module models pub const valid_kinds = ['git', 'url'] pub struct TargetArch { pub: id int [primary; sql: serial] target_id int [nonull] value string [nonull] } // str returns a string representation. pub fn (gra &TargetArch) str() string { return gra.value } pub struct Target { pub mut: id int [primary; sql: serial] kind string [nonull] // If kind is git: URL of the Git repository // If kind is url: URL to PKGBUILD file url string [nonull] // Branch of the Git repository to use; only applicable when kind is git. // If not provided, the repository is cloned with the default branch. branch string // Which repo the builder should publish packages to repo string [nonull] // Cron schedule describing how frequently to build the repo. schedule string // Subdirectory in the Git repository to cd into path string // On which architectures the package is allowed to be built. In reality, // this controls which agents will build this package when scheduled. arch []TargetArch [fkey: 'target_id'] } // str returns a string representation. pub fn (t &Target) str() string { mut parts := [ 'id: $', 'kind: $t.kind', 'url: $t.url', 'branch: $t.branch', 'path: $t.path', 'repo: $t.repo', 'schedule: $t.schedule', 'arch: ${', ')}', ] str := parts.join('\n') return str } // as_build_config converts a Target into a BuildConfig, given some extra // needed information. pub fn (t &Target) as_build_config(base_image string, force bool) BuildConfig { return BuildConfig{ target_id: kind: t.kind url: t.url branch: t.branch path: t.path repo: t.repo base_image: base_image force: force } } [params] pub struct TargetFilter { pub mut: limit u64 = 25 offset u64 repo string query string arch string }