98556 lines
4.5 MiB
98556 lines
4.5 MiB
#define V_COMMIT_HASH "e9aca1256"
#define V_COMMIT_HASH "460c2ee77"
#define V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH "e9aca12"
#define V_USE_SIGNAL_H
// V comptime_definitions:
#define __VTHREADS__ (1)
#define _VAUTOFREE (0)
// V typedefs:
typedef struct IError IError;
typedef struct rand__PRNG rand__PRNG;
typedef struct hash__Hasher hash__Hasher;
typedef struct hash__Hash32er hash__Hash32er;
typedef struct hash__Hash64er hash__Hash64er;
typedef struct v__ast__walker__Visitor v__ast__walker__Visitor;
typedef struct none none;
typedef struct v__ast__TypeDecl v__ast__TypeDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__Expr v__ast__Expr;
typedef struct v__ast__Stmt v__ast__Stmt;
typedef struct v__ast__ScopeObject v__ast__ScopeObject;
typedef struct v__ast__Node v__ast__Node;
typedef struct v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue;
typedef struct v__ast__IdentInfo v__ast__IdentInfo;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmArg v__ast__AsmArg;
typedef struct v__ast__TypeInfo v__ast__TypeInfo;
// BEGIN_multi_return_typedefs
typedef struct multi_return_u32_u32 multi_return_u32_u32;
typedef struct multi_return_u32_u32_u32 multi_return_u32_u32_u32;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber;
typedef struct multi_return_u64_int multi_return_u64_int;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_string_int multi_return_string_int;
typedef struct multi_return_int_bool multi_return_int_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_int_int multi_return_int_int;
typedef struct multi_return_ref_v__pref__Preferences_string multi_return_ref_v__pref__Preferences_string;
typedef struct multi_return_string_string multi_return_string_string;
typedef struct multi_return_u64_u64 multi_return_u64_u64;
typedef struct multi_return_f64_int multi_return_f64_int;
typedef struct multi_return_f64_f64 multi_return_f64_f64;
typedef struct multi_return_int_int_int multi_return_int_int_int;
typedef struct multi_return_int_int_int_int_i64_bool multi_return_int_int_int_int_i64_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_string_int multi_return_Array_string_int;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_string_v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder multi_return_Array_string_v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder;
typedef struct multi_return_string_bool multi_return_string_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_v__ast__Fn_Array_v__ast__Type multi_return_v__ast__Fn_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct multi_return_v__ast__StructField_Array_v__ast__Type multi_return_v__ast__StructField_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct multi_return_ref_v__ast__TypeSymbol_int multi_return_ref_v__ast__TypeSymbol_int;
typedef struct multi_return_bool_bool_int multi_return_bool_bool_int;
typedef struct multi_return_string_v__token__Pos multi_return_string_v__token__Pos;
typedef struct multi_return_bool_int_int multi_return_bool_int_int;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_v__ast__Param_bool_bool multi_return_Array_v__ast__Param_bool_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_v__ast__Expr_Array_v__ast__Comment multi_return_Array_v__ast__Expr_Array_v__ast__Comment;
typedef struct multi_return_ref_v__ast__File_Array_v__vet__Error multi_return_ref_v__ast__File_Array_v__vet__Error;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_v__ast__Type_Array_string multi_return_Array_v__ast__Type_Array_string;
typedef struct multi_return_Map_string_v__ast__FnDecl_Map_string_v__ast__ConstField_Map_string_v__ast__GlobalField multi_return_Map_string_v__ast__FnDecl_Map_string_v__ast__ConstField_Map_string_v__ast__GlobalField;
typedef struct multi_return_bool_Array_string multi_return_bool_Array_string;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_string_Array_string_Array_string multi_return_Array_string_Array_string_Array_string;
typedef struct multi_return_string_string_string_string multi_return_string_string_string_string;
typedef struct multi_return_int_string_string_string multi_return_int_string_string_string;
typedef struct multi_return_Array_string_Array_string_Array_bool multi_return_Array_string_Array_string_Array_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_u64_string multi_return_u64_string;
// END_multi_return_typedefs
typedef struct strconv__BF_param strconv__BF_param;
typedef struct strconv__PrepNumber strconv__PrepNumber;
typedef struct strconv__Dec32 strconv__Dec32;
typedef struct strconv__Dec64 strconv__Dec64;
typedef struct strconv__Uint128 strconv__Uint128;
typedef union strconv__Uf32 strconv__Uf32;
typedef union strconv__Uf64 strconv__Uf64;
typedef union strconv__Float64u strconv__Float64u;
typedef union strconv__Float32u strconv__Float32u;
typedef struct array array;
typedef struct VCastTypeIndexName VCastTypeIndexName;
typedef struct VAssertMetaInfo VAssertMetaInfo;
typedef struct MethodArgs MethodArgs;
typedef struct FunctionData FunctionData;
typedef struct FieldData FieldData;
typedef struct StructAttribute StructAttribute;
typedef struct SymbolInfo SymbolInfo;
typedef struct SymbolInfoContainer SymbolInfoContainer;
typedef struct Line64 Line64;
typedef struct ExceptionRecord ExceptionRecord;
typedef struct ContextRecord ContextRecord;
typedef struct ExceptionPointers ExceptionPointers;
typedef struct DenseArray DenseArray;
typedef struct map map;
typedef struct Error Error;
typedef struct MessageError MessageError;
typedef struct None__ None__;
typedef struct Option Option;
typedef struct _option _option;
typedef struct _result _result;
typedef struct VMemoryBlock VMemoryBlock;
typedef struct SortedMap SortedMap;
typedef struct mapnode mapnode;
typedef struct string string;
typedef struct RepIndex RepIndex;
typedef union StrIntpMem StrIntpMem;
typedef struct StrIntpCgenData StrIntpCgenData;
typedef struct StrIntpData StrIntpData;
typedef struct strings__textscanner__TextScanner strings__textscanner__TextScanner;
typedef struct v__token__KeywordsMatcher v__token__KeywordsMatcher;
typedef struct v__token__WIndex v__token__WIndex;
typedef struct v__token__Pos v__token__Pos;
typedef struct v__token__Token v__token__Token;
typedef struct time__TimeParseError time__TimeParseError;
typedef struct time__StopWatchOptions time__StopWatchOptions;
typedef struct time__StopWatch time__StopWatch;
typedef struct time__Time time__Time;
typedef struct time__SystemTime time__SystemTime;
typedef struct v__dotgraph__DotGraph v__dotgraph__DotGraph;
typedef struct v__dotgraph__NewNodeConfig v__dotgraph__NewNodeConfig;
typedef struct v__dotgraph__NewEdgeConfig v__dotgraph__NewEdgeConfig;
typedef struct rand__buffer__PRNGBuffer rand__buffer__PRNGBuffer;
typedef struct flag__Flag flag__Flag;
typedef struct flag__UnkownFlagError flag__UnkownFlagError;
typedef struct flag__ArgsCountError flag__ArgsCountError;
typedef struct flag__FlagParser flag__FlagParser;
typedef struct semver__RawVersion semver__RawVersion;
typedef struct semver__Comparator semver__Comparator;
typedef struct semver__ComparatorSet semver__ComparatorSet;
typedef struct semver__Range semver__Range;
typedef struct semver__InvalidComparatorFormatError semver__InvalidComparatorFormatError;
typedef struct semver__Version semver__Version;
typedef struct semver__EmptyInputError semver__EmptyInputError;
typedef struct semver__InvalidVersionFormatError semver__InvalidVersionFormatError;
typedef struct os__File os__File;
typedef struct os__FileInfo os__FileInfo;
typedef struct os__FileNotOpenedError os__FileNotOpenedError;
typedef struct os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error;
typedef struct os__FilePermission os__FilePermission;
typedef struct os__FileMode os__FileMode;
typedef struct os__Result os__Result;
typedef struct os__Command os__Command;
typedef struct os__ExecutableNotFoundError os__ExecutableNotFoundError;
typedef struct os__Uname os__Uname;
typedef struct os__Filetime os__Filetime;
typedef struct os__Win32finddata os__Win32finddata;
typedef struct os__ProcessInformation os__ProcessInformation;
typedef struct os__StartupInfo os__StartupInfo;
typedef struct os__SecurityAttributes os__SecurityAttributes;
typedef struct os__ExceptionRecord os__ExceptionRecord;
typedef struct os__ContextRecord os__ContextRecord;
typedef struct os__ExceptionPointers os__ExceptionPointers;
typedef struct os__Process os__Process;
typedef struct os__WProcess os__WProcess;
typedef struct v__errors__Error v__errors__Error;
typedef struct v__errors__Warning v__errors__Warning;
typedef struct v__errors__Notice v__errors__Notice;
typedef struct v__depgraph__DepGraphNode v__depgraph__DepGraphNode;
typedef struct v__depgraph__DepGraph v__depgraph__DepGraph;
typedef struct v__depgraph__OrderedDepMap v__depgraph__OrderedDepMap;
typedef struct v__depgraph__NodeNames v__depgraph__NodeNames;
typedef struct v__vet__Error v__vet__Error;
typedef struct term__Coord term__Coord;
typedef struct v__vcache__CacheManager v__vcache__CacheManager;
typedef struct v__vmod__Manifest v__vmod__Manifest;
typedef struct v__vmod__Scanner v__vmod__Scanner;
typedef struct v__vmod__Parser v__vmod__Parser;
typedef struct v__vmod__Token v__vmod__Token;
typedef struct v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder;
typedef struct v__vmod__ModFileCacher v__vmod__ModFileCacher;
typedef struct v__cflag__CFlag v__cflag__CFlag;
typedef struct rand__config__PRNGConfigStruct rand__config__PRNGConfigStruct;
typedef struct rand__config__NormalConfigStruct rand__config__NormalConfigStruct;
typedef struct rand__config__ShuffleConfigStruct rand__config__ShuffleConfigStruct;
typedef struct rand__wyrand__WyRandRNG rand__wyrand__WyRandRNG;
typedef struct v__pkgconfig__Main v__pkgconfig__Main;
typedef struct v__pkgconfig__MainOptions v__pkgconfig__MainOptions;
typedef struct v__pkgconfig__Options v__pkgconfig__Options;
typedef struct v__pkgconfig__PkgConfig v__pkgconfig__PkgConfig;
typedef struct v__pref__Preferences v__pref__Preferences;
typedef struct sync__Subscription sync__Subscription;
typedef struct sync__Channel sync__Channel;
typedef struct sync__ManyTimes sync__ManyTimes;
typedef struct sync__Once sync__Once;
typedef struct sync__Mutex sync__Mutex;
typedef struct sync__RwMutex sync__RwMutex;
typedef struct sync__Semaphore sync__Semaphore;
typedef struct sync__WaitGroup sync__WaitGroup;
typedef struct v__util__EManager v__util__EManager;
typedef struct v__util__LinesCache v__util__LinesCache;
typedef struct v__util__Possibility v__util__Possibility;
typedef struct v__util__Suggestion v__util__Suggestion;
typedef struct v__util__Surrounder v__util__Surrounder;
typedef struct v__util__Timers v__util__Timers;
typedef struct v__util__TimerParams v__util__TimerParams;
typedef struct v__util__SourceCache v__util__SourceCache;
typedef struct sync__pool__PoolProcessor sync__pool__PoolProcessor;
typedef struct sync__pool__PoolProcessorConfig sync__pool__PoolProcessorConfig;
typedef struct v__ast__TypeNode v__ast__TypeNode;
typedef struct v__ast__ComptimeType v__ast__ComptimeType;
typedef struct v__ast__EmptyExpr v__ast__EmptyExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__EmptyStmt v__ast__EmptyStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__EmptyNode v__ast__EmptyNode;
typedef struct v__ast__Block v__ast__Block;
typedef struct v__ast__ExprStmt v__ast__ExprStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__IntegerLiteral v__ast__IntegerLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__FloatLiteral v__ast__FloatLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__StringLiteral v__ast__StringLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__StringInterLiteral v__ast__StringInterLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__CharLiteral v__ast__CharLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__BoolLiteral v__ast__BoolLiteral;
typedef struct v__ast__SelectorExpr v__ast__SelectorExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__Module v__ast__Module;
typedef struct v__ast__StructField v__ast__StructField;
typedef struct v__ast__ConstField v__ast__ConstField;
typedef struct v__ast__ConstDecl v__ast__ConstDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__StructDecl v__ast__StructDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__Embed v__ast__Embed;
typedef struct v__ast__InterfaceEmbedding v__ast__InterfaceEmbedding;
typedef struct v__ast__InterfaceDecl v__ast__InterfaceDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__StructInitField v__ast__StructInitField;
typedef struct v__ast__StructInitEmbed v__ast__StructInitEmbed;
typedef struct v__ast__StructInit v__ast__StructInit;
typedef struct v__ast__Import v__ast__Import;
typedef struct v__ast__ImportSymbol v__ast__ImportSymbol;
typedef struct v__ast__AnonFn v__ast__AnonFn;
typedef struct v__ast__FnDecl v__ast__FnDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__BranchStmt v__ast__BranchStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__CallExpr v__ast__CallExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__CallArg v__ast__CallArg;
typedef struct v__ast__Return v__ast__Return;
typedef struct v__ast__Var v__ast__Var;
typedef struct v__ast__ScopeStructField v__ast__ScopeStructField;
typedef struct v__ast__GlobalField v__ast__GlobalField;
typedef struct v__ast__GlobalDecl v__ast__GlobalDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__EmbeddedFile v__ast__EmbeddedFile;
typedef struct v__ast__File v__ast__File;
typedef struct v__ast__IdentFn v__ast__IdentFn;
typedef struct v__ast__IdentVar v__ast__IdentVar;
typedef struct v__ast__Ident v__ast__Ident;
typedef struct v__ast__InfixExpr v__ast__InfixExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__PostfixExpr v__ast__PostfixExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__PrefixExpr v__ast__PrefixExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__IndexExpr v__ast__IndexExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__IfExpr v__ast__IfExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__IfBranch v__ast__IfBranch;
typedef struct v__ast__UnsafeExpr v__ast__UnsafeExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__LockExpr v__ast__LockExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__MatchExpr v__ast__MatchExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__MatchBranch v__ast__MatchBranch;
typedef struct v__ast__SelectExpr v__ast__SelectExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__SelectBranch v__ast__SelectBranch;
typedef struct v__ast__ComptimeFor v__ast__ComptimeFor;
typedef struct v__ast__ForStmt v__ast__ForStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__ForInStmt v__ast__ForInStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__ForCStmt v__ast__ForCStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__HashStmt v__ast__HashStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__AssignStmt v__ast__AssignStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__AsCast v__ast__AsCast;
typedef struct v__ast__EnumVal v__ast__EnumVal;
typedef struct v__ast__EnumField v__ast__EnumField;
