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module repo
import os
const pkgs_subpath = 'pkgs'
// Dummy struct to work around the fact that you can only share structs, maps &
// arrays
pub struct Dummy { x int }
// Handles management of a repository. Package files are stored in '$dir/pkgs'
// & moved there if necessary.
pub struct Repo {
mutex shared Dummy
dir string [required]
name string [required]
pub fn (r &Repo) pkg_dir() string {
return os.join_path_single(r.dir, pkgs_subpath)
// Returns path to the given package, prepended with the repo's path.
pub fn (r &Repo) pkg_path(pkg string) string {
return os.join_path(r.dir, pkgs_subpath, pkg)
pub fn (r &Repo) exists(pkg string) bool {
return os.exists(r.pkg_path(pkg))
// Returns the full path to the database file
pub fn (r &Repo) db_path() string {
return os.join_path_single(r.dir, '${}.tar.gz')
pub fn (r &Repo) add_package(pkg_path string) ? {
mut res := os.Result{}
lock r.mutex {
res = os.execute("repo-add '$r.db_path()' '$pkg_path'")
if res.exit_code != 0 {
return error('repo-add failed.')