
305 lines
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module net
import os
pub struct Socket {
sockfd int
family int
_type int
proto int
struct C.in_addr {
s_addr int
struct C.sockaddr_in {
sin_family int
sin_port int
sin_addr C.in_addr
struct C.addrinfo {
ai_family int
ai_socktype int
ai_flags int
ai_protocol int
ai_addrlen int
ai_addr voidptr
ai_canonname voidptr
ai_next voidptr
struct C.sockaddr_storage {}
// create socket
pub fn socket(family int, _type int, proto int) ?Socket {
sockfd := C.socket(family, _type, proto)
// This is needed so that there are no problems with reusing the
// same port after the application exits.
C.setsockopt(sockfd, C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(int))
if sockfd == 0 {
return error('net.socket: failed')
s := Socket {
sockfd: sockfd
family: family
_type: _type
proto: proto
return s
pub fn socket_udp() ?Socket {
// set socket options
pub fn (s Socket) setsockopt(level int, optname int, optvalue &int) ?int {
res := C.setsockopt(s.sockfd, level, optname, optvalue, C.sizeof(optvalue))
if res < 0 {
return error('net.setsocketopt: failed with $res')
return int(res)
// bind socket to port
pub fn (s Socket) bind(port int) ?int {
mut addr := C.sockaddr_in{}
addr.sin_family = s.family
addr.sin_port = C.htons(port)
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = C.htonl(C.INADDR_ANY)
size := 16 // sizeof(C.sockaddr_in)
res := int(C.bind(s.sockfd, &addr, size))
if res < 0 {
return error('net.bind: failed with $res')
return res
// put socket into passive mode and wait to receive
pub fn (s Socket) listen() ?int {
backlog := 128
res := int(C.listen(s.sockfd, backlog))
if res < 0 {
return error('net.listen: failed with $res')
$if debug {
println('listen res = $res')
return res
// put socket into passive mode with user specified backlog and wait to receive
pub fn (s Socket) listen_backlog(backlog int) ?int {
mut n := 0
if backlog > 0 {
n = backlog
res := C.listen(s.sockfd, n)
if res < 0 {
return error('net.listen_backlog: failed with $res')
return int(res)
// helper method to create, bind, and listen given port number
pub fn listen(port int) ?Socket {
$if debug {
s := socket(C.AF_INET, C.SOCK_STREAM, 0) or {
return error(err)
bind_res := s.bind(port) or {
return error(err)
listen_res := s.listen() or {
return error(err)
return s
// accept first connection request from socket queue
pub fn (s Socket) accept() ?Socket {
$if debug {
addr := C.sockaddr_storage{}
size := 128 // sizeof(sockaddr_storage)
sockfd := C.accept(s.sockfd, &addr, &size)
if sockfd < 0 {
return error('net.accept: failed with $sockfd')
c := Socket {
sockfd: sockfd
family: s.family
_type: s._type
proto: s.proto
return c
// connect to given addrress and port
pub fn (s Socket) connect(address string, port int) ?int {
mut hints := C.addrinfo{}
hints.ai_family = s.family
hints.ai_socktype = s._type
hints.ai_flags = C.AI_PASSIVE
hints.ai_protocol = s.proto
hints.ai_addrlen = 0
hints.ai_canonname = C.NULL
hints.ai_addr = C.NULL
hints.ai_next = C.NULL
info := &C.addrinfo{!}
sport := '$port'
info_res := C.getaddrinfo(address.str, sport.str, &hints, &info)
if info_res != 0 {
error_message := os.get_error_msg(net.error_code())
return error('net.connect: getaddrinfo failed "$error_message"')
res := int(C.connect(s.sockfd, info.ai_addr, info.ai_addrlen))
if res < 0 {
error_message := os.get_error_msg(net.error_code())
return error('net.connect: connect failed "$error_message"')
return int(res)
// helper method to create socket and connect
pub fn dial(address string, port int) ?Socket {
s := socket(C.AF_INET, C.SOCK_STREAM, 0) or {
return error(err)
res := s.connect(address, port) or {
return error(err)
return s
// send string data to socket
pub fn (s Socket) send(buf byteptr, len int) ?int {
res := int( C.send(s.sockfd, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL) )
if res < 0 {
return error('net.send: failed with $res')
return res
// receive string data from socket
pub fn (s Socket) recv(bufsize int) (byteptr, int) {
buf := malloc(bufsize)
res := int( C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, bufsize, 0) )
return buf, res
// TODO: remove cread/2 and crecv/2 when the Go net interface is done
pub fn (s Socket) cread( buffer byteptr, buffersize int ) int {
return int( C.read(s.sockfd, buffer, buffersize) )
// Receive a message from the socket, and place it in a preallocated buffer buf,
// with maximum message size bufsize. Returns the length of the received message.
pub fn (s Socket) crecv( buffer byteptr, buffersize int ) int {
return int( C.recv(s.sockfd, buffer, buffersize, 0) )
// shutdown and close socket
pub fn (s Socket) close() ?int {
mut shutdown_res := 0
$if windows {
shutdown_res = C.shutdown(s.sockfd, C.SD_BOTH)
$else {
shutdown_res = C.shutdown(s.sockfd, C.SHUT_RDWR)
// TODO: should shutdown throw an error? close will
// continue even if shutdown failed
// if shutdown_res < 0 {
// return error('net.close: shutdown failed with $shutdown_res')
// }
mut res := 0
$if windows {
res = C.closesocket(s.sockfd)
$else {
res = C.close(s.sockfd)
if res < 0 {
return error('net.close: failed with $res')
return 0
pub const (
CRLF = '\r\n'
MAX_READ = 400
MSG_PEEK = 0x02
// write - write a string with CRLF after it over the socket s
pub fn (s Socket) write(str string) ?int {
line := '$str$CRLF'
res := int( C.send(s.sockfd, line.str, line.len, MSG_NOSIGNAL) )
if res < 0 { return error('net.write: failed with $res') }
return res
// read_line - retrieves a line from the socket s (i.e. a string ended with \n)
pub fn (s Socket) read_line() string {
mut buf := [MAX_READ]byte // where C.recv will store the network data
mut res := '' // The final result, including the ending \n.
for {
mut line := '' // The current line. Can be a partial without \n in it.
n := int(C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, MAX_READ-1, MSG_PEEK))
if n == -1 { return res }
if n == 0 { return res }
buf[n] = `\0`
mut eol_idx := -1
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if int(buf[i]) == `\n` {
eol_idx = i
// Ensure that tos_clone(buf) later,
// will return *only* the first line (including \n),
// and ignore the rest
buf[i+1] = `\0`
line = tos_clone(buf)
if eol_idx > 0 {
// At this point, we are sure that recv returned valid data,
// that contains *at least* one line.
// Ensure that the block till the first \n (including it)
// is removed from the socket's receive queue, so that it does
// not get read again.
C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, eol_idx+1, 0)
res += line
// recv returned a buffer without \n in it .
C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, n, 0)
res += line
res += CRLF
return res
pub fn (s Socket) get_port() int {
mut addr := C.sockaddr_in {}
size := 16 // sizeof(sockaddr_in)
sockname_res := C.getsockname(s.sockfd, &addr, &size)
return int(C.ntohs(addr.sin_port))