typedef struct v__ast__EnumDecl v__ast__EnumDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__AliasTypeDecl v__ast__AliasTypeDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__SumTypeDecl v__ast__SumTypeDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__FnTypeDecl v__ast__FnTypeDecl;
typedef struct v__ast__DeferStmt v__ast__DeferStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__ParExpr v__ast__ParExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__GoExpr v__ast__GoExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__GotoLabel v__ast__GotoLabel;
typedef struct v__ast__GotoStmt v__ast__GotoStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__ArrayInit v__ast__ArrayInit;
typedef struct v__ast__ArrayDecompose v__ast__ArrayDecompose;
typedef struct v__ast__ChanInit v__ast__ChanInit;
typedef struct v__ast__MapInit v__ast__MapInit;
typedef struct v__ast__RangeExpr v__ast__RangeExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__CastExpr v__ast__CastExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmStmt v__ast__AsmStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmTemplate v__ast__AsmTemplate;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmRegister v__ast__AsmRegister;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmDisp v__ast__AsmDisp;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmAlias v__ast__AsmAlias;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmAddressing v__ast__AsmAddressing;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmClobbered v__ast__AsmClobbered;
typedef struct v__ast__AsmIO v__ast__AsmIO;
typedef struct v__ast__AssertStmt v__ast__AssertStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__IfGuardVar v__ast__IfGuardVar;
typedef struct v__ast__IfGuardExpr v__ast__IfGuardExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__OrExpr v__ast__OrExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__Assoc v__ast__Assoc;
typedef struct v__ast__SizeOf v__ast__SizeOf;
typedef struct v__ast__IsRefType v__ast__IsRefType;
typedef struct v__ast__OffsetOf v__ast__OffsetOf;
typedef struct v__ast__Likely v__ast__Likely;
typedef struct v__ast__TypeOf v__ast__TypeOf;
typedef struct v__ast__DumpExpr v__ast__DumpExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__Comment v__ast__Comment;
typedef struct v__ast__ConcatExpr v__ast__ConcatExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__AtExpr v__ast__AtExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__ComptimeSelector v__ast__ComptimeSelector;
typedef struct v__ast__ComptimeCall v__ast__ComptimeCall;
typedef struct v__ast__None v__ast__None;
typedef struct v__ast__SqlStmt v__ast__SqlStmt;
typedef struct v__ast__SqlStmtLine v__ast__SqlStmtLine;
typedef struct v__ast__SqlExpr v__ast__SqlExpr;
typedef struct v__ast__NodeError v__ast__NodeError;
typedef struct v__ast__CTempVar v__ast__CTempVar;
typedef struct v__ast__Attr v__ast__Attr;
typedef struct v__ast__Scope v__ast__Scope;
typedef struct v__ast__Table v__ast__Table;
typedef struct v__ast__Fn v__ast__Fn;
typedef struct v__ast__Param v__ast__Param;
typedef struct v__ast__GetEmbedsOptions v__ast__GetEmbedsOptions;
typedef struct v__ast__TypeSymbol v__ast__TypeSymbol;
typedef struct v__ast__MultiReturn v__ast__MultiReturn;
typedef struct v__ast__FnType v__ast__FnType;
typedef struct v__ast__Struct v__ast__Struct;
typedef struct v__ast__GenericInst v__ast__GenericInst;
typedef struct v__ast__Interface v__ast__Interface;
typedef struct v__ast__Enum v__ast__Enum;
typedef struct v__ast__Alias v__ast__Alias;
typedef struct v__ast__Aggregate v__ast__Aggregate;
typedef struct v__ast__Array v__ast__Array;
typedef struct v__ast__ArrayFixed v__ast__ArrayFixed;
typedef struct v__ast__Chan v__ast__Chan;
typedef struct v__ast__Thread v__ast__Thread;
typedef struct v__ast__Map v__ast__Map;
typedef struct v__ast__SumType v__ast__SumType;
typedef struct v__ast__FnSignatureOpts v__ast__FnSignatureOpts;
typedef struct v__checker__Checker v__checker__Checker;
typedef struct v__transformer__KeyVal v__transformer__KeyVal;
typedef struct v__transformer__IndexState v__transformer__IndexState;
typedef struct v__transformer__Transformer v__transformer__Transformer;
typedef struct v__markused__Walker v__markused__Walker;
typedef struct v__gen__c__UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform v__gen__c__UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform;
typedef struct v__gen__c__StrType v__gen__c__StrType;
typedef struct v__gen__c__Gen v__gen__c__Gen;
typedef struct v__gen__c__GlobalConstDef v__gen__c__GlobalConstDef;
typedef struct v__gen__c__SumtypeCastingFn v__gen__c__SumtypeCastingFn;
typedef struct v__gen__c__GenSafeIntegerCfg v__gen__c__GenSafeIntegerCfg;
typedef struct v__gen__c__ProfileCounterMeta v__gen__c__ProfileCounterMeta;
typedef struct v__gen__c__Type v__gen__c__Type;
typedef struct v__scanner__Scanner v__scanner__Scanner;
typedef struct v__ast__walker__Inspector v__ast__walker__Inspector;
typedef struct v__parser__ReceiverParsingInfo v__parser__ReceiverParsingInfo;
typedef struct v__parser__Parser v__parser__Parser;
typedef struct v__parser__EatCommentsConfig v__parser__EatCommentsConfig;
typedef struct v__callgraph__Mapper v__callgraph__Mapper;
typedef struct v__builder__Builder v__builder__Builder;
typedef struct v__builder__FunctionRedefinition v__builder__FunctionRedefinition;
typedef struct v__builder__CcompilerOptions v__builder__CcompilerOptions;
typedef struct v__builder__MsvcResult v__builder__MsvcResult;
typedef struct v__builder__WindowsKit v__builder__WindowsKit;
typedef struct v__builder__VsInstallation v__builder__VsInstallation;
typedef struct v__builder__MsvcStringFlags v__builder__MsvcStringFlags;
typedef struct _option_int _option_int;
typedef struct _option_f64 _option_f64;
typedef struct _option_u64 _option_u64;
typedef struct _option_i64 _option_i64;
typedef struct _option_rune _option_rune;
typedef struct _option_string _option_string;
typedef struct _option_u8 _option_u8;
typedef struct _option_voidptr _option_voidptr;
typedef struct _option_v__token__Kind _option_v__token__Kind;
typedef struct _option_time__Time _option_time__Time;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_int_int_int _option_multi_return_int_int_int;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_int_int_int_int_i64_bool _option_multi_return_int_int_int_int_i64_bool;
typedef struct _option_bool _option_bool;
typedef struct _option_void _option_void;
typedef struct _option_flag__Flag _option_flag__Flag;
typedef struct _option_Array_string _option_Array_string;
typedef struct _option_semver__Range _option_semver__Range;
typedef struct _option_semver__Version _option_semver__Version;
typedef struct _option_semver__ComparatorSet _option_semver__ComparatorSet;
typedef struct _option_semver__Comparator _option_semver__Comparator;
typedef struct _option_os__File _option_os__File;
typedef struct _option_FILE_ptr _option_FILE_ptr;
typedef struct _option_Array_u8 _option_Array_u8;
typedef struct _option_os__SignalHandler _option_os__SignalHandler;
typedef struct _option_term__Coord _option_term__Coord;
typedef struct _option_v__vmod__Manifest _option_v__vmod__Manifest;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_Array_string_int _option_multi_return_Array_string_int;
typedef struct _option_v__pkgconfig__PkgConfig_ptr _option_v__pkgconfig__PkgConfig_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__pkgconfig__Main_ptr _option_v__pkgconfig__Main_ptr;
typedef struct _option_u32 _option_u32;
typedef struct _option_f32 _option_f32;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_f64_f64 _option_multi_return_f64_f64;
typedef struct _option_v__pref__OS _option_v__pref__OS;
typedef struct _option_v__pref__Arch _option_v__pref__Arch;
typedef struct _option_v__pref__Backend _option_v__pref__Backend;
typedef struct _option_time__StopWatch _option_time__StopWatch;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Ident _option_v__ast__Ident;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Attr _option_v__ast__Attr;
typedef struct _option_i8 _option_i8;
typedef struct _option_i16 _option_i16;
typedef struct _option_u16 _option_u16;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue _option_v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__ScopeObject _option_v__ast__ScopeObject;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__ScopeStructField _option_v__ast__ScopeStructField;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Var_ptr _option_v__ast__Var_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__GlobalField_ptr _option_v__ast__GlobalField_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__ConstField_ptr _option_v__ast__ConstField_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Fn _option_v__ast__Fn;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_v__ast__Fn_Array_v__ast__Type _option_multi_return_v__ast__Fn_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__StructField _option_v__ast__StructField;
typedef struct _option_multi_return_v__ast__StructField_Array_v__ast__Type _option_multi_return_v__ast__StructField_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__TypeSymbol_ptr _option_v__ast__TypeSymbol_ptr;
typedef struct _option_Array_Array_v__ast__Type _option_Array_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Type _option_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__InterfaceDecl _option_v__ast__InterfaceDecl;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__EnumDecl _option_v__ast__EnumDecl;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Expr _option_v__ast__Expr;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Param _option_v__ast__Param;
typedef struct _option_Array_v__ast__Type _option_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__ConstField _option_v__ast__ConstField;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__GlobalField _option_v__ast__GlobalField;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__FnDecl _option_v__ast__FnDecl;
typedef struct _option_v__gen__c__GlobalConstDef _option_v__gen__c__GlobalConstDef;
typedef struct _option_v__ast__Stmt_ptr _option_v__ast__Stmt_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__scanner__Scanner_ptr _option_v__scanner__Scanner_ptr;
typedef struct _option_v__builder__MsvcResult _option_v__builder__MsvcResult;
typedef struct _option_v__builder__WindowsKit _option_v__builder__WindowsKit;
typedef struct _option_v__builder__VsInstallation _option_v__builder__VsInstallation;
typedef struct __shared__Array_string __shared__Array_string;
typedef struct __shared__Map_string_bool __shared__Map_string_bool;
// V cheaders:
// Generated by the V compiler
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#undef __has_include
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<inttypes.h>)
#include <inttypes.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE The C compiler can not find <inttypes.h>. Please install build-essentials
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<stddef.h>)
#include <stddef.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE The C compiler can not find <stddef.h>. Please install build-essentials
#include <stddef.h>
//================================== builtin types ================================*/
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
//typedef uint8_t byte;
typedef uint32_t rune;
typedef size_t usize;
typedef ptrdiff_t isize;
#ifndef VNOFLOAT
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
typedef int32_t f32;
typedef int64_t f64;
typedef int64_t int_literal;
#ifndef VNOFLOAT
typedef double float_literal;
typedef int64_t float_literal;
typedef unsigned char* byteptr;
typedef void* voidptr;
typedef char* charptr;
typedef u8 array_fixed_byte_300 [300];
typedef struct sync__Channel* chan;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#ifndef bool
#ifdef CUSTOM_DEFINE_4bytebool
typedef int bool;
typedef u8 bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef u64 (*MapHashFn)(voidptr);
typedef bool (*MapEqFn)(voidptr, voidptr);
typedef void (*MapCloneFn)(voidptr, voidptr);
typedef void (*MapFreeFn)(voidptr);
//============================== HELPER C MACROS =============================*/
// _SLIT0 is used as NULL string for literal arguments
// `"" s` is used to enforce a string literal argument
#define _SLIT0 (string){.str=(byteptr)(""), .len=0, .is_lit=1}
#define _SLIT(s) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=(sizeof(s)-1), .is_lit=1})
#define _SLEN(s, n) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=n, .is_lit=1})
// take the address of an rvalue
#define ADDR(type, expr) (&((type[]){expr}[0]))
// copy something to the heap
#define HEAP(type, expr) ((type*)memdup((void*)&((type[]){expr}[0]), sizeof(type)))
#define HEAP_noscan(type, expr) ((type*)memdup_noscan((void*)&((type[]){expr}[0]), sizeof(type)))
#define _PUSH_MANY(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array_push_many(arr, tmp.data, tmp.len);}
#define _PUSH_MANY_noscan(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array_push_many_noscan(arr, tmp.data, tmp.len);}
// unsigned/signed comparisons
static inline bool _us32_gt(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a > INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a > b; }
static inline bool _us32_ge(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a >= INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a >= b; }
static inline bool _us32_eq(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a <= INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a == b; }
static inline bool _us32_ne(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a > INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a != b; }
static inline bool _us32_le(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a <= INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a <= b; }
static inline bool _us32_lt(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a < INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a < b; }
static inline bool _us64_gt(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a > INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a > b; }
static inline bool _us64_ge(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a >= INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a >= b; }
static inline bool _us64_eq(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a <= INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a == b; }
static inline bool _us64_ne(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a > INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a != b; }
static inline bool _us64_le(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a <= INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a <= b; }
static inline bool _us64_lt(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a < INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a < b; }
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
// Due to a tcc bug, the length of an array needs to be specified, but GCC crashes if it is...
