module logs import cli import vieter.vconf import client import console import time import models { BuildLog, BuildLogFilter } struct Config { address string [required] api_key string [required] } // cmd returns the cli module that handles the build logs API. pub fn cmd() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ name: 'logs' description: 'Interact with the build logs API.' commands: [ cli.Command{ name: 'list' description: 'List build logs. All date strings in the output are converted to the local timezone. Any time strings provided as input should be in the local timezone as well.' flags: [ cli.Flag{ name: 'limit' description: 'How many results to return.' flag: }, cli.Flag{ name: 'offset' description: 'Minimum index to return.' flag: }, cli.Flag{ name: 'target' description: 'Only return logs for this target id.' flag: }, cli.Flag{ name: 'today' description: 'Only list logs started today.' flag: cli.FlagType.bool }, cli.Flag{ name: 'failed' description: 'Only list logs with non-zero exit codes.' flag: cli.FlagType.bool }, cli.Flag{ name: 'day' description: 'Only list logs started on this day. (format: YYYY-MM-DD)' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'before' description: 'Only list logs started before this timestamp. (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'after' description: 'Only list logs started after this timestamp. (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, ] execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? mut filter := BuildLogFilter{} limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')? if limit != 0 { filter.limit = u64(limit) } offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')? if offset != 0 { filter.offset = u64(offset) } target_id := cmd.flags.get_int('target')? if target_id != 0 { = target_id } tz_offset := time.offset() if cmd.flags.get_bool('today')? { today := filter.after = time.new_time(time.Time{ year: today.year month: today.month day: }).add_seconds(-tz_offset) filter.before = filter.after.add_days(1) } // The -today flag overwrites any of the other date flags. else { day_str := cmd.flags.get_string('day')? before_str := cmd.flags.get_string('before')? after_str := cmd.flags.get_string('after')? if day_str != '' { day := time.parse_rfc3339(day_str)? day_utc := time.new_time(time.Time{ year: day.year month: day.month day: }).add_seconds(-tz_offset) // The extra -1 is so we also return logs that // started at exactly midnight (filter bounds are // exclusive). therefore, we have to request logs // started after 23:59:59 the previous day. filter.after = day_utc.add_seconds(-1) filter.before = day_utc.add_days(1) } else { if before_str != '' { filter.before = time.parse(before_str)?.add_seconds(-tz_offset) } if after_str != '' { filter.after = time.parse(after_str)?.add_seconds(-tz_offset) } } } if cmd.flags.get_bool('failed')? { filter.exit_codes = [ '!0', ] } list(conf, filter)? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'info' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Show all info for a specific build log.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? id := cmd.args[0].int() info(conf, id)? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'content' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Output the content of a build log to stdout.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? id := cmd.args[0].int() content(conf, id)? } }, ] } } // print_log_list prints a list of logs. fn print_log_list(logs []BuildLog) ? { data :=[, it.target_id.str(), it.start_time.local().str(), it.exit_code.str()]) println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'target', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)?) } // list prints a list of all build logs. fn list(conf Config, filter BuildLogFilter) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) logs := c.get_build_logs(filter)?.data print_log_list(logs)? } // list prints a list of all build logs for a given target. fn list_for_target(conf Config, target_id int) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) logs := c.get_build_logs_for_target(target_id)?.data print_log_list(logs)? } // info print the detailed info for a given build log. fn info(conf Config, id int) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) log := c.get_build_log(id)?.data print(log) } // content outputs the contents of the log file for a given build log to // stdout. fn content(conf Config, id int) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) content := c.get_build_log_content(id)? println(content) }