if type_field := t.struct_find_field(ts, name) {
if !found_once {
found_once = true
new_field = type_field
} else if !new_field.equals(type_field) {
return error('field `${t.type_to_str(typ)}.$name` type is different')
} else {
return error('type `${t.type_to_str(typ)}` has no field or method `$name`')
agg_info.fields << new_field
return new_field
pub fn (t &Table) struct_has_field(s &TypeSymbol, name string) bool {
// println('struct_has_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent_idx=$s.parent_idx')
if _ := t.struct_find_field(s, name) {
return true
return false
// search from current type up through each parent looking for field
pub fn (t &Table) struct_find_field(s &TypeSymbol, name string) ?Field {
// println('struct_find_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent_idx=$s.parent_idx')
mut ts := s
for {
if ts.info is Struct as struct_info {
if field := struct_info.find_field(name) {
return field
} else if ts.info is Aggregate as agg_info {
if field := agg_info.find_field(name) {
return field
field := t.register_aggregate_field(mut ts, name) or {
return error(err)
return field
if ts.parent_idx == 0 {
ts = unsafe {&t.types[ts.parent_idx]}
return none
pub fn (t &Table) find_type_idx(name string) int {
return t.type_idxs[name]
pub fn (t &Table) find_type(name string) ?TypeSymbol {
idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if idx > 0 {
return t.types[idx]
return none
pub fn (t &Table) get_type_symbol(typ Type) &TypeSymbol {
// println('get_type_symbol $typ')
idx := typ.idx()
if idx > 0 {
return unsafe {&t.types[idx]}
// this should never happen
panic('get_type_symbol: invalid type (typ=$typ idx=$idx). Compiler bug. This should never happen. Please create a GitHub issue.
// get_final_type_symbol follows aliases until it gets to a "real" Type
pub fn (t &Table) get_final_type_symbol(typ Type) &TypeSymbol {
idx := typ.idx()
if idx > 0 {
current_type := t.types[idx]
if current_type.kind == .alias {
alias_info := current_type.info as Alias
return t.get_final_type_symbol(alias_info.parent_type)
return unsafe {&t.types[idx]}
// this should never happen
panic('get_final_type_symbol: invalid type (typ=$typ idx=$idx). Compiler bug. This should never happen. Please create a GitHub issue.')
pub fn (t &Table) get_type_name(typ Type) string {
typ_sym := t.get_type_symbol(typ)
return typ_sym.name
pub fn (t &Table) unalias_num_type(typ Type) Type {
sym := t.get_type_symbol(typ)
if sym.kind == .alias {
pt := (sym.info as Alias).parent_type
if pt <= f64_type && pt >= void_type {
return pt
return typ
// this will override or register builtin type
// allows prexisitng types added in register_builtins
// to be overriden with their real type info
pub fn (mut t Table) register_builtin_type_symbol(typ TypeSymbol) int {
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[typ.name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
if existing_idx >= string_type_idx {
if existing_idx == string_type_idx {
existing_type := t.types[existing_idx]
t.types[existing_idx] = {
typ |
kind: existing_type.kind
} else {
t.types[existing_idx] = typ
return existing_idx
return t.register_type_symbol(typ)
pub fn (mut t Table) register_type_symbol(typ TypeSymbol) int {
// println('register_type_symbol( $typ.name )')
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[typ.name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
ex_type := t.types[existing_idx]
match ex_type.kind {
.placeholder {
// override placeholder
// println('overriding type placeholder `$typ.name`')
t.types[existing_idx] = {
typ |
methods: ex_type.methods
return existing_idx
else {
if ex_type.kind == typ.kind {
return existing_idx
// panic('cannot register type `$typ.name`, another type with this name exists')
return -1
typ_idx := t.types.len
t.types << typ
t.type_idxs[typ.name] = typ_idx
return typ_idx
pub fn (t &Table) known_type(name string) bool {
t.find_type(name) or {
return false
return true
pub fn (t &Table) array_name(elem_type Type, nr_dims int) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
mut res := ''
if elem_type.is_ptr() {
res = '_ptr'.repeat(elem_type.nr_muls())
if nr_dims > 1 {
res += '_${nr_dims}d'
return 'array_$elem_type_sym.name' + res
// array_source_name generates the original name for the v source.
