module targets import cli import vieter.vconf import cron.expression { parse_expression } import client import console import models { TargetFilter } struct Config { address string [required] api_key string [required] base_image string = 'archlinux:base-devel' } // cmd returns the cli submodule that handles the repos API interaction pub fn cmd() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ name: 'targets' description: 'Interact with the targets API.' commands: [ cli.Command{ name: 'list' description: 'List the current targets.' flags: [ cli.Flag{ name: 'limit' description: 'How many results to return.' flag: }, cli.Flag{ name: 'offset' description: 'Minimum index to return.' flag: }, cli.Flag{ name: 'repo' description: 'Only return targets that publish to this repo.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, ] execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? mut filter := TargetFilter{} limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')? if limit != 0 { filter.limit = u64(limit) } offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')? if offset != 0 { filter.offset = u64(offset) } repo := cmd.flags.get_string('repo')? if repo != '' { filter.repo = repo } list(conf, filter)? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'add' required_args: 3 usage: 'url branch repo' description: 'Add a new Git repository target.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? add(conf, cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2])? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'remove' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Remove a target that matches the given id.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? remove(conf, cmd.args[0])? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'info' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Show detailed information for the target matching the id.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? info(conf, cmd.args[0])? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'edit' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Edit the Git repository target that matches the given id.' flags: [ cli.Flag{ name: 'url' description: 'URL of the Git repository.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'branch' description: 'Branch of the Git repository.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'repo' description: 'Repo to publish builds to.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'arch' description: 'Comma-separated list of architectures to build on.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, cli.Flag{ name: 'schedule' description: 'Cron schedule for repository.' flag: cli.FlagType.string }, ] execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? found := cmd.flags.get_all_found() mut params := map[string]string{} for f in found { if != 'config-file' { params[] = f.get_string()? } } patch(conf, cmd.args[0], params)? } }, cli.Command{ name: 'build' required_args: 1 usage: 'id' description: 'Build the target with the given id & publish it.' execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? { config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')? conf := vconf.load(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)? build(conf, cmd.args[0].int())? } }, ] } } // get_repo_by_prefix tries to find the repo with the given prefix in its // ID. If multiple or none are found, an error is raised. // list prints out a list of all repositories. fn list(conf Config, filter TargetFilter) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) repos := c.get_targets(filter)? data :=[, it.url, it.branch, it.repo]) println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'url', 'branch', 'repo'], data)?) } // add adds a new repository to the server's list. fn add(conf Config, url string, branch string, repo string) ? { c :=, conf.api_key) res := c.add_target(url, branch, repo, [])? println(res.message) } // remove removes a repository from the server's list. fn remove(conf Config, id string) ? { // id, _ := get_repo_by_prefix(conf, id_prefix) ? id_int := if id_int != 0 { c :=, conf.api_key) res := c.remove_target(id_int)? println(res.message) } } // patch patches a given repository with the provided params. fn patch(conf Config, id string, params map[string]string) ? { // We check the cron expression first because it's useless to send an // invalid one to the server. if 'schedule' in params && params['schedule'] != '' { parse_expression(params['schedule']) or { return error('Invalid cron expression: $err.msg()') } } id_int := if id_int != 0 { c :=, conf.api_key) res := c.patch_target(id_int, params)? println(res.message) } } // info shows detailed information for a given repo. fn info(conf Config, id string) ? { id_int := if id_int == 0 { return } c :=, conf.api_key) repo := c.get_target(id_int)? println(repo) }