#define EMPTY_ARRAY_OF_ELEMS(x,n) (x[])
#define TCCSKIP(x) x
#define __NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define __IRQHANDLER __attribute__((interrupt))
#define __V_architecture 0
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#define __V_amd64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 1
#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
#define __V_arm64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 2
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)
#define __V_arm32 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 3
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
#define __V_x86 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 6
// Using just __GNUC__ for detecting gcc, is not reliable because other compilers define it too:
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define __V_GCC__
#ifdef __TINYC__
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __cplusplus
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __clang__
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __TINYC__
#define _Atomic volatile
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
#define EMPTY_ARRAY_OF_ELEMS(x,n) (x[n])
#undef __NOINLINE
// tcc does not support inlining at all
#define __NOINLINE
#define __IRQHANDLER
#undef TCCSKIP
#define TCCSKIP(x)
// #include <byteswap.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <execinfo.h>
int tcc_backtrace(const char *fmt, ...);
// Use __offsetof_ptr instead of __offset_of, when you *do* have a valid pointer, to avoid UB:
#ifndef __offsetof_ptr
#define __offsetof_ptr(ptr,PTYPE,FIELDNAME) ((size_t)((byte *)&((PTYPE *)ptr)->FIELDNAME - (byte *)ptr))
// for __offset_of
#ifndef __offsetof
#define __offsetof(PTYPE,FIELDNAME) ((size_t)((char *)&((PTYPE *)0)->FIELDNAME - (char *)0))
#define OPTION_CAST(x) (x)
#ifdef PRIx64
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%"PRIx64
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%I64x"
#elif defined(__linux__) && defined(__LP64__)
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%lx"
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%llx"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __declspec(dllexport)
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
// 4 < gcc < 5 is used by some older Ubuntu LTS and Centos versions,
// and does not support __has_attribute(visibility) ...
#ifndef __has_attribute
#define __has_attribute(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) || (defined(__clang__) && __has_attribute(visibility))
#ifdef ARM
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __attribute__((externally_visible,visibility("default")))
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#if defined(__clang__) && (defined(_VUSECACHE) || defined(_VBUILDMODULE))
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <utility>
#define _MOV std::move
#define _MOV
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
#undef __has_include
#if !defined(VWEAK)
#define VWEAK __attribute__((weak))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef VWEAK
#define VWEAK
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
#undef VWEAK
#define VWEAK
#if !defined(VNORETURN)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
#include <stdnoreturn.h>
#define VNORETURN noreturn
# if !defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
# define VNORETURN _Noreturn
# elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2
# define VNORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
# endif
#if !defined(VUNREACHABLE)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#define V_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000L + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100L + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
#if (V_GCC_VERSION >= 40500L)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { __builtin_unreachable(); } while (0)
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_builtin)
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { __builtin_unreachable(); } while (0)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { } while (0)
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__TINYC__)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { } while (0)
//likely and unlikely macros
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
#define _likely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,1)
#define _unlikely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,0)
#define _likely_(x) (x)
#define _unlikely_(x) (x)
// c_headers
typedef int (*qsort_callback_func)(const void*, const void*);
#include <stdio.h> // TODO remove all these includes, define all function signatures and types manually
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#if defined __has_include
#if __has_include (<execinfo.h>)
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_list
//================================== GLOBALS =================================*/
int load_so(byteptr);
void _vinit(int ___argc, voidptr ___argv);
void _vcleanup(void);
#define sigaction_size sizeof(sigaction);
#define _ARR_LEN(a) ( (sizeof(a)) / (sizeof(a[0])) )
void v_free(voidptr ptr);
voidptr memdup(voidptr src, int sz);
#define TARGET_IS_32BIT 1
#define TARGET_IS_64BIT 1
#error "The environment is not 32 or 64-bit."
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ || defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEB__) || defined(__THUMBEB__) || defined(__AARCH64EB__) || defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB__)
#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ || defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__THUMBEL__) || defined(__AARCH64EL__) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)
#error "Unknown architecture endianness"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale.h> // tolower
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
extern char **environ;
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(_WIN32)
#error Cygwin is not supported, please use MinGW or Visual Studio.
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__vinix__) || defined(__serenity__) || defined(__sun)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef __NetBSD__
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef _WIN32
#define WINVER 0x0600
#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#ifndef WIN32_FULL
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h> // _waccess
#include <direct.h> // _wgetcwd
#include <signal.h> // signal and SIGSEGV for segmentation fault handler
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// On MSVC these are the same (as long as /volatile:ms is passed)
#define _Atomic volatile
// MSVC cannot parse some things properly
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
#define OPTION_CAST(x)
#undef __NOINLINE
#define __NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
#define __IRQHANDLER __declspec(naked)
#include <dbghelp.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp")
#include <pthread.h>
// musl does not have that
#define pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(a, b)
// g_live_info is used by live.info()
static void* g_live_info = NULL;
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__) || (defined(_WIN32) && defined(__TINYC__))
#undef PRId64
#undef PRIi64
#undef PRIo64
#undef PRIu64
#undef PRIx64
#undef PRIX64
#define PRId64 "lld"
#define PRIi64 "lli"
#define PRIo64 "llo"
#define PRIu64 "llu"
#define PRIx64 "llx"
#define PRIX64 "llX"
// ============== wyhash ==============
#ifndef wyhash_final_version_3
#define wyhash_final_version_3
// protections that produce different results:
// 1: normal valid behavior
// 2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication"
#ifndef WYHASH_32BIT_MUM
// 0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems
// 1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function
#define WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 0
// includes
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
// 128bit multiply function
static inline uint64_t _wyrot(uint64_t x) { return (x>>32)|(x<<32); }
static inline void _wymum(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){
uint64_t hh=(*A>>32)*(*B>>32), hl=(*A>>32)*(uint32_t)*B, lh=(uint32_t)*A*(*B>>32), ll=(uint64_t)(uint32_t)*A*(uint32_t)*B;
*A^=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B^=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
*A=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
#elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && !defined(VWASM)
__uint128_t r=*A; r*=*B;
*A^=(uint64_t)r; *B^=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
*A=(uint64_t)r; *B=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
uint64_t a, b;
*A^=a; *B^=b;
uint64_t ha=*A>>32, hb=*B>>32, la=(uint32_t)*A, lb=(uint32_t)*B, hi, lo;
uint64_t rh=ha*hb, rm0=ha*lb, rm1=hb*la, rl=la*lb, t=rl+(rm0<<32), c=t<rl;
lo=t+(rm1<<32); c+=lo<t; hi=rh+(rm0>>32)+(rm1>>32)+c;
*A^=lo; *B^=hi;
*A=lo; *B=hi;
// multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM
static inline uint64_t _wymix(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ _wymum(&A,&B); return A^B; }
// endian macros
// read functions
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;}
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);}
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) {
uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8);
return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) {
uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4);
return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr3(const uint8_t *p, size_t k) { return (((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1];}
// wyhash main function
static inline uint64_t wyhash(const void *key, size_t len, uint64_t seed, const uint64_t *secret){
const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=*secret; uint64_t a, b;
if (_likely_(len<=16)) {
if (_likely_(len>=4)) { a=(_wyr4(p)<<32)|_wyr4(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(_wyr4(p+len-4)<<32)|_wyr4(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); }
else if (_likely_(len>0)) { a=_wyr3(p,len); b=0; }
else a=b=0;
} else {
size_t i=len;
if (_unlikely_(i>48)) {
uint64_t see1=seed, see2=seed;
do {
p+=48; i-=48;
} while(_likely_(i>48));
while(_unlikely_(i>16)) { seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; }
a=_wyr8(p+i-16); b=_wyr8(p+i-8);
return _wymix(secret[1]^len,_wymix(a^secret[1],b^seed));
// the default secret parameters
static const uint64_t _wyp[4] = {0xa0761d6478bd642full, 0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull, 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3ull, 0x589965cc75374cc3ull};
// a useful 64bit-64bit mix function to produce deterministic pseudo random numbers that can pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyhash64(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ A^=0xa0761d6478bd642full; B^=0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull; _wymum(&A,&B); return _wymix(A^0xa0761d6478bd642full,B^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
// the wyrand PRNG that pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyrand(uint64_t *seed){ *seed+=0xa0761d6478bd642full; return _wymix(*seed,*seed^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
