
94 lines
2.6 KiB

module build
import models { BuildConfig }
// escape_shell_string escapes any characters that could be interpreted
// incorrectly by a shell. The resulting value should be safe to use inside an
// echo statement.
fn escape_shell_string(s string) string {
return s.replace(r'\', r'\\').replace("'", r"'\''")
// echo_commands takes a list of shell commands & prepends each one with
// an echo call displaying said command.
pub fn echo_commands(cmds []string) []string {
mut out := []string{cap: 2 * cmds.len}
for cmd in cmds {
out << "echo -e '+ ${escape_shell_string(cmd)}'"
out << cmd
return out
// create_build_script generates a shell script that builds a given Target.
fn create_build_script(address string, config BuildConfig, build_arch string) string {
repo_url := '${address}/${config.repo}'
mut commands := [
// This will later be replaced by a proper setting for changing the
// mirrorlist
"echo -e '[${config.repo}]\\nServer = ${address}/\$repo/\$arch\\nSigLevel = Optional' >> /etc/pacman.conf"
// We need to update the package list of the repo we just added above.
// This should however not pull in a lot of packages as long as the
// builder image is rebuilt frequently.
'pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm',
// makepkg can't run as root
'su builder',
commands << match config.kind {
'git' {
if config.branch == '' {
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 '${config.url}' repo",
} else {
"git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch ${config.branch} '${config.url}' repo",
'url' {
'mkdir repo',
"curl -o repo/PKGBUILD -L '${config.url}'",
else {
panic("Invalid kind. This shouldn't be possible.")
commands << if config.path != '' {
"cd 'repo/${config.path}'"
} else {
'cd repo'
commands << [
'makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm',
'source PKGBUILD',
if !config.force {
// The build container checks whether the package is already present on
// the server.
commands << [
'curl -s --head --fail ${repo_url}/${build_arch}/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel && exit 0',
// If the above curl command succeeds, we don't need to rebuild the
// package. However, because we're in a su shell, the exit command will
// drop us back into the root shell. Therefore, we must check whether
// we're in root so we don't proceed.
'[ "\$(id -u)" == 0 ] && exit 0',
commands << [
'MAKEFLAGS="-j\$(nproc)" makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed --noextract && for pkg in \$(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "\$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: \$API_KEY" ${repo_url}/publish; done',
return echo_commands(commands).join('\n')