module client import models { BuildLog, BuildLogFilter } import web.response { Response } import time // get_build_logs returns all build logs. pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs(filter BuildLogFilter) ![]BuildLog { params := models.params_from(filter) data := c.send_request[[]BuildLog](.get, '/api/v1/logs', params)! return } // get_build_log returns a specific build log. pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log(id int) !BuildLog { data := c.send_request[BuildLog](.get, '/api/v1/logs/${id}', {})! return } // get_build_log_content returns the contents of the build log file. pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log_content(id int) !string { data := c.send_request_raw_response(.get, '/api/v1/logs/${id}/content', {}, '')! return data } // add_build_log adds a new build log to the server. pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) !Response[int] { params := { 'target': target_id.str() 'startTime': start_time.unix_time().str() 'endTime': end_time.unix_time().str() 'arch': arch 'exitCode': exit_code.str() } data := c.send_request_with_body[int](.post, '/api/v1/logs', params, content)! return data } // remove_build_log removes the build log with the given id from the server. pub fn (c &Client) remove_build_log(id int) ! { c.send_request[string](.delete, '/api/v1/logs/${id}', {})! }