#ifndef __vinix__
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to uniform distribution [0,1). It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2u01(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<52); return (r>>12)*_wynorm;}
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to APPROXIMATE Gaussian distribution. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2gau(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<20); return ((r&0x1fffff)+((r>>21)&0x1fffff)+((r>>42)&0x1fffff))*_wynorm-3.0;}
// fast range integer random number generation on [0,k) credit to Daniel Lemire. May not work when WYHASH_32BIT_MUM=1. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline uint64_t wy2u0k(uint64_t r, uint64_t k){ _wymum(&r,&k); return k; }
#define _IN_MAP(val, m) map_exists(m, val)
// V includes:
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#undef __has_include
// added by module `builtin`, file: float.c.v:9:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<float.h>)
#include <float.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <float.h>, needed for module `builtin` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <float.h>
// added by module `time`, file: time.c.v:6:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<time.h>)
#include <time.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <time.h>, needed for module `time` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <time.h>
// added by module `time`, file: time_windows.c.v:6:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<time.h>)
#include <time.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <time.h>, needed for module `time` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <time.h>
// inserted by module `sync.stdatomic`, file: 1.declarations.c.v:8:
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __TINYC__
#define ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(value) (value)
#define atomic_init(obj, value) \
do \
{ \
*(obj) = (value); \
} while (0)
#define kill_dependency(y) ((void)0)
#define atomic_thread_fence(order) \
#define atomic_signal_fence(order) \
#define atomic_is_lock_free(obj) 0
typedef intptr_t atomic_flag;
typedef intptr_t atomic_bool;
typedef intptr_t atomic_char;
typedef intptr_t atomic_schar;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uchar;
typedef intptr_t atomic_short;
typedef intptr_t atomic_ushort;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint;
typedef intptr_t atomic_long;
typedef intptr_t atomic_ulong;
typedef intptr_t atomic_llong;
typedef intptr_t atomic_ullong;
typedef intptr_t atomic_wchar_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_least8_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_least8_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_least16_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_least16_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_least32_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_least32_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_least64_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_least64_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_fast8_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_fast8_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_fast16_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_fast16_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_fast32_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_fast32_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_int_fast64_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uint_fast64_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_intptr_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uintptr_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_size_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_ptrdiff_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_intmax_t;
typedef intptr_t atomic_uintmax_t;
#ifdef __TINYC__
For TCC it is missing the x64 version of _InterlockedExchangeAdd64 so we
fake it (works the same) with InterlockedCompareExchange64 until it
__CRT_INLINE LONGLONG _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(LONGLONG volatile *Addend, LONGLONG Value)
Old = *Addend;
} while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(Addend, Old + Value, Old) != Old);
return Old;
__CRT_INLINE LONG _InterlockedExchangeAdd(LONG volatile *Addend, LONG Value)
Old = *Addend;
} while (InterlockedCompareExchange(Addend, Old + Value, Old) != Old);
return Old;
__CRT_INLINE SHORT _InterlockedExchangeAdd16(SHORT volatile *Addend, SHORT Value)
Old = *Addend;
} while (InterlockedCompareExchange16(Addend, Old + Value, Old) != Old);
return Old;
#define InterlockedIncrement64 _InterlockedExchangeAdd64
#define atomic_store(object, desired) \
do \
{ \
*(object) = (desired); \
MemoryBarrier(); \
} while (0)
#define atomic_store_explicit(object, desired, order) \
atomic_store(object, desired)
#define atomic_load(object) \
(MemoryBarrier(), *(object))
#define atomic_load_explicit(object, order) \
#define atomic_exchange(object, desired) \
InterlockedExchangePointer(object, desired)
#define atomic_exchange_explicit(object, desired, order) \
atomic_exchange(object, desired)
static inline int atomic_compare_exchange_strong(intptr_t *object, intptr_t *expected,
intptr_t desired)
intptr_t old = *expected;
*expected = (intptr_t)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(
(PVOID *)object, (PVOID)desired, (PVOID)old);
return *expected == old;
#define atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(object, expected, desired, success, failure) \
atomic_compare_exchange_strong(object, expected, desired)
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak(object, expected, desired) \
atomic_compare_exchange_strong(object, expected, desired)
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(object, expected, desired, success, failure) \
atomic_compare_exchange_weak(object, expected, desired)
#ifdef _WIN64
#define atomic_fetch_add(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd64(object, -(operand))
#define atomic_fetch_or(object, operand) \
InterlockedOr64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor(object, operand) \
InterlockedXor64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and(object, operand) \
InterlockedAnd64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_add(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd(object, -(operand))
#define atomic_fetch_or(object, operand) \
InterlockedOr(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor(object, operand) \
InterlockedXor(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and(object, operand) \
InterlockedAnd(object, operand)
#endif /* _WIN64 */
/* specialized versions with explicit object size */
#define atomic_load_ptr atomic_load
#define atomic_store_ptr atomic_store
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak_ptr atomic_compare_exchange_weak
#define atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr atomic_compare_exchange_strong
#define atomic_exchange_ptr atomic_exchange
#define atomic_fetch_add_ptr atomic_fetch_add
#define atomic_fetch_sub_ptr atomic_fetch_sub
#define atomic_fetch_and_ptr atomic_fetch_and
#define atomic_fetch_or_ptr atomic_fetch_or
#define atomic_fetch_xor_ptr atomic_fetch_xor
static inline void atomic_store_u64(unsigned long long* object, unsigned long long desired) {
do {
*(object) = (desired);
} while (0);
static inline unsigned long long atomic_load_u64(unsigned long long* object) {
return (MemoryBarrier(), *(object));
#define atomic_exchange_u64(object, desired) \
InterlockedExchange64(object, desired)
static inline int atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u64(unsigned long long* object, unsigned long long* expected,
unsigned long long desired)
unsigned long long old = *expected;
*expected = InterlockedCompareExchange64(object, desired, old);
return *expected == old;
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u64(object, expected, desired) \
atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u64(object, expected, desired)
#define atomic_fetch_add_u64(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub_u64(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd64(object, -(operand))
#define atomic_fetch_or_u64(object, operand) \
InterlockedOr64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor_u64(object, operand) \
InterlockedXor64(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and_u64(object, operand) \
InterlockedAnd64(object, operand)
static inline void atomic_store_u32(unsigned* object, unsigned desired) {
do {
*(object) = (desired);
} while (0);
static inline unsigned atomic_load_u32(unsigned* object) {
return (MemoryBarrier(), *(object));
#define atomic_exchange_u32(object, desired) \
InterlockedExchange(object, desired)
static inline int atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u32(unsigned* object, unsigned* expected,
unsigned desired)
unsigned old = *expected;
*expected = InterlockedCompareExchange(object, desired, old);
return *expected == old;
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(object, expected, desired) \
atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u32(object, expected, desired)
#define atomic_fetch_add_u32(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub_u32(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd(object, -(operand))
#define atomic_fetch_or_u32(object, operand) \
InterlockedOr(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor_u32(object, operand) \
InterlockedXor(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and_u32(object, operand) \
InterlockedAnd(object, operand)
static inline void atomic_store_u16(unsigned short* object, unsigned short desired) {
do {
*(object) = (desired);
} while (0);
static inline unsigned short atomic_load_u16(unsigned short* object) {
return (MemoryBarrier(), *(object));
#define atomic_exchange_u16(object, desired) \
InterlockedExchange16(object, desired)
static inline int atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u16(unsigned short* object, unsigned short* expected,
unsigned short desired)
unsigned short old = *expected;
*expected = InterlockedCompareExchange16(object, desired, old);
return *expected == old;
#define atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(object, expected, desired) \
atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u16(object, expected, desired)
#define atomic_fetch_add_u16(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd16(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub_u16(object, operand) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd16(object, -(operand))
#define atomic_fetch_or_u16(object, operand) \
InterlockedOr16(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor_u16(object, operand) \
InterlockedXor16(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and_u16(object, operand) \
InterlockedAnd16(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_add_explicit(object, operand, order) \
atomic_fetch_add(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(object, operand, order) \
atomic_fetch_sub(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_or_explicit(object, operand, order) \
