Define common CRUD trait for database operations #40

opened 2021-09-15 10:01:06 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 1 comment

It's clear that the database section contains a lot of nearly identical boilerplate code. It might be useful to define a generic trait that implements the most commonly used CRUD operations we use (e.g. all, create, update...). This would save us a lot of time & allow us to learn a lot more about traits and how they work.

It's clear that the database section contains a lot of nearly identical boilerplate code. It might be useful to define a generic trait that implements the most commonly used CRUD operations we use (e.g. all, create, update...). This would save us a lot of time & allow us to learn a lot more about traits and how they work.
Jef Roosens added the
labels 2021-09-15 10:01:06 +00:00

We could maybe even use a procedural macro if we're being really fancy.

We could maybe even use a procedural macro if we're being really fancy.
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