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Planning, Scoping, Recon and OSINT
- Threat: agent or actor that can cause harm
- Vulnerability: flaw that can be exploited to cause harm
- Risk: overlap between threat and vulnerability
- Exploit: code or technique that a threat uses to take advantage of a vulnerability
- Hacking: manipulate technology to make it do something it's not designed
to do
- Ethnical hacking (white hat): hacking with the permission of the target
- Penetration testing: ethical hacking with the goal of finding and
exploiting security vulnerabilities in target environment and reporting
- modelling techniques used by real-world attackers
- determine risk to company
- Security audit
- testing against a rigorous set of standards
- detailed checklists
- more in-depth than pen test
Types of penetration tests
- Network services test
- find target systems on network
- look for openings in OS or running network services and exploit them
- over the internet or from within breached network
- Client-side software test
- look for vulnerabilities in client-side software (e.g. browsers)
- Web application test
- look for vulnerabilities in web-based applications deployed in the target environment
- Social engineering / phishing test
- attempt to trick user into revealing sensitive information
- using phishing mails to make users click malicious links
- Wireless security test
- find unauthorized wireless access points or authorized ones with security weaknesses
- Physical security test
- look for flaws in physical security practices
- literally try to break in
- dumpster diving
- Stolen equipment test
- "obtain" (steal) a piece of equipment (e.g. laptop) and analyse it for sensitive info
- Cryptanalysis attack
- break or bypass encryption on local or intercepted data
- Product security test
- look for security flaws in software products that can be installed in tester's lab
- Remote war dial test (obsolete)
- attempt to log into discovered modems
Phases of an attack
- Reconnaissance: OSINT, social engineering, dumpster diving...
- Scanning: finding openings in the systems, listening ports...
- Exploitation / gaining access: attempt to access and take control of target devices
Malicious actors go further
- install backdoors and rootkits
- cover tracks with covert channels, log editing...
public/free testing methodologies
- Testing machine: system used by pentester to attack other machines
- don't use for anything personal
- should be hardened to avoid being attacked themselves
- scrub results between tests (avoid confusion, leave no trace)
- Target machine: machine being attacked/evaluated
The pentesting process
- three phases
- preparation
- perform necesary paperwork
- clearly define rules of engagement
- testing: conduct the test
- conclusion
- detailed analysis of results
- write report
- preparation
rules of engagement
- must be defined in advance
- clear outline of what's allowed and what's not
- emergency contact information
- safe means of communication
- possible briefing calls
- agreement on period of engagement
- whether sysadmins are informed or not
- how much info is shared
- black box: no info shared
- more closely mimicks a true attack
- takes longer
- grey box: some info, e.g. password for non-privileged user
- balance between efficiency and realism
- white box: testers get everything
- black box: no info shared
- what data can be viewed
- remove personal data from sniffed packets
- sometimes samples are allowed to prove they were there
- should be signed off before anything is done
- determine what should be focused on
- ask organisation what their biggest weaknesses are
- avoid scope creep
- ensure all targetted systems are allowed within scope
- third-party systems should give written permission
- large cloud ventors usually have pen testing rules in place
- ideally run test on staging environment (don't break prod)
- checking inside vulnerabilities
- team travels onsite
- team gets vpn or ssh access
- scope must specify level of testing allowed
- ping sweep
- port scanning
- full on
nmap -A
- physical penetration attempts
- social engineering
- DoS checks
- use of dangerous exploits
Reporting and inventory management
- report is important
- only thing the client will read
- should clearly define what's the problem
- write it as you go
- convince client the problem is real and in the room with them
- rank vulnerabilities according to severity
- executive summary
- statement of confidentiality: how to treat this document
- engagement contacts: who was involved
- summary for management to read
- most important conclusions
- what should be fixed
- what's been done
- pentest assessment summary: overview of most important findings
- detailed walktrhough: technical overview
- technical
- deep technical findings
- big nerd talk for the nerds
- remediation summary
- short, medium and long-term recommendations
- summarize project, scope and security state of target
- appendices
- output of commands
- data dumps
- password reviews
- collect as much information as possible before launching any attack
- Passive: gather info without direct interaction with target
- via social media
- corporate website
- search engines
- ...
- Active: interact directly with target system
- scanning
- enumeration
- higher risk of detection
- social engineering
- important role in information gathering
- life cycle
- investigate
- gather information about targets
- find details about them (job, personal interests...)
- hook
- create plausible scenario to engage with target
- establish trust
- play
- manipulate target into providing desired information
- trick target into revealing sensitive information
- exit
- cover tracks to avoid detection
- investigate
- document metadata analysis
- gather information from e.g. pdf metadata tags
- reveals what software they use, who works there
- lots of documents are (accidentally) publicly available
- use crawlers and search engines
- domain info
- WHOIS (Belgium)
- query registries about domains
- can contain contact information of sysadmins
- list domain servers
- not as useful now due to privacy laws
- Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) offer databases for IP -> domain lookup
- subdomain discovery
- search engines can provide useful info
- search for employees or company websites
- look at job offers
- ...
- use fancy lookup syntax
- translates domain names to IP addresses
- NS: nameserver
- A: address
- MX: mail server address for domain
- TXT: plain text strings for domain
- CNAME: aliases for domain names
- SOA: indicates that server is authoritative for DNS zone
- PTR: pointer for inverse lookup (IP -> domain)
- zone transfer: mechanism used to replicate DNS DB info to other server
- allow secondary servers to sync with primary one
- can be exploited to receive full information from DNS server
- should be disabled for properly configured server
- useful tools
- recon-ng framework
- open reconaissance framework
- does a lot automatically
- the perfect automated stalker tool
- can detect antivirus by checking which dns entries are cached in domain servers
- spiderfoot framework
- OSINT automation tool
- OWASP AMASS framework
- GitHub
- filled with leaked secrets
- trufflehog and git-all-secrets automatically scan GitHub for leaks
- have i been pwned
- recon-ng framework