This repository has been archived on 2021-03-28. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.

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2020-11-27 18:29:15 +01:00
baseURL = ""
2020-12-03 10:38:14 +01:00
title = "Technically Jesus (WIP)"
2020-11-27 13:36:38 +01:00
2020-11-27 18:29:15 +01:00
theme = "fuji"
hasCJKLanguage = true
enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
disableKinds = ["taxonomy"]
ignoreErrors = ["error-disable-taxonomy"]
## Change this two to switch between different language
languageCode = "en" # For RSS, view
defaultContentLanguage = "en" # For HTML page, now support: en, zh-hans, zh-hant, ja, nl
summaryLength = 100 # Custom summary length, add <!--more--> in post file to custom split point
paginate = 10
isPlainText = true
notAlternative = true
mediaType = "application/json"
path = "/search/"
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"]
post = "/:section/:filename/" # Custom post links, e.g. "/:year/:month/:title/"
author = "Jef Roosens" # You can also set author in post front matter individually
subTitle = "My personal blog about all things software."
# Source URL of the website, will appear in the footer
sourceURL = ""
# Word counter and read time indicator in post metadata
showWordCounter = true
showReadTime = true
# License in the footer
showLicenseInFooter = false
# License at the end of each post
showLicense = false
showToc = true
# Copyright
copyrightStartYear = "2020"
# Open Graph & Twitter Card variables
# You can also set description and images in post front matter individually
description = "A minimal Hugo theme with nice theme color."
images = ["img/og.png"] # This will use the image called og.png in static/img folder
# Posts shown in homepage
mainSections = ["posts"]
# Bangumi image chart id
# bgmImageChart = "000000"
# License
license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
licenseLink = ""
# Comments
# utterances, see:
# utterancesRepo = "*/*"
# utterancesIssueTerm = "pathname"
# Disqus, see:
# disqusShortname = "*********"
# Also use DisqusJS for accessing from Mainland China, see:
# If you want to set multiple api key, see theme's README for more details
# disqusJSApi = "https://*********/"
# disqusJSApikey = "**********"
# custom lazyload placeholder
# 16:9
lazyPlaceholder = "/assets/lazyload/dsrca_loading_480x270.svg"
# 32:9
lazyPlaceholderRow = "/assets/lazyload/dsrca_loading_960x270.svg"
# 8:9
lazyPlaceholderCol = "/assets/lazyload/dsrca_loading_480x540.svg"
# Let images display in full brightness under dark mode
# disableDarkImage = true
unsafe = true # Enable user to embed HTML snippets in Markdown content
codeFences = false # Disable Hugo's code highlighter
startLevel = 1
endLevel = 3
tag = "tags"
2020-11-27 13:36:38 +01:00
name = "Home"
url = "/"
2020-11-27 18:29:15 +01:00
weight = 1
name = "Archives"
url = "/archives/"
weight = 2
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
weight = 3
name = "Search"
url = "/search/"
weight = 4
name = "RSS"
url = "/index.xml"
weight = 5
name = "GitHub"
2020-12-03 10:38:14 +01:00
url = ""
2020-11-27 18:29:15 +01:00
weight = 1
2020-12-03 10:38:14 +01:00
name = "GitLab"
url = ""
weight = 1