# repo This module manages the contents of the various repositories stored within a Vieter instance. ## Terminology * Arch-repository (arch-repo): specific architecture of a given repository. This is what Pacman actually uses as a repository, and contains its own `.db` & `.files` files. * Repository (repo): a collection of arch-repositories. A single repository can contain packages of different architectures, with each package being stored in that specific architecture' arch-repository. * Repository group (repo-group): a collection of repositories. Each Vieter instance consists of a single repository group, which manages all underlying repositories & arch-repositories. ## Arch-repository layout An arch-repository (aka a regular Pacman repository) consists of a directory with the following files (`{repo}` should be replaced with the name of the repository): * One or more package directories. These directories follow the naming scheme `${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}`. Each of these directories contains two files, `desc` & `files`. The `desc` file is a list of the package's metadata, while `files` contains a list of all files that the package contains. The latter is used when using `pacman -F`. * `{repo}.db` & `{repo}.db.tar.gz`: the database file of the repository. This is just a compressed tarball of all package directories, but only their `desc` files. Both these files should have the same content (`repo-add` creates a symlink, but Vieter just serves the same file for both routes) * `{repo}.files` & `{repo}.files.tar.gz`: the same as the `.db` file, but this also contains the `files` files, instead of just the `desc` files. ## Filesystem layout The repository part of Vieter consists of two directories. One is the `repos` directory inside the configured `data_dir`, while the other is the configured `pkg_dir`. `repos` contains only the repository group, while `pkg_dir` contains the actual package archives. `pkg_dir` is the directory that can take up a significant amount of memory, while `repos` solely consists of small text files.