
129 lines
4.7 KiB

module c
import os
import rand
import v.ast
import v.pref
fn (mut g Gen) embed_file_is_prod_mode() bool {
if g.pref.is_prod || 'debug_embed_file_in_prod' in g.pref.compile_defines {
return true
return false
// gen_embed_file_struct generates C code for `$embed_file('...')` calls.
fn (mut g Gen) gen_embed_file_init(mut node ast.ComptimeCall) {
if g.embed_file_is_prod_mode() {
file_bytes := os.read_bytes(node.embed_file.apath) or {
panic('unable to read file: "$node.embed_file.rpath')
if node.embed_file.compression_type == 'none' {
node.embed_file.bytes = file_bytes
} else {
cache_dir := os.join_path(os.vmodules_dir(), 'cache', 'embed_file')
cache_key := rand.ulid()
// cache_key := md5.hexhash(node.embed_file.apath)
if !os.exists(cache_dir) {
os.mkdir_all(cache_dir) or { panic(err) }
cache_path := os.join_path(cache_dir, cache_key)
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
result := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} compress $node.embed_file.compression_type ${os.quoted_path(node.embed_file.apath)} ${os.quoted_path(cache_path)}')
if result.exit_code != 0 {
eprintln('unable to compress file "$node.embed_file.rpath": $result.output')
node.embed_file.bytes = file_bytes
} else {
compressed_bytes := os.read_bytes(cache_path) or {
eprintln('unable to read compressed file')
os.rm(cache_path) or {} // clean up
node.embed_file.is_compressed = compressed_bytes.len > 0
&& compressed_bytes.len < file_bytes.len
node.embed_file.bytes = if node.embed_file.is_compressed {
} else {
if node.embed_file.bytes.len > 5242880 {
eprintln('embedding of files >= ~5MB is currently not well supported')
node.embed_file.len = file_bytes.len
g.writeln('\t\t.path = ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.rpath)},')
if g.embed_file_is_prod_mode() {
// apath is not needed in production and may leak information
g.writeln('\t\t.apath = ${ctoslit('')},')
} else {
g.writeln('\t\t.apath = ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.apath)},')
if g.embed_file_is_prod_mode() {
// use function generated in Gen.gen_embedded_data()
if node.embed_file.is_compressed {
g.writeln('\t\t.compression_type = ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.compression_type)},')
g.writeln('\t\t.compressed = v__embed_file__find_index_entry_by_path((voidptr)_v_embed_file_index, ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.rpath)}, ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.compression_type)})->data,')
g.writeln('\t\t.uncompressed = NULL,')
} else {
g.writeln('\t\t.uncompressed = v__embed_file__find_index_entry_by_path((voidptr)_v_embed_file_index, ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.rpath)}, ${ctoslit(node.embed_file.compression_type)})->data,')
} else {
g.writeln('\t\t.uncompressed = NULL,')
g.writeln('\t\t.free_compressed = 0,')
g.writeln('\t\t.free_uncompressed = 0,')
if g.embed_file_is_prod_mode() {
g.writeln('\t\t.len = $node.embed_file.len')
} else {
file_size := os.file_size(node.embed_file.apath)
if file_size > 5242880 {
eprintln('Warning: embedding of files >= ~5MB is currently not supported')
g.writeln('\t\t.len = $file_size')
g.writeln('} // \$embed_file("$node.embed_file.apath")')
g.file.embedded_files << node.embed_file
// gen_embedded_data embeds data into the V target executable.
fn (mut g Gen) gen_embedded_data() {
TODO implement support for large files - right now the setup has problems
// with even just 10 - 50 MB files - the problem is both in V and C compilers.
// maybe we need to write to separate files or have an external tool for large files
// like the `rcc` tool in Qt?
for i, emfile in g.embedded_files {
g.embedded_data.write_string('static const unsigned char _v_embed_blob_$i[$emfile.bytes.len] = {\n ')
for j := 0; j < emfile.bytes.len; j++ {
b := emfile.bytes[j].hex()
if j < emfile.bytes.len - 1 {
} else {
if 0 == ((j + 1) % 16) {
g.embedded_data.write_string('\n ')
g.embedded_data.writeln('const v__embed_file__EmbedFileIndexEntry _v_embed_file_index[] = {')
for i, emfile in g.embedded_files {
g.embedded_data.writeln('\t{$i, { .str=(byteptr)("${cestring(emfile.rpath)}"), .len=$emfile.rpath.len, .is_lit=1 }, { .str=(byteptr)("${cestring(emfile.compression_type)}"), .len=$emfile.compression_type.len, .is_lit=1 }, _v_embed_blob_$i},')
g.embedded_data.writeln('\t{-1, { .str=(byteptr)(""), .len=0, .is_lit=1 }, { .str=(byteptr)(""), .len=0, .is_lit=1 }, NULL}')
// see vlib/v/embed_file/embed_file.v, find_index_entry_by_id/2 and find_index_entry_by_path/2