atomic_fetch_or(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(object, operand, order) \
atomic_fetch_xor(object, operand)
#define atomic_fetch_and_explicit(object, operand, order) \
atomic_fetch_and(object, operand)
#define atomic_flag_test_and_set(object) \
atomic_exchange(object, 1)
#define atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit(object, order) \
#define atomic_flag_clear(object) \
atomic_store(object, 0)
#define atomic_flag_clear_explicit(object, order) \
// added by module `os`, file: os.c.v:3:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/stat.h>)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/stat.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/stat.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os.c.v:4:
#include <errno.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_windows.c.v:6:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<process.h>)
#include <process.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <process.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <process.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_windows.c.v:7:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/utime.h>)
#include <sys/utime.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/utime.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/utime.h>
// added by module `os`, file: signal.c.v:3:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<signal.h>)
#include <signal.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <signal.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <signal.h>
// added by module `sync`, file: sync_windows.c.v:8:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<synchapi.h>)
#include <synchapi.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <synchapi.h>, needed for module `sync` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <synchapi.h>
// added by module `sync`, file: sync_windows.c.v:9:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<time.h>)
#include <time.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <time.h>, needed for module `sync` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <time.h>
// Enum definitions:
typedef enum {
strconv__ParserState__ok, //
strconv__ParserState__pzero, // +1
strconv__ParserState__mzero, // +2
strconv__ParserState__pinf, // +3
strconv__ParserState__minf, // +4
strconv__ParserState__invalid_number, // +5
} strconv__ParserState;
typedef enum {
strconv__Align_text__right = 0, // 0
strconv__Align_text__left, // 0+1
strconv__Align_text__center, // 0+2
} strconv__Align_text;
typedef enum {
strconv__Char_parse_state__start, //
strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char, // +1
strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char, // +2
strconv__Char_parse_state__pad_ch, // +3
strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_start, // +4
strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_in, // +5
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type, // +6
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float, // +7
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float_in, // +8
strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params, // +9
} strconv__Char_parse_state;
typedef enum {
ArrayFlags__noslices = 1, // 1 << 0
ArrayFlags__noshrink = 2, // 1 << 1
} ArrayFlags;
typedef enum {
AttributeKind__plain, //
AttributeKind__string, // +1
AttributeKind__number, // +2
AttributeKind__comptime_define, // +3
} AttributeKind;
typedef enum {
ChanState__success, //
ChanState__not_ready, // +1
ChanState__closed, // +2
} ChanState;
typedef enum {
StrIntpType__si_no_str = 0, // 0
StrIntpType__si_c, // 0+1
StrIntpType__si_u8, // 0+2
StrIntpType__si_i8, // 0+3
StrIntpType__si_u16, // 0+4
StrIntpType__si_i16, // 0+5
StrIntpType__si_u32, // 0+6
StrIntpType__si_i32, // 0+7
StrIntpType__si_u64, // 0+8
StrIntpType__si_i64, // 0+9
StrIntpType__si_e32, // 0+10
StrIntpType__si_e64, // 0+11
StrIntpType__si_f32, // 0+12
StrIntpType__si_f64, // 0+13
StrIntpType__si_g32, // 0+14
StrIntpType__si_g64, // 0+15
StrIntpType__si_s, // 0+16
StrIntpType__si_p, // 0+17
StrIntpType__si_vp, // 0+18
} StrIntpType;
typedef enum {
v__token__Kind__unknown, //
v__token__Kind__eof, // +1
v__token__Kind__name, // +2
v__token__Kind__number, // +3
v__token__Kind__string, // +4
v__token__Kind__str_inter, // +5
v__token__Kind__chartoken, // +6
v__token__Kind__plus, // +7
v__token__Kind__minus, // +8
v__token__Kind__mul, // +9
v__token__Kind__div, // +10
v__token__Kind__mod, // +11
v__token__Kind__xor, // +12
v__token__Kind__pipe, // +13
v__token__Kind__inc, // +14
v__token__Kind__dec, // +15
v__token__Kind__and, // +16
v__token__Kind__logical_or, // +17
v__token__Kind__not, // +18
v__token__Kind__bit_not, // +19
v__token__Kind__question, // +20
v__token__Kind__comma, // +21
v__token__Kind__semicolon, // +22
v__token__Kind__colon, // +23
v__token__Kind__arrow, // +24
v__token__Kind__amp, // +25
v__token__Kind__hash, // +26
v__token__Kind__dollar, // +27
v__token__Kind__at, // +28
v__token__Kind__str_dollar, // +29
v__token__Kind__left_shift, // +30
v__token__Kind__right_shift, // +31
v__token__Kind__unsigned_right_shift, // +32
v__token__Kind__not_in, // +33
v__token__Kind__not_is, // +34
v__token__Kind__assign, // +35
v__token__Kind__decl_assign, // +36
v__token__Kind__plus_assign, // +37
v__token__Kind__minus_assign, // +38
v__token__Kind__div_assign, // +39
v__token__Kind__mult_assign, // +40
v__token__Kind__xor_assign, // +41
v__token__Kind__mod_assign, // +42
v__token__Kind__or_assign, // +43
v__token__Kind__and_assign, // +44
v__token__Kind__right_shift_assign, // +45
v__token__Kind__left_shift_assign, // +46
v__token__Kind__unsigned_right_shift_assign, // +47
v__token__Kind__lcbr, // +48
v__token__Kind__rcbr, // +49
v__token__Kind__lpar, // +50
v__token__Kind__rpar, // +51
v__token__Kind__lsbr, // +52
v__token__Kind__nilsbr, // +53
v__token__Kind__rsbr, // +54
v__token__Kind__eq, // +55
v__token__Kind__ne, // +56
v__token__Kind__gt, // +57
v__token__Kind__lt, // +58
v__token__Kind__ge, // +59
v__token__Kind__le, // +60
v__token__Kind__comment, // +61
v__token__Kind__nl, // +62
v__token__Kind__dot, // +63
v__token__Kind__dotdot, // +64
v__token__Kind__ellipsis, // +65
v__token__Kind__keyword_beg, // +66
v__token__Kind__key_as, // +67
v__token__Kind__key_asm, // +68
v__token__Kind__key_assert, // +69
v__token__Kind__key_atomic, // +70
v__token__Kind__key_break, // +71
v__token__Kind__key_const, // +72
v__token__Kind__key_continue, // +73
v__token__Kind__key_defer, // +74
v__token__Kind__key_else, // +75
v__token__Kind__key_enum, // +76
v__token__Kind__key_false, // +77
v__token__Kind__key_for, // +78
v__token__Kind__key_fn, // +79
v__token__Kind__key_global, // +80
v__token__Kind__key_go, // +81
v__token__Kind__key_goto, // +82
v__token__Kind__key_if, // +83
v__token__Kind__key_import, // +84
v__token__Kind__key_in, // +85
v__token__Kind__key_interface, // +86
v__token__Kind__key_is, // +87
v__token__Kind__key_match, // +88
v__token__Kind__key_module, // +89
v__token__Kind__key_mut, // +90
v__token__Kind__key_shared, // +91
v__token__Kind__key_lock, // +92
v__token__Kind__key_rlock, // +93
v__token__Kind__key_none, // +94
v__token__Kind__key_return, // +95
v__token__Kind__key_select, // +96
v__token__Kind__key_sizeof, // +97
v__token__Kind__key_isreftype, // +98
v__token__Kind__key_likely, // +99
v__token__Kind__key_unlikely, // +100
v__token__Kind__key_offsetof, // +101
v__token__Kind__key_struct, // +102
v__token__Kind__key_true, // +103
v__token__Kind__key_type, // +104
v__token__Kind__key_typeof, // +105
v__token__Kind__key_dump, // +106
v__token__Kind__key_orelse, // +107
v__token__Kind__key_union, // +108
v__token__Kind__key_pub, // +109
v__token__Kind__key_static, // +110
v__token__Kind__key_volatile, // +111
v__token__Kind__key_unsafe, // +112
v__token__Kind__keyword_end, // +113
v__token__Kind___end_, // +114
} v__token__Kind;
typedef enum {
v__token__AtKind__unknown, //
v__token__AtKind__fn_name, // +1
v__token__AtKind__method_name, // +2
v__token__AtKind__mod_name, // +3
v__token__AtKind__struct_name, // +4
v__token__AtKind__vexe_path, // +5
v__token__AtKind__file_path, // +6
v__token__AtKind__line_nr, // +7
v__token__AtKind__column_nr, // +8
v__token__AtKind__vhash, // +9
v__token__AtKind__vmod_file, // +10
v__token__AtKind__vmodroot_path, // +11
v__token__AtKind__vroot_path, // +12
v__token__AtKind__vexeroot_path, // +13
} v__token__AtKind;
typedef enum {
v__token__Precedence__lowest, //
v__token__Precedence__cond, // +1
v__token__Precedence__in_as, // +2
v__token__Precedence__assign, // +3
v__token__Precedence__eq, // +4
v__token__Precedence__sum, // +5
v__token__Precedence__product, // +6
v__token__Precedence__prefix, // +7
v__token__Precedence__postfix, // +8
v__token__Precedence__call, // +9
v__token__Precedence__index, // +10
} v__token__Precedence;
typedef enum {
time__FormatTime__hhmm12, //
time__FormatTime__hhmm24, // +1
time__FormatTime__hhmmss12, // +2
time__FormatTime__hhmmss24, // +3
time__FormatTime__hhmmss24_milli, // +4
time__FormatTime__hhmmss24_micro, // +5
time__FormatTime__no_time, // +6
} time__FormatTime;
typedef enum {
time__FormatDate__ddmmyy, //
time__FormatDate__ddmmyyyy, // +1
time__FormatDate__mmddyy, // +2
time__FormatDate__mmddyyyy, // +3
time__FormatDate__mmmd, // +4
time__FormatDate__mmmdd, // +5
time__FormatDate__mmmddyy, // +6
time__FormatDate__mmmddyyyy, // +7
time__FormatDate__no_date, // +8
time__FormatDate__yyyymmdd, // +9
time__FormatDate__yymmdd, // +10
} time__FormatDate;
typedef enum {
time__FormatDelimiter__dot, //
time__FormatDelimiter__hyphen, // +1
time__FormatDelimiter__slash, // +2
time__FormatDelimiter__space, // +3
time__FormatDelimiter__no_delimiter, // +4
} time__FormatDelimiter;
typedef enum {
semver__Operator__gt, //
semver__Operator__lt, // +1
semver__Operator__ge, // +2
semver__Operator__le, // +3
semver__Operator__eq, // +4
} semver__Operator;
typedef enum {
semver__Increment__major, //
semver__Increment__minor, // +1
semver__Increment__patch, // +2
} semver__Increment;
typedef enum {
os__SeekMode__start, //
os__SeekMode__current, // +1
os__SeekMode__end, // +2
} os__SeekMode;
typedef enum {
os__FileType__regular, //
os__FileType__directory, // +1
os__FileType__character_device, // +2
os__FileType__block_device, // +3
os__FileType__fifo, // +4
os__FileType__symbolic_link, // +5
os__FileType__socket, // +6
} os__FileType;
typedef enum {
os__ProcessState__not_started, //
os__ProcessState__running, // +1
os__ProcessState__stopped, // +2
os__ProcessState__exited, // +3
os__ProcessState__aborted, // +4
os__ProcessState__closed, // +5
} os__ProcessState;
typedef enum {
os__Signal__hup = 1, // 1
os__Signal__int = 2, // 2
os__Signal__quit = 3, // 3
os__Signal__ill = 4, // 4
os__Signal__trap = 5, // 5
os__Signal__abrt = 6, // 6
os__Signal__bus = 7, // 7
os__Signal__fpe = 8, // 8
os__Signal__kill = 9, // 9
os__Signal__usr1 = 10, // 10
os__Signal__segv = 11, // 11
os__Signal__usr2 = 12, // 12
os__Signal__pipe = 13, // 13
os__Signal__alrm = 14, // 14
os__Signal__term = 15, // 15
os__Signal__stkflt = 16, // 16
os__Signal__chld = 17, // 17
os__Signal__cont = 18, // 18
os__Signal__stop = 19, // 19
os__Signal__tstp = 20, // 20
os__Signal__ttin = 21, // 21
os__Signal__ttou = 22, // 22
os__Signal__urg = 23, // 23
