
937 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Type layout information (32 bits)
// flag (8 bits) | nr_muls (8 bits) | idx (16 bits)
// pack: (int(flag)<<24) | (nr_muls<<16) | u16(idx)
// unpack:
// flag: (int(type)>>24) & 0xff
// nr_muls: (int(type)>>16) & 0xff
// idx: u16(type) & 0xffff
module table
import strings
pub type Type = int
pub type TypeInfo = Aggregate | Alias | Array | ArrayFixed | Chan | Enum | FnType | GenericStructInst |
Interface | Map | MultiReturn | Struct | SumType
pub enum Language {
// Represents a type that only needs an identifier, e.g. int, array_int.
// A pointer type `&T` would have a TypeSymbol `T`.
// Note: For a Type, use:
// * Table.type_to_str(typ) not TypeSymbol.name.
// * Table.type_kind(typ) not TypeSymbol.kind.
// Each TypeSymbol is entered into `Table.types`.
// See also: Table.get_type_symbol.
pub struct TypeSymbol {
parent_idx int
pub mut:
info TypeInfo
kind Kind
name string // the internal & source name of the type, i.e. `[5]int`.
cname string // the name with no dots for use in the generated C code
methods []Fn
mod string
is_public bool
language Language
// max of 8
pub enum TypeFlag {
To save precious TypeFlag bits the 4 possible ShareTypes are coded in the two
bits `shared` and `atomic_or_rw` (see sharetype_from_flags() below).
pub enum ShareType {
pub fn (t ShareType) str() string {
match t {
.mut_t { return 'mut' }
.shared_t { return 'shared' }
.atomic_t { return 'atomic' }
// <atomic.h> defines special typenames
pub fn (t Type) atomic_typename() string {
idx := t.idx()
match idx {
u32_type_idx { return 'atomic_uint' }
int_type_idx { return 'atomic_int' }
u64_type_idx { return 'atomic_ullong' }
i64_type_idx { return 'atomic_llong' }
else { return 'unknown_atomic' }
pub fn sharetype_from_flags(is_shared bool, is_atomic bool) ShareType {
return ShareType((int(is_atomic) << 1) | int(is_shared))
pub fn (t Type) share() ShareType {
return sharetype_from_flags(t.has_flag(.shared_f), t.has_flag(.atomic_f))
// return TypeSymbol idx for `t`
pub fn (t Type) idx() int {
return u16(t) & 0xffff
pub fn (t Type) is_void() bool {
return t == void_type
pub fn (t Type) is_full() bool {
return t != 0 && t != void_type
// return nr_muls for `t`
pub fn (t Type) nr_muls() int {
return (int(t) >> 16) & 0xff
// return true if `t` is a pointer (nr_muls>0)
pub fn (t Type) is_ptr() bool {
return (int(t) >> 16) & 0xff > 0
// set nr_muls on `t` and return it
pub fn (t Type) set_nr_muls(nr_muls int) Type {
if nr_muls < 0 || nr_muls > 255 {
panic('set_nr_muls: nr_muls must be between 0 & 255')
return int(t) & 0xff00ffff | (nr_muls << 16)
// increments nr_nuls on `t` and return it
pub fn (t Type) to_ptr() Type {
nr_muls := (int(t) >> 16) & 0xff
if nr_muls == 255 {
panic('to_ptr: nr_muls is already at max of 255')
return int(t) & 0xff00ffff | ((nr_muls + 1) << 16)
// decrement nr_muls on `t` and return it
pub fn (t Type) deref() Type {
nr_muls := (int(t) >> 16) & 0xff
if nr_muls == 0 {
panic('deref: type `$t` is not a pointer')
return int(t) & 0xff00ffff | ((nr_muls - 1) << 16)
// set `flag` on `t` and return `t`
pub fn (t Type) set_flag(flag TypeFlag) Type {
return int(t) | (1 << (int(flag) + 24))
// clear `flag` on `t` and return `t`
pub fn (t Type) clear_flag(flag TypeFlag) Type {
return int(t) & ~(1 << (int(flag) + 24))
// clear all flags
pub fn (t Type) clear_flags() Type {
return int(t) & 0xffffff
// return true if `flag` is set on `t`
pub fn (t Type) has_flag(flag TypeFlag) bool {
return int(t) & (1 << (int(flag) + 24)) > 0
pub fn (ts TypeSymbol) debug() []string {
mut res := []string{}
res << 'parent_idx: $ts.parent_idx'
res << 'mod: $ts.mod'
res << 'name: $ts.name'
res << 'cname: $ts.cname'
res << 'info: $ts.info'
res << 'kind: $ts.kind'
res << 'is_public: $ts.is_public'
res << 'language: $ts.language'
res << 'methods ($ts.methods.len): ' + ts.methods.map(it.str()).join(', ')
return res
pub fn (t Type) debug() []string {
mut res := []string{}
res << 'idx: ${t.idx():5}'
res << 'type: ${t:10}'
res << 'nr_muls: $t.nr_muls()'
if t.has_flag(.optional) {
res << 'optional'
if t.has_flag(.variadic) {
res << 'variadic'
if t.has_flag(.generic) {
res << 'generic'
if t.has_flag(.shared_f) {
res << 'shared_f'
if t.has_flag(.atomic_f) {
