Schedule BTRFS Maintenance #5

opened 2024-01-27 16:56:07 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 1 comment

The BTRFS RAID is currently running without any monitoring or scrubbing. To ensure it runs properly, I want to schedule scrubs, and add status notifications for it, similar to how the backup scripts currently report their results.

The BTRFS RAID is currently running without any monitoring or scrubbing. To ensure it runs properly, I want to schedule scrubs, and add status notifications for it, similar to how the backup scripts currently report their results.

We can base our scripts off of the btrfsmaintenance repo, which is also provided as a package for debian. The scripts don't work exactly the way I want them to, but the repo does contain a lot of useful information about what tasks should be done, and how frequently to do them.

We can base our scripts off of the [btrfsmaintenance]( repo, which is also provided as a package for debian. The scripts don't work exactly the way I want them to, but the repo does contain a lot of useful information about what tasks should be done, and how frequently to do them.
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/homelab#5
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