os__Signal__xcpu = 24, // 24
os__Signal__xfsz = 25, // 25
os__Signal__vtalrm = 26, // 26
os__Signal__prof = 27, // 27
os__Signal__winch = 28, // 28
os__Signal__poll = 29, // 29
os__Signal__pwr = 30, // 30
os__Signal__sys = 31, // 31
} os__Signal;
typedef enum {
v__errors__Reporter__scanner, //
v__errors__Reporter__parser, // +1
v__errors__Reporter__checker, // +2
v__errors__Reporter__builder, // +3
v__errors__Reporter__gen, // +4
} v__errors__Reporter;
typedef enum {
v__vet__ErrorKind__error, //
v__vet__ErrorKind__warning, // +1
} v__vet__ErrorKind;
typedef enum {
v__vet__FixKind__unknown, //
v__vet__FixKind__doc, // +1
v__vet__FixKind__vfmt, // +2
} v__vet__FixKind;
typedef enum {
v__vet__ErrorType__default, //
v__vet__ErrorType__space_indent, // +1
v__vet__ErrorType__trailing_space, // +2
} v__vet__ErrorType;
typedef enum {
v__vmod__TokenKind__module_keyword, //
v__vmod__TokenKind__field_key, // +1
v__vmod__TokenKind__lcbr, // +2
v__vmod__TokenKind__rcbr, // +3
v__vmod__TokenKind__labr, // +4
v__vmod__TokenKind__rabr, // +5
v__vmod__TokenKind__comma, // +6
v__vmod__TokenKind__colon, // +7
v__vmod__TokenKind__eof, // +8
v__vmod__TokenKind__str, // +9
v__vmod__TokenKind__ident, // +10
v__vmod__TokenKind__unknown, // +11
} v__vmod__TokenKind;
typedef enum {
v__pref__OS___auto, //
v__pref__OS__ios, // +1
v__pref__OS__macos, // +2
v__pref__OS__linux, // +3
v__pref__OS__windows, // +4
v__pref__OS__freebsd, // +5
v__pref__OS__openbsd, // +6
v__pref__OS__netbsd, // +7
v__pref__OS__dragonfly, // +8
v__pref__OS__js_node, // +9
v__pref__OS__js_browser, // +10
v__pref__OS__js_freestanding, // +11
v__pref__OS__android, // +12
v__pref__OS__solaris, // +13
v__pref__OS__serenity, // +14
v__pref__OS__vinix, // +15
v__pref__OS__haiku, // +16
v__pref__OS__wasm32, // +17
v__pref__OS__wasm32_emscripten, // +18
v__pref__OS__wasm32_wasi, // +19
v__pref__OS__raw, // +20
v__pref__OS__all, // +21
} v__pref__OS;
typedef enum {
v__pref__BuildMode__default_mode, //
v__pref__BuildMode__build_module, // +1
} v__pref__BuildMode;
typedef enum {
v__pref__AssertFailureMode__default, //
v__pref__AssertFailureMode__aborts, // +1
v__pref__AssertFailureMode__backtraces, // +2
} v__pref__AssertFailureMode;
typedef enum {
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__unknown, //
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__no_gc, // +1
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__boehm_full, // +2
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__boehm_incr, // +3
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__boehm_full_opt, // +4
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__boehm_incr_opt, // +5
v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode__boehm_leak, // +6
} v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode;
typedef enum {
v__pref__OutputMode__stdout, //
v__pref__OutputMode__silent, // +1
} v__pref__OutputMode;
typedef enum {
v__pref__ColorOutput__auto, //
v__pref__ColorOutput__always, // +1
v__pref__ColorOutput__never, // +2
} v__pref__ColorOutput;
typedef enum {
v__pref__Backend__c, //
v__pref__Backend__js_node, // +1
v__pref__Backend__js_browser, // +2
v__pref__Backend__js_freestanding, // +3
v__pref__Backend__native, // +4
v__pref__Backend__interpret, // +5
} v__pref__Backend;
typedef enum {
v__pref__CompilerType__gcc, //
v__pref__CompilerType__tinyc, // +1
v__pref__CompilerType__clang, // +2
v__pref__CompilerType__mingw, // +3
v__pref__CompilerType__msvc, // +4
v__pref__CompilerType__cplusplus, // +5
} v__pref__CompilerType;
typedef enum {
v__pref__Arch___auto, //
v__pref__Arch__amd64, // +1
v__pref__Arch__arm64, // +2
v__pref__Arch__arm32, // +3
v__pref__Arch__rv64, // +4
v__pref__Arch__rv32, // +5
v__pref__Arch__i386, // +6
v__pref__Arch__js_node, // +7
v__pref__Arch__js_browser, // +8
v__pref__Arch__js_freestanding, // +9
v__pref__Arch___max, // +10
} v__pref__Arch;
typedef enum {
sync__BufferElemStat__unused = 0, // 0
sync__BufferElemStat__writing, // 0+1
sync__BufferElemStat__written, // 0+2
sync__BufferElemStat__reading, // 0+3
} sync__BufferElemStat;
typedef enum {
sync__Direction__pop, //
sync__Direction__push, // +1
} sync__Direction;
typedef enum {
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__map_, //
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__int, // +1
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__float, // +2
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__struct_, // +3
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__iface, // +4
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__array, // +5
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__sum_type, // +6
v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind__enum_, // +7
} v__ast__ComptimeTypeKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__GenericKindField__unknown, //
v__ast__GenericKindField__name, // +1
v__ast__GenericKindField__typ, // +2
} v__ast__GenericKindField;
typedef enum {
v__ast__IdentKind__unresolved, //
v__ast__IdentKind__blank_ident, // +1
v__ast__IdentKind__variable, // +2
v__ast__IdentKind__constant, // +3
v__ast__IdentKind__global, // +4
v__ast__IdentKind__function, // +5
} v__ast__IdentKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__ComptimeForKind__methods, //
v__ast__ComptimeForKind__fields, // +1
v__ast__ComptimeForKind__attributes, // +2
} v__ast__ComptimeForKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__AddressingMode__invalid, //
v__ast__AddressingMode__displacement, // +1
v__ast__AddressingMode__base, // +2
v__ast__AddressingMode__base_plus_displacement, // +3
v__ast__AddressingMode__index_times_scale_plus_displacement, // +4
v__ast__AddressingMode__base_plus_index_plus_displacement, // +5
v__ast__AddressingMode__base_plus_index_times_scale_plus_displacement, // +6
v__ast__AddressingMode__rip_plus_displacement, // +7
} v__ast__AddressingMode;
typedef enum {
v__ast__OrKind__absent, //
v__ast__OrKind__block, // +1
v__ast__OrKind__propagate_option, // +2
v__ast__OrKind__propagate_result, // +3
} v__ast__OrKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__SqlStmtKind__insert, //
v__ast__SqlStmtKind__update, // +1
v__ast__SqlStmtKind__delete, // +2
v__ast__SqlStmtKind__create, // +3
v__ast__SqlStmtKind__drop, // +4
} v__ast__SqlStmtKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__AttrKind__plain, //
v__ast__AttrKind__string, // +1
v__ast__AttrKind__number, // +2
v__ast__AttrKind__bool, // +3
v__ast__AttrKind__comptime_define, // +4
} v__ast__AttrKind;
typedef enum {
v__ast__Language__v, //
v__ast__Language__c, // +1
v__ast__Language__js, // +2
v__ast__Language__amd64, // +3
v__ast__Language__i386, // +4
v__ast__Language__arm64, // +5
v__ast__Language__arm32, // +6
v__ast__Language__rv64, // +7
v__ast__Language__rv32, // +8
} v__ast__Language;
typedef enum {
v__ast__TypeFlag__optional, //
v__ast__TypeFlag__result, // +1
v__ast__TypeFlag__variadic, // +2
v__ast__TypeFlag__generic, // +3
v__ast__TypeFlag__shared_f, // +4
v__ast__TypeFlag__atomic_f, // +5
} v__ast__TypeFlag;
typedef enum {
v__ast__ShareType__mut_t, //
v__ast__ShareType__shared_t, // +1
v__ast__ShareType__atomic_t, // +2
} v__ast__ShareType;
typedef enum {
v__ast__Kind__placeholder, //
v__ast__Kind__void, // +1
v__ast__Kind__voidptr, // +2
v__ast__Kind__byteptr, // +3
v__ast__Kind__charptr, // +4
v__ast__Kind__i8, // +5
v__ast__Kind__i16, // +6
v__ast__Kind__int, // +7
v__ast__Kind__i64, // +8
v__ast__Kind__isize, // +9
v__ast__Kind__u8, // +10
v__ast__Kind__u16, // +11
v__ast__Kind__u32, // +12
v__ast__Kind__u64, // +13
v__ast__Kind__usize, // +14
v__ast__Kind__f32, // +15
v__ast__Kind__f64, // +16
v__ast__Kind__char, // +17
v__ast__Kind__rune, // +18
v__ast__Kind__bool, // +19
v__ast__Kind__none_, // +20
v__ast__Kind__string, // +21
v__ast__Kind__array, // +22
v__ast__Kind__array_fixed, // +23
v__ast__Kind__map, // +24
v__ast__Kind__chan, // +25
v__ast__Kind__any, // +26
v__ast__Kind__struct_, // +27
v__ast__Kind__generic_inst, // +28
v__ast__Kind__multi_return, // +29
v__ast__Kind__sum_type, // +30
v__ast__Kind__alias, // +31
v__ast__Kind__enum_, // +32
v__ast__Kind__function, // +33
v__ast__Kind__interface_, // +34
v__ast__Kind__float_literal, // +35
v__ast__Kind__int_literal, // +36
v__ast__Kind__aggregate, // +37
v__ast__Kind__thread, // +38
} v__ast__Kind;
typedef enum {
v__checker__ComptimeBranchSkipState__eval, //
v__checker__ComptimeBranchSkipState__skip, // +1
v__checker__ComptimeBranchSkipState__unknown, // +2
} v__checker__ComptimeBranchSkipState;
typedef enum {
v__gen__c__SqlExprSide__left, //
v__gen__c__SqlExprSide__right, // +1
} v__gen__c__SqlExprSide;
typedef enum {
v__gen__c__SqlType__sqlite3, //
v__gen__c__SqlType__mysql, // +1
v__gen__c__SqlType__psql, // +2
v__gen__c__SqlType__mssql, // +3
v__gen__c__SqlType__unknown, // +4
} v__gen__c__SqlType;
typedef enum {
v__scanner__CommentsMode__skip_comments, //
v__scanner__CommentsMode__parse_comments, // +1
v__scanner__CommentsMode__toplevel_comments, // +2
} v__scanner__CommentsMode;
typedef enum {
v__parser__State__simple, //
v__parser__State__html, // +1
v__parser__State__css, // +2
v__parser__State__js, // +3
} v__parser__State;
// V type definitions:
struct IError {
union {
void* _object;
None__* _None__;
Error* _Error;
MessageError* _MessageError;
time__TimeParseError* _time__TimeParseError;
flag__UnkownFlagError* _flag__UnkownFlagError;
flag__ArgsCountError* _flag__ArgsCountError;
semver__InvalidComparatorFormatError* _semver__InvalidComparatorFormatError;
semver__EmptyInputError* _semver__EmptyInputError;
semver__InvalidVersionFormatError* _semver__InvalidVersionFormatError;
os__FileNotOpenedError* _os__FileNotOpenedError;
os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* _os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error;
os__ExecutableNotFoundError* _os__ExecutableNotFoundError;
v__gen__c__UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform* _v__gen__c__UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform;
int _typ;
string* msg;
int* code;
struct string {
u8* str;
int len;
int is_lit;
struct array {
int element_size;
voidptr data;
int offset;
int len;
int cap;
ArrayFlags flags;
struct DenseArray {
int key_bytes;
int value_bytes;
int cap;
int len;
u32 deletes;
u8* all_deleted;
u8* keys;
u8* values;
struct map {
int key_bytes;
int value_bytes;
u32 even_index;
u8 cached_hashbits;
u8 shift;
DenseArray key_values;
u32* metas;
u32 extra_metas;
bool has_string_keys;
MapHashFn hash_fn;
MapEqFn key_eq_fn;
MapCloneFn clone_fn;
MapFreeFn free_fn;
int len;
struct Error {
struct _option {
u8 state;
IError err;
struct _result {
bool is_error;
IError err;
typedef array Array_string;
typedef array Array_u8;
typedef array Array_int;
typedef array Array_voidptr;
typedef array Array_VCastTypeIndexName;
typedef array Array_MethodArgs;
typedef u64 Array_fixed_u64_2 [2];
typedef char Array_fixed_char_254 [254];
typedef array Array_u8_ptr;
typedef array Array_rune;
typedef string Array_fixed_string_11 [11];
typedef voidptr Array_fixed_voidptr_11 [11];
typedef array Array_RepIndex;
typedef map Map_string_int;
typedef map Map_string_string;
typedef array Array_char_ptr;
typedef u16 Array_fixed_u16_260 [260];
typedef u16 Array_fixed_u16_14 [14];
typedef int Array_fixed_int_3 [3];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_65536 [65536];
