variables: - &vlang_image '' platform: 'linux/amd64' branches: exclude: [ main ] depends_on: - build pipeline: install-modules: image: *vlang_image pull: true commands: - export VMODULES=$PWD/.vmodules - 'cd src && v install' generate: image: *vlang_image commands: # - curl -o vieter -L "$CI_COMMIT_SHA/vieter-linux-amd64" # - chmod +x vieter - export VMODULES=$PWD/.vmodules - make - ./vieter man man - cd man # Generate an HTML page from each man page - for f in $(ls -1 *.1); do mandoc -Thtml -O style=mandoc.css,man=%N.%S.html $f > "$f.html"; done # Download the mandoc.css file from the official site - curl -o mandoc.css -L - tar czvf ../man.tar.gz *.html mandoc.css deploy: image: 'curlimages/curl' secrets: - 'site_api_key' commands: - 'curl -XPOST --fail -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $SITE_API_KEY" -T man.tar.gz' when: event: push branch: dev