// e. g. []int
pub fn (t &Table) array_source_name(elem_type Type) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
ptr := if elem_type.is_ptr() { '&' } else { '' }
return '[]$ptr$elem_type_sym.source_name'
pub fn (t &Table) array_fixed_name(elem_type Type, size int, nr_dims int) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
mut res := ''
if elem_type.is_ptr() {
res = '_ptr'
if nr_dims > 1 {
res += '_${nr_dims}d'
return 'array_fixed_${elem_type_sym.name}_$size' + res
// array_fixed_source_name generates the original name for the v source.
// e. g. [16][8]int
pub fn (t &Table) array_fixed_source_name(elem_type Type, size int) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
ptr := if elem_type.is_ptr() { '&' } else { '' }
return '[$size]$ptr$elem_type_sym.source_name'
pub fn (t &Table) chan_name(elem_type Type, is_mut bool) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
mut suffix := ''
if is_mut {
suffix = '_mut'
} else if elem_type.is_ptr() {
suffix = '_ptr'
return 'chan_$elem_type_sym.name' + suffix
pub fn (t &Table) chan_source_name(elem_type Type, is_mut bool) string {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
mut ptr := ''
if is_mut {
ptr = 'mut '
} else if elem_type.is_ptr() {
ptr = '&'
return 'chan $ptr$elem_type_sym.source_name'
pub fn (t &Table) map_name(key_type Type, value_type Type) string {
key_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(key_type)
value_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(value_type)
suffix := if value_type.is_ptr() { '_ptr' } else { '' }
return 'map_${key_type_sym.name}_$value_type_sym.name' + suffix
// return 'map_${value_type_sym.name}' + suffix
// map_source_name generates the original name for the v source.
// e. g. map[string]int
pub fn (t &Table) map_source_name(key_type Type, value_type Type) string {
key_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(key_type)
value_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(value_type)
ptr := if value_type.is_ptr() { '&' } else { '' }
return 'map[$key_type_sym.source_name]$ptr$value_type_sym.source_name'
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_chan(elem_type Type, is_mut bool) int {
name := t.chan_name(elem_type, is_mut)
source_name := t.chan_source_name(elem_type, is_mut)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
chan_typ := TypeSymbol{
parent_idx: chan_type_idx
kind: .chan
name: name
source_name: source_name
info: Chan{
elem_type: elem_type
is_mut: is_mut
return t.register_type_symbol(chan_typ)
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_map(key_type Type, value_type Type) int {
name := t.map_name(key_type, value_type)
source_name := t.map_source_name(key_type, value_type)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
map_typ := TypeSymbol{
parent_idx: map_type_idx
kind: .map
name: name
source_name: source_name
info: Map{
key_type: key_type
value_type: value_type
return t.register_type_symbol(map_typ)
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_array(elem_type Type, nr_dims int, mod string) int {
name := t.array_name(elem_type, nr_dims)
source_name := t.array_source_name(elem_type)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
array_type := TypeSymbol{
parent_idx: array_type_idx
kind: .array
name: name
source_name: source_name
info: Array{
elem_type: elem_type
nr_dims: nr_dims
mod: mod
return t.register_type_symbol(array_type)
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_array_fixed(elem_type Type, size int, nr_dims int) int {
name := t.array_fixed_name(elem_type, size, nr_dims)
source_name := t.array_fixed_source_name(elem_type, size)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
array_fixed_type := TypeSymbol{
kind: .array_fixed
name: name
source_name: source_name