typedef char Array_fixed_char_256 [256];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_20 [20];
typedef map Map_string_Array_string;
typedef array Array_v__util__Possibility;
typedef map Map_string_time__StopWatch;
typedef array Array_v__ast__File_ptr;
typedef array Array_v__builder__FunctionRedefinition;
typedef array Array_v__cflag__CFlag;
typedef map Map_string_bool;
typedef array Array_u32;
typedef array Array_v__token__WIndex;
typedef map Map_string_T;
typedef map Map_string_v__token__Kind;
typedef array Array_v__token__Precedence;
typedef array Array_v__vmod__Token;
typedef map Map_string_v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Stmt;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Comment;
typedef array Array_bool;
typedef array Array_v__token__Pos;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Expr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Attr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__ConstField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Embed;
typedef array Array_v__ast__StructField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__FnDecl;
typedef array Array_v__ast__InterfaceEmbedding;
typedef array Array_v__ast__StructInitField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__StructInitEmbed;
typedef array Array_v__ast__ImportSymbol;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Param;
typedef array Array_v__ast__DeferStmt;
typedef array Array_v__ast__CallArg;
typedef array Array_v__ast__GlobalField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Import;
typedef array Array_v__ast__EmbeddedFile;
typedef array Array_v__errors__Error;
typedef array Array_v__errors__Warning;
typedef array Array_v__errors__Notice;
typedef array Array_v__ast__FnDecl_ptr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__IfBranch;
typedef array Array_v__ast__MatchBranch;
typedef array Array_Array_v__ast__Comment;
typedef array Array_v__ast__SelectBranch;
typedef array Array_v__ast__EnumField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__TypeNode;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Ident;
typedef array Array_v__ast__AsmClobbered;
typedef array Array_v__ast__AsmTemplate;
typedef array Array_v__ast__AsmIO;
typedef array Array_v__ast__AsmArg;
typedef array Array_v__ast__IfGuardVar;
typedef array Array_v__ast__SqlStmtLine;
typedef map Map_int_v__ast__SqlStmtLine;
typedef map Map_int_v__ast__SqlExpr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Node;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__ScopeObject;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__ScopeStructField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Scope_ptr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__TypeSymbol_ptr;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__Fn;
typedef map Map_string_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef map Map_int_string;
typedef array Array_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef map Map_string_Array_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef map Map_int_v__ast__InterfaceDecl;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__EnumDecl;
typedef map Map_string_time__Time;
typedef map Map_u64_string;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Fn;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__StructField;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Kind;
typedef map Map_int_Array_v__ast__Type;
typedef array Array_v__ast__File;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__Type;
typedef map Map_int_v__ast__InterfaceEmbedding;
typedef array Array_i64;
typedef array Array_v__transformer__KeyVal;
typedef array Array_Array_v__transformer__KeyVal;
typedef array Array_v__vet__Error;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__FnDecl;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__ConstField;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__GlobalField;
typedef array Array_v__depgraph__DepGraphNode;
typedef map Map_string_i64;
typedef map Map_string_strings__Builder;
typedef map Map_string_v__gen__c__GlobalConstDef;
typedef map Map_string_v__ast__Stmt_ptr;
typedef array Array_v__gen__c__StrType;
typedef array Array_v__gen__c__SumtypeCastingFn;
typedef map Map_int_bool;
typedef array Array_v__gen__c__ProfileCounterMeta;
typedef array Array_v__ast__InfixExpr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__TypeSymbol;
typedef array Array_v__token__Token;
typedef array Array_sync__Channel_ptr;
typedef array Array_sync__Direction;
typedef array Array_sync__Subscription;
typedef array Array_flag__Flag;
typedef array Array_f64;
typedef array Array_semver__Comparator;
typedef array Array_semver__ComparatorSet;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_5 [5];
typedef array Array_u64;
typedef array Array_strconv__Uint128;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_32 [32];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_26 [26];
typedef voidptr Array_fixed_voidptr_100 [100];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_17 [17];
typedef array Array_StrIntpType;
typedef array Array_v__token__Kind;
typedef u16 Array_fixed_u16_32768 [32768];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_4096 [4096];
typedef u16 Array_fixed_u16_255 [255];
typedef array Array_os__ProcessState;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_50 [50];
typedef array Array_v__vmod__TokenKind;
typedef array Array_v__pref__Backend;
typedef map Map_int_Array_string;
typedef map Map_int_Map_string_int;
typedef array Array_v__ast__IdentKind;
typedef array Array_v__ast__IfExpr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__BoolLiteral;
typedef array Array_v__ast__SelectorExpr;
typedef array Array_v__pref__GarbageCollectionMode;
typedef array Array_v__gen__c__Gen_ptr;
typedef array Array_v__ast__Struct;
typedef array Array_v__ast__CallExpr;
typedef array Array_v__pref__Arch;
typedef array Array_v__pref__OS;
typedef u8 byte;
typedef int i32;
typedef Array_u8 strings__Builder;
typedef voidptr os__HANDLE;
typedef voidptr os__HMODULE;
typedef u32* os__PU32;
typedef voidptr v__builder__RegKey;
typedef i64 time__Duration;
typedef int v__ast__Type;
typedef voidptr sync__MHANDLE;
typedef voidptr sync__SHANDLE;
typedef bool (*anon_fn_voidptr__bool)(voidptr);
typedef voidptr (*anon_fn_voidptr__voidptr)(voidptr);
typedef int (*anon_fn_voidptr_voidptr__int)(voidptr,voidptr);
typedef int (*anon_fn_int_int__int)(int,int);
typedef void (*FnExitCb)();
typedef int (*VectoredExceptionHandler)(ExceptionPointers*);
typedef int (*FnSortCB)(voidptr,voidptr);
typedef void (*os__ShellExecuteWin)(voidptr,u16*,u16*,u16*,u16*,int);
typedef void (*anon_fn_string)(string);
typedef void (*os__FnWalkContextCB)(voidptr,string);
typedef u32 (*os__VectoredExceptionHandler)(ExceptionPointers*);
typedef void (*os__FN_NTSuspendResume)(voidptr);
typedef void (*os__SignalHandler)(os__Signal);
typedef void (*os__FN_SA_Handler)(int);
typedef string (*anon_fn_string__string)(string);
typedef void (*v__builder__FnBackend)(v__builder__Builder*);
typedef void (*v__ast__FnPanicHandler)(v__ast__Table*,string);
typedef string (*v__dotgraph__FnLabel2NodeName)(string,voidptr);
typedef bool (*v__ast__walker__InspectorFn)(v__ast__Node*,voidptr);
typedef void (*anon_fn_)();
typedef void (*anon_fn_voidptr)(voidptr);
typedef voidptr (*sync__pool__ThreadCB)(sync__pool__PoolProcessor*,int,int);
struct rand__PRNG {
union {
void* _object;
rand__wyrand__WyRandRNG* _rand__wyrand__WyRandRNG;
int _typ;
struct hash__Hasher {
union {
void* _object;
int _typ;
struct hash__Hash32er {
union {
void* _object;
int _typ;
struct hash__Hash64er {
union {
void* _object;
int _typ;
struct v__ast__walker__Visitor {
union {
void* _object;
v__ast__walker__Inspector* _v__ast__walker__Inspector;
v__callgraph__Mapper* _v__callgraph__Mapper;
int _typ;
// #start sorted_symbols
struct none {
typedef HANDLE __v_thread;
struct ContextRecord {
struct ExceptionPointers {
ExceptionRecord* exception_record;
ContextRecord* context_record;
struct None__ {
Error Error;
struct StrIntpCgenData {
string str;
string fmt;
string d;
struct os__FileNotOpenedError {
Error Error;
struct os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error {
Error Error;
struct os__ExecutableNotFoundError {
Error Error;
struct os__Uname {
string sysname;
string nodename;
string release;
string version;
string machine;
struct os__ContextRecord {
struct os__ExceptionPointers {
ExceptionRecord* exception_record;
ContextRecord* context_record;
struct v__cflag__CFlag {
string mod;
string os;
string name;
string value;
string cached;
struct v__builder__WindowsKit {
string um_lib_path;
string ucrt_lib_path;
string um_include_path;
string ucrt_include_path;
string shared_include_path;
struct v__builder__VsInstallation {
string include_path;
string lib_path;
string exe_path;
struct v__vmod__ModFileAndFolder {
string vmod_file;
string vmod_folder;
// Union sum type v__ast__TypeDecl =
// | 283 = v__ast__AliasTypeDecl
// | 284 = v__ast__FnTypeDecl
// | 285 = v__ast__SumTypeDecl
struct v__ast__TypeDecl {
union {
v__ast__AliasTypeDecl* _v__ast__AliasTypeDecl;
v__ast__FnTypeDecl* _v__ast__FnTypeDecl;
v__ast__SumTypeDecl* _v__ast__SumTypeDecl;
int _typ;
string* name;
bool* is_pub;
v__token__Pos* pos;
Array_v__ast__Comment* comments;
// Union sum type v__ast__Expr =
// | 287 = v__ast__AnonFn
// | 288 = v__ast__ArrayDecompose
// | 289 = v__ast__ArrayInit
// | 290 = v__ast__AsCast
// | 291 = v__ast__Assoc
// | 292 = v__ast__AtExpr
// | 293 = v__ast__BoolLiteral
// | 294 = v__ast__CTempVar
// | 295 = v__ast__CallExpr
// | 296 = v__ast__CastExpr
// | 297 = v__ast__ChanInit
// | 298 = v__ast__CharLiteral
// | 299 = v__ast__Comment
// | 300 = v__ast__ComptimeCall
// | 301 = v__ast__ComptimeSelector
// | 302 = v__ast__ComptimeType
// | 303 = v__ast__ConcatExpr
// | 304 = v__ast__DumpExpr
// | 305 = v__ast__EmptyExpr
// | 306 = v__ast__EnumVal
// | 307 = v__ast__FloatLiteral
// | 308 = v__ast__GoExpr
// | 309 = v__ast__Ident
// | 310 = v__ast__IfExpr
// | 311 = v__ast__IfGuardExpr
// | 312 = v__ast__IndexExpr
// | 313 = v__ast__InfixExpr
// | 314 = v__ast__IntegerLiteral
// | 315 = v__ast__IsRefType
// | 316 = v__ast__Likely
// | 317 = v__ast__LockExpr
// | 318 = v__ast__MapInit
// | 319 = v__ast__MatchExpr
// | 320 = v__ast__NodeError
// | 321 = v__ast__None
// | 322 = v__ast__OffsetOf
// | 323 = v__ast__OrExpr
// | 324 = v__ast__ParExpr
// | 325 = v__ast__PostfixExpr
// | 326 = v__ast__PrefixExpr
// | 327 = v__ast__RangeExpr
// | 328 = v__ast__SelectExpr
// | 329 = v__ast__SelectorExpr
// | 330 = v__ast__SizeOf
// | 331 = v__ast__SqlExpr
// | 332 = v__ast__StringInterLiteral
// | 333 = v__ast__StringLiteral
// | 334 = v__ast__StructInit
// | 335 = v__ast__TypeNode
// | 336 = v__ast__TypeOf
// | 337 = v__ast__UnsafeExpr
struct v__ast__Expr {
union {
v__ast__AnonFn* _v__ast__AnonFn;
v__ast__ArrayDecompose* _v__ast__ArrayDecompose;
v__ast__ArrayInit* _v__ast__ArrayInit;
v__ast__AsCast* _v__ast__AsCast;
v__ast__Assoc* _v__ast__Assoc;
v__ast__AtExpr* _v__ast__AtExpr;
v__ast__BoolLiteral* _v__ast__BoolLiteral;
v__ast__CTempVar* _v__ast__CTempVar;
v__ast__CallExpr* _v__ast__CallExpr;
v__ast__CastExpr* _v__ast__CastExpr;
v__ast__ChanInit* _v__ast__ChanInit;
v__ast__CharLiteral* _v__ast__CharLiteral;
v__ast__Comment* _v__ast__Comment;
