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// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module ast
import v.util
import strings
pub fn (node &FnDecl) modname() string {
if node.mod != '' {
return node.mod
mut pamod := node.name.all_before_last('.')
if pamod == node.name.after('.') {
pamod = if node.is_builtin { 'builtin' } else { 'main' }
return pamod
// fkey returns a unique name of the function/method.
// it is used in table.used_fns and v.markused.
pub fn (node &FnDecl) fkey() string {
if node.is_method {
return '${int(node.receiver.typ)}.$node.name'
return node.name
pub fn (node &CallExpr) fkey() string {
if node.is_method {
return '${int(node.receiver_type)}.$node.name'
return node.name
// These methods are used only by vfmt, vdoc, and for debugging.
pub fn (node &AnonFn) stringify(t &Table, cur_mod string, m2a map[string]string) string {
mut f := strings.new_builder(30)
f.write_string('fn ')
if node.inherited_vars.len > 0 {
for i, var in node.inherited_vars {
if i > 0 {
f.write_string(', ')
if var.is_mut {
f.write_string('mut ')
f.write_string('] ')
stringify_fn_after_name(node.decl, mut f, t, cur_mod, m2a)
return f.str()
pub fn (node &FnDecl) stringify(t &Table, cur_mod string, m2a map[string]string) string {
mut f := strings.new_builder(30)
if node.is_pub {
f.write_string('pub ')
f.write_string('fn ')
if node.is_method {
mut styp := util.no_cur_mod(t.type_to_code(node.receiver.typ.clear_flag(.shared_f)),
if node.rec_mut {
f.write_string(node.receiver.typ.share().str() + ' ')
styp = styp[1..] // remove &
f.write_string(node.receiver.name + ' ')
styp = util.no_cur_mod(styp, cur_mod)
if node.params[0].is_auto_rec {
styp = styp.trim('&')
f.write_string(styp + ') ')
name := if !node.is_method && node.language == .v {
} else {
if name in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<', '>', '==', '!=', '>=', '<='] {
f.write_string(' ')
stringify_fn_after_name(node, mut f, t, cur_mod, m2a)
return f.str()
fn stringify_fn_after_name(node &FnDecl, mut f strings.Builder, t &Table, cur_mod string, m2a map[string]string) {
mut add_para_types := true
if node.generic_names.len > 0 {
if node.is_method {
sym := t.get_type_symbol(node.params[0].typ)
if sym.info is Struct {
generic_names := sym.info.generic_types.map(t.get_type_symbol(it).name)
if generic_names == node.generic_names {
add_para_types = false
if add_para_types {
for i, gname in node.generic_names {
is_last := i == node.generic_names.len - 1
if !is_last {
f.write_string(', ')
for i, arg in node.params {
// skip receiver
// if (node.is_method || node.is_interface) && i == 0 {
if node.is_method && i == 0 {
if arg.is_hidden {
is_last_arg := i == node.params.len - 1
is_type_only := arg.name == ''
should_add_type := true // is_last_arg || is_type_only || node.params[i + 1].typ != arg.typ ||
// (node.is_variadic && i == node.params.len - 2)
if arg.is_mut {
f.write_string(arg.typ.share().str() + ' ')
mut s := t.type_to_str(arg.typ.clear_flag(.shared_f))
if arg.is_mut {
// f.write_string(' mut')
if s.starts_with('&') {
s = s[1..]
s = util.no_cur_mod(s, cur_mod)
for mod, alias in m2a {
s = s.replace(mod, alias)
if should_add_type {
if !is_type_only {
f.write_string(' ')
if node.is_variadic && is_last_arg {
if !is_last_arg {
f.write_string(', ')
if node.return_type != void_type {
mut rs := util.no_cur_mod(t.type_to_str(node.return_type), cur_mod)
for mod, alias in m2a {
rs = rs.replace(mod, alias)
f.write_string(' ' + rs)
// Expressions in string interpolations may have to be put in braces if they
// are non-trivial, if they would interfere with the next character or if a
// format specification is given. In the latter case
// the format specifier must be appended, separated by a colon:
// '$z $z.b $z.c.x ${x[4]} ${z:8.3f} ${a:-20} ${a>b+2}'
// This method creates the format specifier (including the colon) or an empty
// string if none is needed and also returns (as bool) if the expression
// must be enclosed in braces.
