# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true # this is based on https://github.com/rouge-ruby/rouge/blob/master/lib/rouge/themes/monokai_sublime.rb # but without the added background, and changed styling for JSON keys to be soft_yellow instead of white module Rouge module Themes class MonokaiSublimeSlate < CSSTheme name 'monokai.sublime.slate' palette :black => '#000000' palette :bright_green => '#a6e22e' palette :bright_pink => '#f92672' palette :carmine => '#960050' palette :dark => '#49483e' palette :dark_grey => '#888888' palette :dark_red => '#aa0000' palette :dimgrey => '#75715e' palette :emperor => '#555555' palette :grey => '#999999' palette :light_grey => '#aaaaaa' palette :light_violet => '#ae81ff' palette :soft_cyan => '#66d9ef' palette :soft_yellow => '#e6db74' palette :very_dark => '#1e0010' palette :whitish => '#f8f8f2' palette :orange => '#f6aa11' palette :white => '#ffffff' style Generic::Heading, :fg => :grey style Literal::String::Regex, :fg => :orange style Generic::Output, :fg => :dark_grey style Generic::Prompt, :fg => :emperor style Generic::Strong, :bold => false style Generic::Subheading, :fg => :light_grey style Name::Builtin, :fg => :orange style Comment::Multiline, Comment::Preproc, Comment::Single, Comment::Special, Comment, :fg => :dimgrey style Error, Generic::Error, Generic::Traceback, :fg => :carmine style Generic::Deleted, Generic::Inserted, Generic::Emph, :fg => :dark style Keyword::Constant, Keyword::Declaration, Keyword::Reserved, Name::Constant, Keyword::Type, :fg => :soft_cyan style Literal::Number::Float, Literal::Number::Hex, Literal::Number::Integer::Long, Literal::Number::Integer, Literal::Number::Oct, Literal::Number, Literal::String::Char, Literal::String::Escape, Literal::String::Symbol, :fg => :light_violet style Literal::String::Doc, Literal::String::Double, Literal::String::Backtick, Literal::String::Heredoc, Literal::String::Interpol, Literal::String::Other, Literal::String::Single, Literal::String, :fg => :soft_yellow style Name::Attribute, Name::Class, Name::Decorator, Name::Exception, Name::Function, :fg => :bright_green style Name::Variable::Class, Name::Namespace, Name::Entity, Name::Builtin::Pseudo, Name::Variable::Global, Name::Variable::Instance, Name::Variable, Text::Whitespace, Text, Name, :fg => :white style Name::Label, :fg => :bright_pink style Operator::Word, Name::Tag, Keyword, Keyword::Namespace, Keyword::Pseudo, Operator, :fg => :bright_pink end end end