v__ast__ComptimeCall* _v__ast__ComptimeCall;
v__ast__ComptimeSelector* _v__ast__ComptimeSelector;
v__ast__ComptimeType* _v__ast__ComptimeType;
v__ast__ConcatExpr* _v__ast__ConcatExpr;
v__ast__DumpExpr* _v__ast__DumpExpr;
v__ast__EmptyExpr* _v__ast__EmptyExpr;
v__ast__EnumVal* _v__ast__EnumVal;
v__ast__FloatLiteral* _v__ast__FloatLiteral;
v__ast__GoExpr* _v__ast__GoExpr;
v__ast__Ident* _v__ast__Ident;
v__ast__IfExpr* _v__ast__IfExpr;
v__ast__IfGuardExpr* _v__ast__IfGuardExpr;
v__ast__IndexExpr* _v__ast__IndexExpr;
v__ast__InfixExpr* _v__ast__InfixExpr;
v__ast__IntegerLiteral* _v__ast__IntegerLiteral;
v__ast__IsRefType* _v__ast__IsRefType;
v__ast__Likely* _v__ast__Likely;
v__ast__LockExpr* _v__ast__LockExpr;
v__ast__MapInit* _v__ast__MapInit;
v__ast__MatchExpr* _v__ast__MatchExpr;
v__ast__NodeError* _v__ast__NodeError;
v__ast__None* _v__ast__None;
v__ast__OffsetOf* _v__ast__OffsetOf;
v__ast__OrExpr* _v__ast__OrExpr;
v__ast__ParExpr* _v__ast__ParExpr;
v__ast__PostfixExpr* _v__ast__PostfixExpr;
v__ast__PrefixExpr* _v__ast__PrefixExpr;
v__ast__RangeExpr* _v__ast__RangeExpr;
v__ast__SelectExpr* _v__ast__SelectExpr;
v__ast__SelectorExpr* _v__ast__SelectorExpr;
v__ast__SizeOf* _v__ast__SizeOf;
v__ast__SqlExpr* _v__ast__SqlExpr;
v__ast__StringInterLiteral* _v__ast__StringInterLiteral;
v__ast__StringLiteral* _v__ast__StringLiteral;
v__ast__StructInit* _v__ast__StructInit;
v__ast__TypeNode* _v__ast__TypeNode;
v__ast__TypeOf* _v__ast__TypeOf;
v__ast__UnsafeExpr* _v__ast__UnsafeExpr;
int _typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__Stmt =
// | 339 = v__ast__AsmStmt
// | 340 = v__ast__AssertStmt
// | 341 = v__ast__AssignStmt
// | 342 = v__ast__Block
// | 343 = v__ast__BranchStmt
// | 344 = v__ast__ComptimeFor
// | 345 = v__ast__ConstDecl
// | 346 = v__ast__DeferStmt
// | 347 = v__ast__EmptyStmt
// | 348 = v__ast__EnumDecl
// | 349 = v__ast__ExprStmt
// | 220 = v__ast__FnDecl
// | 350 = v__ast__ForCStmt
// | 351 = v__ast__ForInStmt
// | 352 = v__ast__ForStmt
// | 353 = v__ast__GlobalDecl
// | 354 = v__ast__GotoLabel
// | 355 = v__ast__GotoStmt
// | 356 = v__ast__HashStmt
// | 357 = v__ast__Import
// | 358 = v__ast__InterfaceDecl
// | 359 = v__ast__Module
// | 320 = v__ast__NodeError
// | 360 = v__ast__Return
// | 361 = v__ast__SqlStmt
// | 362 = v__ast__StructDecl
// | 286 = v__ast__TypeDecl
struct v__ast__Stmt {
union {
v__ast__AsmStmt* _v__ast__AsmStmt;
v__ast__AssertStmt* _v__ast__AssertStmt;
v__ast__AssignStmt* _v__ast__AssignStmt;
v__ast__Block* _v__ast__Block;
v__ast__BranchStmt* _v__ast__BranchStmt;
v__ast__ComptimeFor* _v__ast__ComptimeFor;
v__ast__ConstDecl* _v__ast__ConstDecl;
v__ast__DeferStmt* _v__ast__DeferStmt;
v__ast__EmptyStmt* _v__ast__EmptyStmt;
v__ast__EnumDecl* _v__ast__EnumDecl;
v__ast__ExprStmt* _v__ast__ExprStmt;
v__ast__FnDecl* _v__ast__FnDecl;
v__ast__ForCStmt* _v__ast__ForCStmt;
v__ast__ForInStmt* _v__ast__ForInStmt;
v__ast__ForStmt* _v__ast__ForStmt;
v__ast__GlobalDecl* _v__ast__GlobalDecl;
v__ast__GotoLabel* _v__ast__GotoLabel;
v__ast__GotoStmt* _v__ast__GotoStmt;
v__ast__HashStmt* _v__ast__HashStmt;
v__ast__Import* _v__ast__Import;
v__ast__InterfaceDecl* _v__ast__InterfaceDecl;
v__ast__Module* _v__ast__Module;
v__ast__NodeError* _v__ast__NodeError;
v__ast__Return* _v__ast__Return;
v__ast__SqlStmt* _v__ast__SqlStmt;
v__ast__StructDecl* _v__ast__StructDecl;
v__ast__TypeDecl* _v__ast__TypeDecl;
int _typ;
v__token__Pos* pos;
// Union sum type v__ast__ScopeObject =
// | 364 = v__ast__AsmRegister
// | 365 = v__ast__ConstField
// | 366 = v__ast__GlobalField
// | 367 = v__ast__Var
struct v__ast__ScopeObject {
union {
v__ast__AsmRegister* _v__ast__AsmRegister;
v__ast__ConstField* _v__ast__ConstField;
v__ast__GlobalField* _v__ast__GlobalField;
v__ast__Var* _v__ast__Var;
int _typ;
string* name;
v__ast__Type* typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__Node =
// | 369 = v__ast__CallArg
// | 365 = v__ast__ConstField
// | 370 = v__ast__EmptyNode
// | 371 = v__ast__EnumField
// | 338 = v__ast__Expr
// | 211 = v__ast__File
// | 366 = v__ast__GlobalField
// | 372 = v__ast__IfBranch
// | 373 = v__ast__MatchBranch
// | 320 = v__ast__NodeError
// | 374 = v__ast__Param
// | 368 = v__ast__ScopeObject
// | 375 = v__ast__SelectBranch
// | 363 = v__ast__Stmt
// | 376 = v__ast__StructField
// | 377 = v__ast__StructInitField
struct v__ast__Node {
union {
v__ast__CallArg* _v__ast__CallArg;
v__ast__ConstField* _v__ast__ConstField;
v__ast__EmptyNode* _v__ast__EmptyNode;
v__ast__EnumField* _v__ast__EnumField;
v__ast__Expr* _v__ast__Expr;
v__ast__File* _v__ast__File;
v__ast__GlobalField* _v__ast__GlobalField;
v__ast__IfBranch* _v__ast__IfBranch;
v__ast__MatchBranch* _v__ast__MatchBranch;
v__ast__NodeError* _v__ast__NodeError;
v__ast__Param* _v__ast__Param;
v__ast__ScopeObject* _v__ast__ScopeObject;
v__ast__SelectBranch* _v__ast__SelectBranch;
v__ast__Stmt* _v__ast__Stmt;
v__ast__StructField* _v__ast__StructField;
v__ast__StructInitField* _v__ast__StructInitField;
int _typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue =
// | 305 = v__ast__EmptyExpr
// | 15 = f32
// | 16 = f64
// | 6 = i16
// | 8 = i64
// | 5 = i8
// | 7 = int
// | 21 = rune
// | 20 = string
// | 11 = u16
// | 12 = u32
// | 13 = u64
// | 10 = u8
struct v__ast__ComptTimeConstValue {
union {
v__ast__EmptyExpr* _v__ast__EmptyExpr;
f32* _f32;
f64* _f64;
i16* _i16;
i64* _i64;
i8* _i8;
int* _int;
rune* _rune;
string* _string;
u16* _u16;
u32* _u32;
u64* _u64;
u8* _u8;
int _typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__IdentInfo =
// | 418 = v__ast__IdentFn
// | 419 = v__ast__IdentVar
struct v__ast__IdentInfo {
union {
v__ast__IdentFn* _v__ast__IdentFn;
v__ast__IdentVar* _v__ast__IdentVar;
int _typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__AsmArg =
// | 439 = v__ast__AsmAddressing
// | 440 = v__ast__AsmAlias
// | 441 = v__ast__AsmDisp
// | 364 = v__ast__AsmRegister
// | 293 = v__ast__BoolLiteral
// | 298 = v__ast__CharLiteral
// | 307 = v__ast__FloatLiteral
// | 314 = v__ast__IntegerLiteral
// | 20 = string
struct v__ast__AsmArg {
union {
v__ast__AsmAddressing* _v__ast__AsmAddressing;
v__ast__AsmAlias* _v__ast__AsmAlias;
v__ast__AsmDisp* _v__ast__AsmDisp;
v__ast__AsmRegister* _v__ast__AsmRegister;
v__ast__BoolLiteral* _v__ast__BoolLiteral;
v__ast__CharLiteral* _v__ast__CharLiteral;
v__ast__FloatLiteral* _v__ast__FloatLiteral;
v__ast__IntegerLiteral* _v__ast__IntegerLiteral;
string* _string;
int _typ;
// Union sum type v__ast__TypeInfo =
// | 473 = v__ast__Aggregate
// | 475 = v__ast__Alias
// | 454 = v__ast__Array
// | 483 = v__ast__ArrayFixed
// | 484 = v__ast__Chan
// | 489 = v__ast__Enum
// | 487 = v__ast__FnType
// | 488 = v__ast__GenericInst
// | 478 = v__ast__Interface
// | 455 = v__ast__Map
// | 486 = v__ast__MultiReturn
// | 459 = v__ast__Struct
// | 479 = v__ast__SumType
// | 485 = v__ast__Thread
struct v__ast__TypeInfo {
union {
v__ast__Aggregate* _v__ast__Aggregate;
v__ast__Alias* _v__ast__Alias;
v__ast__Array* _v__ast__Array;
v__ast__ArrayFixed* _v__ast__ArrayFixed;
v__ast__Chan* _v__ast__Chan;
v__ast__Enum* _v__ast__Enum;
v__ast__FnType* _v__ast__FnType;
v__ast__GenericInst* _v__ast__GenericInst;
v__ast__Interface* _v__ast__Interface;
v__ast__Map* _v__ast__Map;
v__ast__MultiReturn* _v__ast__MultiReturn;
v__ast__Struct* _v__ast__Struct;
v__ast__SumType* _v__ast__SumType;
v__ast__Thread* _v__ast__Thread;
int _typ;
struct v__gen__c__UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform {
Error Error;
struct v__gen__c__ProfileCounterMeta {
string fn_name;
string vpc_name;
string vpc_calls;
struct sync__Subscription {
sync__Semaphore* sem;
sync__Subscription** prev;
sync__Subscription* nxt;
struct flag__UnkownFlagError {
Error Error;
string flag;
struct semver__EmptyInputError {
Error Error;
struct semver__InvalidVersionFormatError {
Error Error;
string input;
struct VCastTypeIndexName {
int tindex;
string tname;
struct VAssertMetaInfo {
string fpath;
int line_nr;
string fn_name;
string src;
string op;
string llabel;
string rlabel;
string lvalue;
string rvalue;
struct MethodArgs {
int typ;
string name;
struct FunctionData {
string name;
Array_string attrs;
Array_MethodArgs args;
int return_type;
int typ;
struct FieldData {
string name;
Array_string attrs;
bool is_pub;
bool is_mut;
bool is_shared;
int typ;
struct StructAttribute {
string name;
bool has_arg;
string arg;
AttributeKind kind;
struct Line64 {
u32 f_size_of_struct;
voidptr f_key;
u32 f_line_number;
u8* f_file_name;
u64 f_address;
struct ExceptionRecord {
u32 code;
u32 flags;
ExceptionRecord* record;
voidptr address;
u32 param_count;
union strconv__Float64u {
f64 f;
u64 u;
union strconv__Float32u {
f32 f;
u32 u;
struct MessageError {
string msg;
int code;
struct Option {
u8 state;
IError err;
struct VMemoryBlock {
int id;
isize cap;
byte* start;
VMemoryBlock* previous;
isize remaining;
u8* current;
int mallocs;
struct SortedMap {
int value_bytes;
mapnode* root;
int len;
struct RepIndex {
int idx;
int val_idx;
union StrIntpMem {
u32 d_c;
byte d_u8;
i8 d_i8;
u16 d_u16;
i16 d_i16;
u32 d_u32;
int d_i32;
u64 d_u64;
i64 d_i64;
f32 d_f32;
f64 d_f64;
string d_s;
voidptr d_p;
voidptr d_vp;
struct strconv__BF_param {
u8 pad_ch;
int len0;
int len1;
bool positive;
bool sign_flag;
strconv__Align_text allign;
bool rm_tail_zero;
struct strconv__PrepNumber {
bool negative;
int exponent;
u64 mantissa;
struct strconv__Dec32 {
u32 m;
int e;
union strconv__Uf32 {
f32 f;
u32 u;
struct strconv__Dec64 {
u64 m;
int e;
union strconv__Uf64 {
f64 f;
u64 u;
struct strconv__Uint128 {
u64 lo;
u64 hi;
struct os__File {
voidptr cfile;
int fd;
bool is_opened;
struct os__FileInfo {
string name;
int size;
struct os__FilePermission {
bool read;
bool write;
bool execute;
struct os__Result {
int exit_code;
string output;
struct os__Command {
voidptr f;
bool eof;
int exit_code;
string path;
bool redirect_stdout;
struct os__Filetime {
u32 dw_low_date_time;
u32 dw_high_date_time;
struct os__ProcessInformation {
voidptr h_process;
voidptr h_thread;
u32 dw_process_id;
u32 dw_thread_id;
struct os__StartupInfo {
u32 cb;
u16* lp_reserved;
u16* lp_desktop;
u16* lp_title;
u32 dw_x;
u32 dw_y;
u32 dw_x_size;
u32 dw_y_size;
u32 dw_x_count_chars;
u32 dw_y_count_chars;
u32 dw_fill_attributes;
u32 dw_flags;
u16 w_show_window;
u16 cb_reserved2;
u8* lp_reserved2;
voidptr h_std_input;
voidptr h_std_output;
voidptr h_std_error;
struct os__SecurityAttributes {
u32 n_length;
voidptr lp_security_descriptor;
bool b_inherit_handle;
struct os__ExceptionRecord {
u32 code;
u32 flags;
ExceptionRecord* record;
voidptr address;
u32 param_count;
struct term__Coord {
int x;
int y;
struct v__vcache__CacheManager {
string basepath;
string original_vopts;
string vopts;
Map_string_string k2cpath;
struct v__util__EManager {
bool support_color;
struct v__token__Pos {
int len;
int line_nr;
int pos;
int col;
int last_line;
struct v__util__LinesCache {
Map_string_Array_string lines;
struct v__util__Possibility {
string value;
string svalue;
f32 similarity;
struct v__util__Suggestion {
Array_v__util__Possibility known;
string wanted;
string swanted;
struct v__util__Surrounder {
Array_string befores;
Array_string afters;
struct time__StopWatch {
u64 elapsed;
u64 start;
u64 end;
struct v__util__Timers {
string label;
Map_string_time__StopWatch swatches;
bool should_print;
Array_string already_shown;
struct v__util__TimerParams {
bool should_print;