pub fn (lit &StringInterLiteral) get_fspec_braces(i int) (string, bool) {
mut res := []string{}
needs_fspec := lit.need_fmts[i] || lit.pluss[i]
|| (lit.fills[i] && lit.fwidths[i] >= 0) || lit.fwidths[i] != 0
|| lit.precisions[i] != 987698
mut needs_braces := needs_fspec
sx := lit.exprs[i].str()
if sx.contains(r'"') || sx.contains(r"'") {
needs_braces = true
if !needs_braces {
if i + 1 < lit.vals.len && lit.vals[i + 1].len > 0 {
next_char := lit.vals[i + 1][0]
if util.is_func_char(next_char) || next_char == `.` || next_char == `(` {
needs_braces = true
if !needs_braces {
mut sub_expr := lit.exprs[i]
for {
match mut sub_expr {
Ident {
if sub_expr.name[0] == `@` {
needs_braces = true
CallExpr {
if sub_expr.args.len != 0 {
needs_braces = true
} else if sub_expr.left is CallExpr {
sub_expr = sub_expr.left
} else if sub_expr.left is CastExpr || sub_expr.left is IndexExpr {
needs_braces = true
SelectorExpr {
if sub_expr.field_name[0] == `@` {
needs_braces = true
sub_expr = sub_expr.expr
else {
needs_braces = true
if needs_fspec {
res << ':'
if lit.pluss[i] {
res << '+'
if lit.fills[i] && lit.fwidths[i] >= 0 {
res << '0'
if lit.fwidths[i] != 0 {
res << '${lit.fwidths[i]}'
if lit.precisions[i] != 987698 {
res << '.${lit.precisions[i]}'
if lit.need_fmts[i] {
res << '${lit.fmts[i]:c}'
return res.join(''), needs_braces
// string representation of expr
pub fn (x Expr) str() string {
match x {
AnonFn {
return 'anon_fn'
DumpExpr {
return 'dump($x.expr.str())'
ArrayInit {
mut fields := []string{}
if x.has_len {
fields << 'len: $x.len_expr.str()'
if x.has_cap {
fields << 'cap: $x.cap_expr.str()'
if x.has_default {
fields << 'init: $x.default_expr.str()'
if fields.len > 0 {
return '[]T{${fields.join(', ')}}'
} else {
return x.exprs.str()
AsCast {
return '$x.expr.str() as ${global_table.type_to_str(x.typ)}'
AtExpr {
return '$x.val'
CTempVar {
return x.orig.str()
BoolLiteral {
return x.val.str()
CastExpr {
return '${x.typname}($x.expr.str())'
CallExpr {
sargs := args2str(x.args)
propagate_suffix := if x.or_block.kind == .propagate { ' ?' } else { '' }
if x.is_method {
return '${x.left.str()}.${x.name}($sargs)$propagate_suffix'
if x.name.starts_with('${x.mod}.') {
return util.strip_main_name('${x.name}($sargs)$propagate_suffix')
if x.mod == '' && x.name == '' {
return x.left.str() + '($sargs)$propagate_suffix'
return '${x.mod}.${x.name}($sargs)$propagate_suffix'
CharLiteral {
return '`$x.val`'
Comment {
if x.is_multi {
lines := x.text.split_into_lines()
return '/* $lines.len lines comment */'
} else {
text := x.text.trim('\x01').trim_space()
return '´// $text´'
ComptimeSelector {
return '${x.left}.$$x.field_expr'
ConcatExpr {
return x.vals.map(it.str()).join(',')
EnumVal {
return '.$x.val'
FloatLiteral, IntegerLiteral {
return x.val
GoExpr {
return 'go $x.call_expr'
Ident {
return x.name
IfExpr {
mut parts := []string{}
dollar := if x.is_comptime { '$' } else { '' }
for i, branch in x.branches {
if i != 0 {
parts << ' } ${dollar}else '
if i < x.branches.len - 1 || !x.has_else {
parts << ' ${dollar}if ' + branch.cond.str() + ' { '
for stmt in branch.stmts {
parts << stmt.str()
parts << ' }'
return parts.join('')
IndexExpr {
return '$x.left.str()[$x.index.str()]'
InfixExpr {
return '$x.left.str() $x.op.str() $x.right.str()'
MapInit {
mut pairs := []string{}
for ik, kv in x.keys {
mv := x.vals[ik].str()
pairs << '$kv: $mv'
return 'map{ ${pairs.join(' ')} }'
ParExpr {
return '($x.expr)'
PostfixExpr {
if x.op == .question {
return '$x.expr ?'