res << 'atomic_f'
return res
// copy flags & nr_muls from `t_from` to `t` and return `t`
pub fn (t Type) derive(t_from Type) Type {
return (0xffff0000 & t_from) | u16(t)
// return new type with TypeSymbol idx set to `idx`
pub fn new_type(idx int) Type {
if idx < 1 || idx > 65535 {
panic('new_type: idx must be between 1 & 65535')
return idx
// return new type with TypeSymbol idx set to `idx` & nr_muls set to `nr_muls`
pub fn new_type_ptr(idx int, nr_muls int) Type {
if idx < 1 || idx > 65535 {
panic('new_type_ptr: idx must be between 1 & 65535')
if nr_muls < 0 || nr_muls > 255 {
panic('new_type_ptr: nr_muls must be between 0 & 255')
return (nr_muls << 16) | u16(idx)
// built in pointers (voidptr, byteptr, charptr)
pub fn (typ Type) is_pointer() bool {
return typ.idx() in pointer_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_float() bool {
return typ.idx() in float_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_int() bool {
return typ.idx() in integer_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_signed() bool {
return typ.idx() in signed_integer_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_unsigned() bool {
return typ.idx() in unsigned_integer_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_any_int() bool {
return typ.idx() == any_int_type_idx
pub fn (typ Type) is_number() bool {
return typ.idx() in number_type_idxs
pub fn (typ Type) is_string() bool {
return typ.idx() in string_type_idxs
pub const (
void_type_idx = 1
voidptr_type_idx = 2
byteptr_type_idx = 3
charptr_type_idx = 4
i8_type_idx = 5
i16_type_idx = 6
int_type_idx = 7
i64_type_idx = 8
byte_type_idx = 9
u16_type_idx = 10
u32_type_idx = 11
u64_type_idx = 12
f32_type_idx = 13
f64_type_idx = 14
char_type_idx = 15
bool_type_idx = 16
none_type_idx = 17
string_type_idx = 18
ustring_type_idx = 19
rune_type_idx = 20
array_type_idx = 21
map_type_idx = 22
chan_type_idx = 23
sizet_type_idx = 24
any_type_idx = 25
any_flt_type_idx = 26
any_int_type_idx = 27
pub const (
integer_type_idxs = [i8_type_idx, i16_type_idx, int_type_idx, i64_type_idx, byte_type_idx,
u16_type_idx, u32_type_idx, u64_type_idx, any_int_type_idx, rune_type_idx]
signed_integer_type_idxs = [i8_type_idx, i16_type_idx, int_type_idx, i64_type_idx]
unsigned_integer_type_idxs = [byte_type_idx, u16_type_idx, u32_type_idx, u64_type_idx]
float_type_idxs = [f32_type_idx, f64_type_idx, any_flt_type_idx]
number_type_idxs = [i8_type_idx, i16_type_idx, int_type_idx, i64_type_idx, byte_type_idx,
u16_type_idx, u32_type_idx, u64_type_idx, f32_type_idx, f64_type_idx, any_int_type_idx, any_flt_type_idx,
pointer_type_idxs = [voidptr_type_idx, byteptr_type_idx, charptr_type_idx]
string_type_idxs = [string_type_idx, ustring_type_idx]
pub const (
void_type = new_type(void_type_idx)
ovoid_type = new_type(void_type_idx).set_flag(.optional) // the return type of `fn () ?`
voidptr_type = new_type(voidptr_type_idx)
byteptr_type = new_type(byteptr_type_idx)
charptr_type = new_type(charptr_type_idx)
i8_type = new_type(i8_type_idx)
int_type = new_type(int_type_idx)
i16_type = new_type(i16_type_idx)
i64_type = new_type(i64_type_idx)
byte_type = new_type(byte_type_idx)
u16_type = new_type(u16_type_idx)
u32_type = new_type(u32_type_idx)
u64_type = new_type(u64_type_idx)
f32_type = new_type(f32_type_idx)
f64_type = new_type(f64_type_idx)
char_type = new_type(char_type_idx)
bool_type = new_type(bool_type_idx)
none_type = new_type(none_type_idx)
string_type = new_type(string_type_idx)
ustring_type = new_type(ustring_type_idx)
rune_type = new_type(rune_type_idx)
array_type = new_type(array_type_idx)
map_type = new_type(map_type_idx)
chan_type = new_type(chan_type_idx)
any_type = new_type(any_type_idx)
any_flt_type = new_type(any_flt_type_idx)
any_int_type = new_type(any_int_type_idx)
pub const (
builtin_type_names = ['void', 'voidptr', 'charptr', 'byteptr', 'i8', 'i16', 'int', 'i64', 'u16',
'u32', 'u64', 'any_int', 'f32', 'f64', 'any_float', 'string', 'ustring', 'char', 'byte', 'bool',
'none', 'array', 'array_fixed', 'map', 'chan', 'any', 'struct', 'mapnode', 'size_t', 'rune']
pub struct MultiReturn {
pub mut:
types []Type
pub struct FnType {
is_anon bool
has_decl bool
func Fn
// returns TypeSymbol kind only if there are no type modifiers
