module repos import cli import conf as vconf import client struct Config { address string [required] api_key string [required] } // cmd returns the cli module that handles modifying the repository contents. pub fn cmd() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ name: 'repos' description: 'Interact with the repositories & packages stored on the server.' commands: [ cli.Command{ name: 'remove' required_args: 1 usage: 'repo [arch [pkgname]]' description: 'Remove a repo, arch-repo, or package from the server.' flags: [ cli.Flag{ name: 'force' flag: cli.FlagType.bool }, ] execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')! conf_ := vconf.load[Config](prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)! if cmd.args.len < 3 { if !cmd.flags.get_bool('force')! { return error('Removing an arch-repo or repository is a very destructive command. If you really do wish to perform this operation, explicitely add the --force flag.') } } client_ :=, conf_.api_key) if cmd.args.len == 1 { client_.remove_repo(cmd.args[0])! } else if cmd.args.len == 2 { client_.remove_arch_repo(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1])! } else { client_.remove_package(cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2])! } } }, ] } }