module client import models { Target, TargetFilter } // get_targets returns a list of targets, given a filter object. pub fn (c &Client) get_targets(filter TargetFilter) ![]Target { params := models.params_from(filter) data := c.send_request[[]Target](.get, '/api/v1/targets', params)! return } // get_all_targets retrieves *all* targs from the API using the default // limit. pub fn (c &Client) get_all_targets() ![]Target { mut targets := []Target{} mut offset := u64(0) for { sub_targets := c.get_targets(offset: offset)! if sub_targets.len == 0 { break } targets << sub_targets offset += u64(sub_targets.len) } return targets } // get_target returns the target for a specific id. pub fn (c &Client) get_target(id int) !Target { data := c.send_request[Target](.get, '/api/v1/targets/${id}', {})! return } pub struct NewTarget { kind string url string branch string repo string path string arch []string } // add_target adds a new target to the server. pub fn (c &Client) add_target(t NewTarget) !int { params := models.params_from[NewTarget](t) data := c.send_request[int](.post, '/api/v1/targets', params)! return } // remove_target removes the target with the given id from the server. pub fn (c &Client) remove_target(id int) !string { data := c.send_request[string](.delete, '/api/v1/targets/${id}', {})! return } // patch_target sends a PATCH request to the given target with the params as // payload. pub fn (c &Client) patch_target(id int, params map[string]string) !string { data := c.send_request[string](.patch, '/api/v1/targets/${id}', params)! return }