pub fn (table &Table) type_kind(typ Type) Kind {
if typ.nr_muls() > 0 || typ.has_flag(.optional) {
return Kind.placeholder
return table.get_type_symbol(typ).kind
pub enum Kind {
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) str() string {
if t.kind in [.array, .array_fixed] {
return t.name.replace('array_', '[]')
} else {
return t.name
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) enum_info() Enum {
match mut t.info {
Enum { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.enum_info(): no enum info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) mr_info() MultiReturn {
match mut t.info {
MultiReturn { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.mr_info(): no multi return info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) array_info() Array {
match mut t.info {
Array { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.array_info(): no array info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) array_fixed_info() ArrayFixed {
match mut t.info {
ArrayFixed { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.array_fixed(): no array fixed info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) chan_info() Chan {
match mut t.info {
Chan { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.chan_info(): no chan info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) map_info() Map {
match mut t.info {
Map { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.map_info(): no map info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) struct_info() Struct {
match mut t.info {
Struct { return t.info }
else { panic('TypeSymbol.struct_info(): no struct info for type: $t.name') }
pub fn (t TypeSymbol) str() string {
return t.name
pub fn (mut t Table) register_builtin_type_symbols() {
// reserve index 0 so nothing can go there
// save index check, 0 will mean not found
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .placeholder, name: 'reserved_0')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .void, name: 'void', cname: 'void', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .voidptr, name: 'voidptr', cname: 'voidptr', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .byteptr, name: 'byteptr', cname: 'byteptr', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .charptr, name: 'charptr', cname: 'charptr', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .i8, name: 'i8', cname: 'i8', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .i16, name: 'i16', cname: 'i16', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .int, name: 'int', cname: 'int', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .i64, name: 'i64', cname: 'i64', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .byte, name: 'byte', cname: 'byte', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .u16, name: 'u16', cname: 'u16', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .u32, name: 'u32', cname: 'u32', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .u64, name: 'u64', cname: 'u64', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .f32, name: 'f32', cname: 'f32', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .f64, name: 'f64', cname: 'f64', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .char, name: 'char', cname: 'char', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .bool, name: 'bool', cname: 'bool', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .none_, name: 'none', cname: 'none', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .string, name: 'string', cname: 'string', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .ustring, name: 'ustring', cname: 'ustring', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .rune, name: 'rune', cname: 'rune', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .array, name: 'array', cname: 'array', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .map, name: 'map', cname: 'map', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .chan, name: 'chan', cname: 'chan', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .size_t, name: 'size_t', cname: 'size_t', mod: 'builtin')
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .any, name: 'any', cname: 'any', mod: 'builtin')
kind: .any_float
name: 'float literal'
cname: 'any_float'
