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101 lines
2.7 KiB

# Version of postgresql to compile libpq from
PQ_VER ?= 11.12
# OpenSSL version
SSL_VER ?= 1.1.1k
# Dumb-init version
DI_VER ?= 1.2.5
# This is such a lovely oneliner
# NOTE: $(dir PATH) outputs a trailing slash
OUT_DIR ?= $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))out
PREFIX := $(OUT_DIR)/prefix
OPENSSL_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)/openssl-$(SSL_VER)
PQ_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)/postgresql-$(PQ_VER)
DI_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)/dumb-init-$(DI_VER)
# Used in various make calls to specify parallel recipes
CORES != nproc
export CC=musl-gcc -fPIC -pie -static
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
# TODO check for header files (openssl-dev, libpq-dev) both for Arch & Ubuntu
# Create the out dir
$(shell mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)")
# ====RECIPES====
.PHONY: all
all: build
# libpq builds openssl as a dependency
.PHONY: build
build: libpq
.PHONY: clean
@ echo "Note: this only cleans the C dependencies, not the Cargo cache."
rm -rf "$(PQ_DIR)" "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" "$(DI_DIR)" "$(PREFIX)"
# =====OPENSSL=====
# Download the source code & configure the project
curl -sSL "$(SSL_VER).tar.gz" | \
tar -C "$(OUT_DIR)" -xz
cd "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" && \
CC="$$CC -idirafter /usr/include" ./Configure \
no-zlib \
no-shared \
--prefix="$(PREFIX)" \
--openssldir="$(PREFIX)/ssl" \
# Build OpenSSL
.PHONY: openssl
openssl: $(OPENSSL_DIR)/Configure
C_INCLUDE_PATH="$(PREFIX)/include" $(MAKE) -C "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" depend
$(MAKE) -C "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" install_sw
# =====LIBPQ=====
# Download the source code & configure the project
curl -sSL "$(PQ_VER)/postgresql-$(PQ_VER).tar.gz" | \
tar -C "$(OUT_DIR)" -xz
cd "$(PQ_DIR)" && \
LDFLAGS="-L$(PREFIX)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(PREFIX)/include" ./configure \
--without-readline \
--with-openssl \
--without-zlib \
--prefix="$(PREFIX)" \
.PHONY: libpq
libpq: openssl $(PQ_DIR)/configure
make -C "$(PQ_DIR)/src/interfaces/libpq" -j$(CORES) all-static-lib
make -C "$(PQ_DIR)/src/interfaces/libpq" install install-lib-static
make -C "$(PQ_DIR)/src/bin/pg_config" -j $(CORES)
make -C "$(PQ_DIR)/src/bin/pg_config" install
# =====DUMB-INIT=====
# NOTE: this is only used inside the Docker image, but it's here for completeness.
curl -sSL "$(DI_VER).tar.gz" | \
tar -C "$(OUT_DIR)" -xz
.PHONY: dumb-init
dumb-init: $(DI_DIR)/Makefile
make -C "$(DI_DIR)" build