return '$x.expr$x.op'
PrefixExpr {
return x.op.str() + x.right.str()
RangeExpr {
mut s := '..'
if x.has_low {
s = '$x.low ' + s
if x.has_high {
s = s + ' $x.high'
return s
SelectExpr {
return 'ast.SelectExpr'
SelectorExpr {
return '${x.expr.str()}.$x.field_name'
SizeOf {
if x.is_type {
return 'sizeof(${global_table.type_to_str(x.typ)})'
return 'sizeof($x.expr)'
OffsetOf {
return '__offsetof(${global_table.type_to_str(x.struct_type)}, $x.field)'
StringInterLiteral {
mut res := strings.new_builder(50)
for i, val in x.vals {
if i >= x.exprs.len {
fspec_str, needs_braces := x.get_fspec_braces(i)
if needs_braces {
} else {
return res.str()
StringLiteral {
return "'$x.val'"
TypeNode {
return 'TypeNode($x.typ)'
TypeOf {
return 'typeof($x.expr.str())'
Likely {
return '_likely_($x.expr.str())'
UnsafeExpr {
return 'unsafe { $x.expr }'
None {
return 'none'
IsRefType {
return 'isreftype(' + if x.is_type {
} else {
} + ')'
IfGuardExpr {
return x.var_name + ' := ' + x.expr.str()
StructInit {
sname := global_table.get_type_symbol(x.typ).name
return '$sname{....}'
ArrayDecompose {
return 'ast.ArrayDecompose'
Assoc {
return 'ast.Assoc'
ChanInit {
return 'ast.ChanInit'
ComptimeCall {
return 'ast.ComptimeCall'
EmptyExpr {
return 'ast.EmptyExpr'
LockExpr {
return 'ast.LockExpr'
MatchExpr {
return 'ast.MatchExpr'
NodeError {
return 'ast.NodeError'
OrExpr {
return 'ast.OrExpr'
SqlExpr {
return 'ast.SqlExpr'
return '[unhandled expr type $x.type_name()]'
pub fn (a CallArg) str() string {
if a.is_mut {
return 'mut $a.expr.str()'
return '$a.expr.str()'
pub fn args2str(args []CallArg) string {
mut res := []string{}
for a in args {
res << a.str()
return res.join(', ')
pub fn (node &BranchStmt) str() string {
mut s := '$node.kind'
if node.label.len > 0 {
s += ' $node.label'
return s
pub fn (node Stmt) str() string {
match node {
AssertStmt {
return 'assert $node.expr'
AssignStmt {
mut out := ''
for i, left in node.left {
if left is Ident {
var_info := left.var_info()
if var_info.is_mut {
out += 'mut '
out += left.str()
if i < node.left.len - 1 {
out += ','
out += ' $node.op.str() '
for i, val in node.right {
out += val.str()
if i < node.right.len - 1 {
out += ','
return out
BranchStmt {
return node.str()
ConstDecl {
fields := node.fields.map(field_to_string)
return 'const (${fields.join(' ')})'
ExprStmt {
return node.expr.str()
FnDecl {
return 'fn ${node.name}( $node.params.len params ) { $node.stmts.len stmts }'
EnumDecl {
return 'enum $node.name { $node.fields.len fields }'
Module {
return 'module $node.name'
Import {
mut out := 'import $node.mod'
if node.alias.len > 0 {
out += ' as $node.alias'
return out
StructDecl {
return 'struct $node.name { $node.fields.len fields }'
else {
return '[unhandled stmt str type: $node.type_name() ]'
fn field_to_string(f ConstField) string {
x := f.name.trim_prefix(f.mod + '.')
return '$x = $f.expr'
pub fn (e CompForKind) str() string {
match e {
.methods { return 'methods' }
.fields { return 'fields' }
.attributes { return 'attributes' }