mod: 'builtin'
t.register_type_symbol(kind: .any_int, name: 'int literal', cname: 'any_int', mod: 'builtin')
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) is_pointer() bool {
return t.kind in [.byteptr, .charptr, .voidptr]
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) is_int() bool {
return t.kind in [.i8, .i16, .int, .i64, .byte, .u16, .u32, .u64, .any_int]
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) is_float() bool {
return t.kind in [.f32, .f64, .any_float]
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) is_number() bool {
return t.is_int() || t.is_float()
// for debugging/errors only, perf is not an issue
pub fn (k Kind) str() string {
k_str := match k {
.placeholder { 'placeholder' }
.void { 'void' }
.voidptr { 'voidptr' }
.charptr { 'charptr' }
.byteptr { 'byteptr' }
.struct_ { 'struct' }
.int { 'int' }
.i8 { 'i8' }
.i16 { 'i16' }
.i64 { 'i64' }
.byte { 'byte' }
.u16 { 'u16' }
.u32 { 'u32' }
.u64 { 'u64' }
.any_int { 'any_int' }
.f32 { 'f32' }
.f64 { 'f64' }
.any_float { 'any_float' }
.string { 'string' }
.char { 'char' }
.bool { 'bool' }
.size_t { 'size_t' }
.none_ { 'none' }
.array { 'array' }
.array_fixed { 'array_fixed' }
.map { 'map' }
.chan { 'chan' }
.multi_return { 'multi_return' }
.sum_type { 'sum_type' }
.alias { 'alias' }
.enum_ { 'enum' }
.any { 'any' }
.function { 'function' }
.interface_ { 'interface' }
.ustring { 'ustring' }
.generic_struct_inst { 'generic_struct_inst' }
.rune { 'rune' }
.aggregate { 'aggregate' }
return k_str
pub fn (kinds []Kind) str() string {
mut kinds_str := ''
for i, k in kinds {
kinds_str += k.str()
if i < kinds.len - 1 {
kinds_str += '_'
return kinds_str
pub struct Struct {
attrs []Attr
pub mut:
embeds []Type
fields []Field
is_typedef bool // C. [typedef]
is_union bool
is_ref_only bool
generic_types []Type
// instantiation of a generic struct
pub struct GenericStructInst {
pub mut:
parent_idx int // idx of the base generic struct
generic_types []Type
pub struct Interface {
pub mut:
types []Type
pub struct Enum {
vals []string
is_flag bool
is_multi_allowed bool
pub struct Alias {
parent_type Type
language Language
is_import bool
pub struct Aggregate {
fields []Field // used for faster lookup inside the module
types []Type
// NB: FExpr here is a actually an ast.Expr .
// It should always be used by casting to ast.Expr, using ast.fe2ex()/ast.ex2fe()
// That hack is needed to break an import cycle between v.ast and v.table .
pub type FExpr = byteptr | voidptr
pub struct Field {
name string
pub mut:
typ Type
default_expr FExpr
has_default_expr bool
default_val string
attrs []Attr
is_pub bool
is_mut bool
is_global bool
fn (f &Field) equals(o &Field) bool {
// TODO: f.is_mut == o.is_mut was removed here to allow read only access
// to (mut/not mut), but otherwise equal fields; some other new checks are needed:
// - if node is declared mut, and we mutate node.stmts, all stmts fields must be mutable
// - same goes for pub and global, if we call the field from another module
return f.name == o.name && f.typ == o.typ && f.is_pub == o.is_pub && f.is_global == o.is_global
pub struct Array {
nr_dims int
pub mut:
elem_type Type
pub struct ArrayFixed {
nr_dims int
size int
pub mut:
elem_type Type
pub struct Chan {
pub mut:
elem_type Type
is_mut bool
pub struct Map {
pub mut:
key_type Type
value_type Type
pub struct SumType {
variants []Type
// human readable type name
pub fn (table &Table) type_to_str(t Type) string {
return table.type_to_str_using_aliases(t, map[string]string{})
// type name in code (for builtin)
pub fn (table &Table) type_to_code(t Type) string {
match t {
any_int_type, any_flt_type { return table.get_type_symbol(t).kind.str() }
else { return table.type_to_str_using_aliases(t, map[string]string{}) }
// import_aliases is a map of imported symbol aliases 'module.Type' => 'Type'
pub fn (table &Table) type_to_str_using_aliases(t Type, import_aliases map[string]string) string {
sym := table.get_type_symbol(t)
mut res := sym.name
match sym.kind {
.any_int, .any_float {
res = sym.name
.i8, .i16, .int, .i64, .byte, .u16, .u32, .u64, .f32, .f64, .char, .rune, .string, .bool, .none_, .byteptr, .voidptr, .charptr {
// primitive types
res = sym.kind.str()
.array {
if t == array_type {
