59 lines
1.7 KiB
59 lines
1.7 KiB
// vtest flaky: true
// vtest retry: 3
import os
import time
const vexe = @VEXE
fn test_cflags() ? {
os.chdir(os.real_path(@VMODROOT)) or {}
mut debug_arg := '-g3 -O0'
mut optimised_arg := '-O1'
$if msvc {
debug_arg = '/MDd /D_DEBUG'
optimised_arg = '/O1'
println('> test whether -cflags is passed to the backend C compiler')
fail := custom_compile('failing.exe', 'NONSENSE_OPTION')
assert fail.compilation.exit_code != 0
println('> NONSENSE_OPTION failed the C build, OK')
dbg := custom_compile('debug_hw.exe', debug_arg)
assert dbg.compilation.exit_code == 0
assert dbg.file_size > 0
opt := custom_compile('optimised_hw.exe', optimised_arg)
assert opt.compilation.exit_code == 0
assert opt.file_size > 0
$if !tinyc {
// tcc does almost no optimisations, so the differences are very insignificant
// optimised_file_size should be smaller in general, but not on the Ubuntu CI for some reason :-|
// assert opt.file_size != dbg.file_size
// assert optimised_delta >= debug_delta // this is not reliable on the CIs :-|
os.rm(opt.exe) or {}
os.rm(dbg.exe) or {}
fn custom_compile(fname string, cflags_options string) Results {
mut res := Results{}
res.exe = os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), fname)
res.sw = time.new_stopwatch()
res.compilation = os.execute('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} -cflags "$cflags_options" -o ${os.quoted_path(res.exe)} examples/hello_world.v')
res.delta = res.sw.elapsed().microseconds()
res.file_size = os.file_size(res.exe)
println('> $fname build took: $res.delta ms with "$cflags_options", file size: $res.file_size')
return res
struct Results {
exe string
sw time.StopWatch
compilation os.Result
delta i64
file_size u64