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58 lines
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" Colorscheme
" Tell Neovim to use 256 colors
set termguicolors
" Set colorscheme
colorscheme flattened_dark
" Line numbers
" Show absolute line number on current line
set number
" Show relative line number on all other lines
set relativenumber
" Splits
" Make horizontal splits appear below active window
set splitbelow
" Same for vertical splits, but to the right of active window
set splitright
" Indentation
" Replace tabs with spaces
set expandtab
" Width of a tab; with expandtab on, this sets by how many spaces it should be
" replaced
set tabstop=4
" Number of spaces that should be used for auto indentation
set shiftwidth=4
" Search functionality
" Show matches as pattern is being typed
set incsearch
" Ignore case as long as there are no capital letters in the pattern
set smartcase
" Don't hightlight search results after search is finished
set nohlsearch
function SetDirs()
let filedir = expand('%:h')
let &l:directory = filedir . '/.vim/swap'
let &l:undodir = filedir . '/.vim/undo'
" autocmd BufReadPre * call SetDirs()
" Turn on swap files
set swapfile
set directory=./.vim/swap//
" Create file backups
" set backup
" Store backups in .vim directory, next to swap files
" set backupdir=./.vim/backup/,
" Temporary, until I've found a fix
set nobackup
" Create an undo file for each file; this makes undo persistent
set undofile
set undodir=./.vim/undo//
" Increases speed of CoC and Gitgutter
set updatetime=250