
143 lines
6.3 KiB

// this file generates ../infix.v
module main
import strings
import os
const (
header = '[generated]
module eval
import v.token
import v.ast
fn(e Eval)infix_expr(left Object,right Object,op token.Kind,expecting ast.Type)Object{match op{'
footer = "else{e.error('unknown infix expression: \$op')}}return empty // should e.error before this anyway
uk_expect_footer = "else{e.error('unknown infix expectation: \${e.table.sym(expecting).str()}')}}"
comparison = {
'gt': '>'
'lt': '<'
'eq': '=='
'ne': '!='
math_ops = {
'plus': '+'
'minus': '-'
'mul': '*'
'div': '/'
'right_shift': '>>'
'left_shift': '<<'
compound_types = ['Int', 'Uint', 'Float']
literal_types = ['i64', 'f64']
fn main() {
mut b := strings.new_builder(124000)
for enm, op in comparison {
b.write_string('.$enm{match left{')
for ct in compound_types {
b.write_string('$ct {match right{')
for ct2 in compound_types {
b.write_string('$ct2{return left.val${op}right.val}')
for lt2 in literal_types {
b.write_string('$lt2{return left.val${op}right}')
b.write_string("else{e.error('invalid operands to $op: $ct and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
for lt in literal_types {
b.write_string('$lt {match right{')
for ct2 in compound_types {
b.write_string('$ct2{return left${op}right.val}')
for lt2 in literal_types {
b.write_string('$lt2{return left${op}right}')
b.write_string("else {e.error('invalid operands to $op: ")
b.write_string(if lt == 'i64' { 'int' } else { 'float' })
b.write_string(" literal and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
if op in ['==', '!='] {
b.write_string('string{match right{string{return left${op}right}else{e.error(\'invalid operands to $op: string and \$right.type_name()\')}}}')
b.write_string("else {e.error('invalid operands to $op: \$left.type_name() and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
for math, op in math_ops {
b.write_string('.$math{match left{')
for ct in compound_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && ct == 'Float' {
b.write_string('$ct {match right{')
for ct2 in compound_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && ct2 == 'Float' {
unsafe_start, unsafe_end := if op in ['<<', '>>'] { 'unsafe{', '}' } else { '', '' }
b.write_string('$ct2{if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs{return Int{i64(left.val)${op}i64(right.val),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs{return Uint{u64(left.val)${op}u64(right.val),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.int_literal_type_idx{${unsafe_start}return i64(i64(left.val)${op}i64(right.val))$unsafe_end}')
if op !in ['<<', '>>'] {
b.write_string('else if expecting in ast.float_type_idxs{return Float{f64(left.val)${op}f64(right.val), i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.float_literal_type_idx{return f64(f64(left.val)${op}f64(right.val))}')
for lt2 in literal_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && lt2 == 'f64' {
unsafe_start, unsafe_end := if op in ['<<', '>>'] { 'unsafe{', '}' } else { '', '' }
b.write_string('$lt2{if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs{return Int{i64(left.val)${op}i64(right),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs{return Uint{u64(left.val)${op}u64(right),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.int_literal_type_idx{${unsafe_start}return i64(i64(left.val)${op}i64(right))$unsafe_end}')
if op !in ['<<', '>>'] {
b.write_string('else if expecting in ast.float_type_idxs{return Float{f64(left.val)${op}f64(right), i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.float_literal_type_idx{return f64(f64(left.val)${op}f64(right))}')
b.write_string("else {e.error('invalid operands to $op: $ct and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
for lt in literal_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && lt == 'f64' {
b.write_string('$lt{match right{')
for ct2 in compound_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && ct2 == 'Float' {
unsafe_start, unsafe_end := if op in ['<<', '>>'] { 'unsafe{', '}' } else { '', '' }
b.write_string('$ct2{if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs{return Int{i64(left)${op}i64(right.val),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs{return Uint{u64(left)${op}u64(right.val),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.int_literal_type_idx{${unsafe_start}return i64(i64(left)${op}i64(right.val))$unsafe_end}')
if op !in ['<<', '>>'] {
b.write_string('else if expecting in ast.float_type_idxs{return Float{f64(left)${op}f64(right.val), i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.float_literal_type_idx{return f64(f64(left)${op}f64(right.val))}')
for lt2 in literal_types {
if op in ['<<', '>>'] && lt2 == 'f64' {
unsafe_start, unsafe_end := if op in ['<<', '>>'] { 'unsafe{', '}' } else { '', '' }
b.write_string('$lt2{if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs{return Int{i64(left)${op}i64(right),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs{return Uint{u64(left)${op}u64(right),i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.int_literal_type_idx{${unsafe_start}return i64(i64(left)${op}i64(right))$unsafe_end}')
if op !in ['<<', '>>'] {
b.write_string('else if expecting in ast.float_type_idxs{return Float{f64(left)${op}f64(right), i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))}}else if expecting==ast.float_literal_type_idx{return f64(f64(left)${op}f64(right))}')
b.write_string("else {e.error('invalid operands to $op: ")
b.write_string(if lt == 'i64' { 'int' } else { 'float' })
b.write_string(" literal and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
b.write_string("else {e.error('invalid operands to $op: \$left.type_name() and \$right.type_name()')}}}")
path := @FILE.all_before(@FILE.all_after_last('/')) + '../infix.v'
os.write_file(path, b.str()) or { panic(err) }
res := os.execute(os.quoted_path(@VEXE) + ' fmt -w ' + os.quoted_path(path))
if res.exit_code != 0 {
eprintln('v fmt failed!')