Some PKGBUILDs don't work with Vieter #304

opened 2022-12-15 15:58:20 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

I've encountered two PKGBUILDs now that break if you run makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm before the actual build, which is exactly what Vieter does.

I'm not quite sure how I'd go about solving this. Perhaps I should let the build step not run the prepare functions?

I've encountered two PKGBUILDs now that break if you run `makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm` before the actual build, which is exactly what Vieter does. I'm not quite sure how I'd go about solving this. Perhaps I should let the build step not run the prepare functions?
Jef Roosens added this to the 0.5.0 milestone 2022-12-15 15:58:20 +00:00
Jef Roosens added the
label 2022-12-15 15:58:21 +00:00
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Reference: vieter-v/vieter#304
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