return 'array'
if t.has_flag(.variadic) {
res = table.type_to_str_using_aliases(table.value_type(t), import_aliases)
} else {
info := sym.info as Array
elem_str := table.type_to_str_using_aliases(info.elem_type, import_aliases)
res = '[]$elem_str'
.array_fixed {
info := sym.info as ArrayFixed
elem_str := table.type_to_str_using_aliases(info.elem_type, import_aliases)
res = '[$info.size]$elem_str'
.chan {
// TODO currently the `chan` struct in builtin is not considered a struct but a chan
if sym.mod != 'builtin' && sym.name != 'chan' {
info := sym.info as Chan
mut elem_type := info.elem_type
mut mut_str := ''
if info.is_mut {
mut_str = 'mut '
elem_type = elem_type.set_nr_muls(elem_type.nr_muls() - 1)
elem_str := table.type_to_str_using_aliases(elem_type, import_aliases)
res = 'chan $mut_str$elem_str'
.function {
info := sym.info as FnType
if !table.is_fmt {
res = table.fn_signature(info.func, type_only: true)
} else {
if res.starts_with('fn (') {
// fn foo ()
res = table.fn_signature(info.func, type_only: true)
} else {
// FnFoo
res = table.shorten_user_defined_typenames(res, import_aliases)
.map {
if int(t) == map_type_idx {
return 'map'
info := sym.info as Map
key_str := table.type_to_str_using_aliases(info.key_type, import_aliases)
val_str := table.type_to_str_using_aliases(info.value_type, import_aliases)
res = 'map[$key_str]$val_str'
.multi_return {
res = '('
info := sym.info as MultiReturn
for i, typ in info.types {
if i > 0 {
res += ', '
res += table.type_to_str_using_aliases(typ, import_aliases)
res += ')'
.void {
if t.has_flag(.optional) {
return '?'
return 'void'
else {
res = table.shorten_user_defined_typenames(res, import_aliases)
nr_muls := t.nr_muls()
if nr_muls > 0 {
res = strings.repeat(`&`, nr_muls) + res
if t.has_flag(.optional) {
res = '?' + res
return res
fn (t Table) shorten_user_defined_typenames(originalname string, import_aliases map[string]string) string {
mut res := originalname
// types defined by the user
// mod.submod.submod2.Type => submod2.Type
parts := res.split('.')
res = if parts.len > 1 { parts[parts.len - 2..].join('.') } else { parts[0] }
// cur_mod.Type => Type
if res.starts_with(t.cmod_prefix) {
res = res.replace_once(t.cmod_prefix, '')
if res in import_aliases {
res = import_aliases[res]
return res
pub struct FnSignatureOpts {
skip_receiver bool
type_only bool
pub fn (t &Table) fn_signature(func &Fn, opts FnSignatureOpts) string {
mut sb := strings.new_builder(20)
if !opts.skip_receiver {
sb.write('fn ')
// TODO write receiver
if !opts.type_only {
start := int(opts.skip_receiver)
for i in start .. func.params.len {
if i != start {
sb.write(', ')
param := func.params[i]
mut typ := param.typ
if param.is_mut {
typ = typ.deref()
sb.write('mut ')
if !opts.type_only {
sb.write('$param.name ')
styp := t.type_to_str(typ)
if func.return_type != void_type {
sb.write(' ${t.type_to_str(func.return_type)}')
return sb.str()
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) embed_name() string {
// main.Abc<int> => Abc<int>
mut embed_name := t.name.split('.').last()
// remove generic part from name
// Abc<int> => Abc
if '<' in embed_name {
embed_name = embed_name.split('<')[0]
return embed_name
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) has_method(name string) bool {
t.find_method(name) or { return false }
return true
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) find_method(name string) ?Fn {
for method in t.methods {
if method.name == name {
return method
return none
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) str_method_info() (bool, bool, int) {
mut has_str_method := false
mut expects_ptr := false
mut nr_args := 0
if sym_str_method := t.find_method('str') {
has_str_method = true
nr_args = sym_str_method.params.len
if nr_args > 0 {
expects_ptr = sym_str_method.params[0].typ.is_ptr()
return has_str_method, expects_ptr, nr_args
fn (a &Aggregate) find_field(name string) ?Field {
for field in a.fields {
if field.name == name {
return field
return none
pub fn (s Struct) find_field(name string) ?Field {
for field in s.fields {
if field.name == name {
return field
return none
pub fn (s Struct) get_field(name string) Field {
if field := s.find_field(name) {
return field
panic('unknown field `$name`')