info: ArrayFixed{
elem_type: elem_type
size: size
nr_dims: nr_dims
return t.register_type_symbol(array_fixed_type)
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_multi_return(mr_typs []Type) int {
mut name := 'multi_return'
mut source_name := '('
for i, mr_typ in mr_typs {
mr_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(mr_typ)
name += '_$mr_type_sym.name'
source_name += mr_type_sym.source_name
if i < mr_typs.len - 1 {
source_name += ', '
source_name += ')'
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
mr_type := TypeSymbol{
kind: .multi_return
name: name
source_name: source_name
info: MultiReturn{
types: mr_typs
return t.register_type_symbol(mr_type)
pub fn (mut t Table) find_or_register_fn_type(mod string, f Fn, is_anon bool, has_decl bool) int {
name := if f.name.len == 0 { 'anon_fn_$f.signature()' } else { f.name.clone() }
source_name := if f.name.len == 0 { 'fn $f.source_signature()' } else { f.name.clone() }
anon := f.name.len == 0 || is_anon
return t.register_type_symbol(TypeSymbol{
kind: .function
name: name
source_name: source_name
mod: mod
info: FnType{
is_anon: anon
has_decl: has_decl
func: f
pub fn (mut t Table) add_placeholder_type(name string, language Language) int {
mut modname := ''
if name.contains('.') {
modname = name.all_before_last('.')
ph_type := TypeSymbol{
kind: .placeholder
name: name
language: language
source_name: name
mod: modname
// println('added placeholder: $name - $ph_type.idx')
return t.register_type_symbol(ph_type)
pub fn (t &Table) value_type(typ Type) Type {
typ_sym := t.get_type_symbol(typ)
if typ.has_flag(.variadic) {
// ...string => string
return typ.clear_flag(.variadic)
if typ_sym.kind == .array {
// Check index type
info := typ_sym.info as Array
return info.elem_type
if typ_sym.kind == .array_fixed {
info := typ_sym.info as ArrayFixed
return info.elem_type
if typ_sym.kind == .map {
info := typ_sym.info as Map
return info.value_type
if typ_sym.kind == .string && typ.is_ptr() {
// (&string)[i] => string
return string_type
if typ_sym.kind in [.byteptr, .string] {
return byte_type
if typ.is_ptr() {
// byte* => byte
// bytes[0] is a byte, not byte*
return typ.deref()
// TODO: remove when map_string is removed
if typ_sym.name == 'map_string' {
return string_type
return void_type
pub fn (t &Table) mktyp(typ Type) Type {
match typ {
any_flt_type { return f64_type }
any_int_type { return int_type }
else { return typ }
// Once we have a module format we can read from module file instead
// this is not optimal
pub fn (table &Table) qualify_module(mod string, file_path string) string {
for m in table.imports {
// if m.contains('gen') { println('qm=$m') }
if m.contains('.') && m.contains(mod) {
m_parts := m.split('.')
m_path := m_parts.join(os.path_separator)
if mod == m_parts[m_parts.len - 1] && file_path.contains(m_path) {
return m
return mod
pub fn (mut table Table) register_fn_gen_type(fn_name string, typ Type) {
mut a := table.fn_gen_types[fn_name]
if typ in a {
a << typ
// sym := table.get_type_symbol(typ)
// println('registering fn ($fn_name) gen type $sym.name')
table.fn_gen_types[fn_name] = a
// TODO: there is a bug when casting sumtype the other way if its pointer
// so until fixed at least show v (not C) error `x(variant) = y(SumType*)`
pub fn (table &Table) sumtype_has_variant(parent Type, variant Type) bool {
parent_sym := table.get_type_symbol(parent)
if parent_sym.kind == .sum_type {
parent_info := parent_sym.info as SumType
for v in parent_info.variants {
if v.idx() == variant.idx() {
return true
if table.sumtype_has_variant(v, variant) {
return true
return false
pub fn (table &Table) known_type_names() []string {
mut res := []string{}
for _, idx in table.type_idxs {
if idx == 0 {
res << table.type_to_str(idx)
return res