
32 lines
708 B

// The series of i?_test.v files, do test different edge cases for
// interface table generation. The differences may seem very minor
// (placement of the interface declaration, whether or not there are
// helper methods, etc), but PLEASE do NOT be tempted to merge them in
// a single _test.v file. Debugging interface code generation issues
// is *much easier* when the _test.v files are very short and focused.
interface Drawable {
draw() string
struct Point {
x int
y int
fn (p Point) draw() string {
return 'Point($p.x,$p.y)'
fn to_string(d Drawable) string {
return d.draw()
fn test_p_draw_can_be_called() {
p := Point{
x: 2
y: 3
res := p.draw()
assert res == 'Point(2,3)'