module build import models { Target } import cron.expression { CronExpression, parse_expression } import time import datatypes { MinHeap } import util struct BuildJob { pub: // Next timestamp from which point this job is allowed to be executed timestamp time.Time // Required for calculating next timestamp after having pop'ed a job ce CronExpression // Actual build config sent to the agent config BuildConfig } // Allows BuildJob structs to be sorted according to their timestamp in // MinHeaps fn (r1 BuildJob) < (r2 BuildJob) bool { return r1.timestamp < r2.timestamp } pub struct BuildJobQueue { // Schedule to use for targets without explicitely defined cron expression default_schedule CronExpression // Base image to use for targets without defined base image default_base_image string mut: mutex shared util.Dummy // For each architecture, a priority queue is tracked queues map[string]MinHeap // Each queued build job is also stored in a map, with the keys being the // target IDs. This is used when removing or editing targets. // jobs map[int]BuildJob } pub fn new_job_queue(default_schedule CronExpression, default_base_image string) BuildJobQueue { return BuildJobQueue{ default_schedule: default_schedule default_base_image: default_base_image } } // insert a new target's job into the queue for the given architecture. This // job will then be endlessly rescheduled after being pop'ed, unless removed // explicitely. pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) insert(target Target, arch string) ! { lock q.mutex { if arch !in q.queues { q.queues[arch] = MinHeap{} } ce := if target.schedule != '' { parse_expression(target.schedule) or { return error("Error while parsing cron expression '$target.schedule' (id $ $err.msg()") } } else { q.default_schedule } timestamp := ce.next_from_now()! job := BuildJob{ timestamp: timestamp ce: ce config: BuildConfig{ target_id: kind: target.kind url: target.url branch: target.branch repo: target.repo // TODO make this configurable base_image: q.default_base_image } } q.queues[arch].insert(job) } } // reschedule the given job by calculating the next timestamp and re-adding it // to its respective queue. This function is called by the pop functions // *after* having pop'ed the job. fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) reschedule(job BuildJob, arch string) ! { new_timestamp := job.ce.next_from_now()! new_job := BuildJob{ ...job timestamp: new_timestamp } q.queues[arch].insert(new_job) } // peek shows the first job for the given architecture that's ready to be // executed, if present. pub fn (q &BuildJobQueue) peek(arch string) ?BuildJob { rlock q.mutex { if arch !in q.queues { return none } job := q.queues[arch].peek() or { return none } if job.timestamp < { return job } } return none } // pop removes the first job for the given architecture that's ready to be // executed from the queue and returns it, if present. pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) pop(arch string) ?BuildJob { lock q.mutex { if arch !in q.queues { return none } mut job := q.queues[arch].peek() or { return none } if job.timestamp < { job = q.queues[arch].pop()? // TODO how do we handle this properly? Is it even possible for a // cron expression to not return a next time if it's already been // used before? q.reschedule(job, arch) or {} return job } } return none } // pop_n tries to pop at most n available jobs for the given architecture. pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) pop_n(arch string, n int) []BuildJob { lock q.mutex { if arch !in q.queues { return [] } mut out := []BuildJob{} for out.len < n { mut job := q.queues[arch].peek() or { break } if job.timestamp < { job = q.queues[arch].pop() or { break } // TODO idem q.reschedule(job, arch) or {} out << job } else { break } } return out } return [] }