62 lines
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62 lines
1.7 KiB
module git
import json
import response { Response }
import net.http
fn send_request<T>(method http.Method, address string, url string, api_key string, params map[string]string) ?Response<T> {
mut full_url := '$address$url'
if params.len > 0 {
params_str := params.keys().map('$it=${params[it]}').join('&')
full_url = '$full_url?$params_str'
mut req := http.new_request(method, full_url, '') ?
req.add_custom_header('X-API-Key', api_key) ?
res := req.do() ?
data := json.decode(Response<T>, res.text) ?
return data
// get_repos returns the current list of repos.
pub fn get_repos(address string, api_key string) ?map[string]GitRepo {
data := send_request<map[string]GitRepo>(http.Method.get, address, '/api/repos', api_key,
{}) ?
return data.data
// add_repo adds a new repo to the server.
pub fn add_repo(address string, api_key string, url string, branch string, repo string, arch []string) ?Response<string> {
params := {
'url': url
'branch': branch
'repo': repo
'arch': arch.join(',')
data := send_request<string>(http.Method.post, address, '/api/repos', api_key, params) ?
return data
// remove_repo removes the repo with the given ID from the server.
pub fn remove_repo(address string, api_key string, id string) ?Response<string> {
data := send_request<string>(http.Method.delete, address, '/api/repos/$id', api_key,
{}) ?
return data
// patch_repo sends a PATCH request to the given repo with the params as
// payload.
pub fn patch_repo(address string, api_key string, id string, params map[string]string) ?Response<string> {
data := send_request<string>(http.Method.patch, address, '/api/repos/$id', api_key,
params) ?
return data