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title: "Automating Minecraft Server Backups"
date: 2023-09-07
I started playing Minecraft back in 2012, after the release of version 1.2.5.
Like many gen Z'ers, I grew up playing the game day in day out, and now 11
years later, I love the game more than ever. One of the main reasons I still
play the game is multiplayer, seeing the world evolve as the weeks go by with
everyone adding their own personal touches.
Naturally, as a nerd, I've grown the habit of hosting my own servers, as well
as maintaining instances for friends. Having managed these servers, I've
experienced the same problems that I've heard other people complaining about as
well: backing up the server.
{{< figure src="./the-village.jpg" title="Sneak peak of the village we live in" >}}
## The Problem
Like any piece of software, a Minecraft server instance writes files to disk,
and these files, a combination of world data and configuration files, are what
we wish to back up. The problem is that the server instance is constantly
writing new data to disk. This conflicts with the "just copy the files"
approach (e.g. `tar` or `rsync`), as these will often encounter errors because
they're trying to read a file that's actively being written to. Because the
server isn't aware it's being backed up, it's also possible it writes to a file
already read by the backup software while the other files are still being
processed. This produces an inconsistent backup with data files that do not
properly belong together.
There are two straightforward ways to solve this problem. One would be to
simply turn off the server before each backup. While this could definitely work
without too much interruption, granted the backups are scheduled at times no
players are online, I don't find this to be very elegant.
The second solution is much more appealing. A Minecraft server can be
controlled using certain console commands, with the relevant ones here being
`save-off`, `save-all`, and `save-on`. `save-off` tells the server to stop
saving its data to disk, and cache it in memory instead. `save-all` flushes the
server's data to disk, and `save-on` enables writing to disk again. Combining
these commands provides us with a way to back up a live Minecraft server: turn
off saving using `save-off`, flush its data using `save-all`, back up the
files, and turn on saving again using `save-on`. With these tools at my
disposal, I started work on my own custom solution.
## My solution
After some brainstorming, I ended up with a fairly simple approach: spawn the
server process as a child process with the parent controlling the server's
stdin. By taking control of the stdin, we can send commands to the server
process as if we'd typed them into the terminal ourselves. I wrote the original
proof-of-concept over two years ago during the pandemic, but this ended up
sitting in a dead repository afterwards. However, a couple of months ago, some
new motivation to work on the project popped into my head (I started caring a
lot about our world), so I turned it into a fully fletched backup tool! The
project's called [alex]( and as
usual, it's open-source and available on my personal Gitea instance.
Although Alex is a lot more advanced now than it was a couple of months back,
it still functions on the same principle of injecting the above commands into
the server process's stdin. The real star of the show however is the way it
handles its backups, which brings us into the next section.
## Incremental backups
You could probably describe my usual projects as overengineered, and Alex is no
different. Originally, Alex simply created a full tarball every `n` minutes
(powered by the lovely [tar-rs](
library). While this definitely worked, it was *slow*. Compressing several
gigabytes of world files always takes some time, and this combined with shaky
hard drive speeds resulted in backups easily taking 5-10 minutes. Normally,
this wouldn't bother me too much, but with this solution, the Minecraft server
isn't writing to disk for the entire duration of this backup! If the server
crashed during this time, all this data would be lost.
This called for a better method: incremental backups. For those unfamiliar, an
incremental backup is a backup that only stores the changes that occurred since
the last backup. This not only saves a ton of disk space, but it also greatly
decreases the amount of data that needs to be compressed, speeding up the
backup process tremendously.
Along with this, I introduced the concept of "chains". Because an incremental
backup describes the changes that occurred since the last backup, it needs that
other backup in order to be fully restored. This also implies that the first
incremental backup needs to be based off a full backup. A chain defines a list
of sequential backups that all depend on the one before them, with each chain
starting with a full backup.
All of this combined resulted in the following configuration for backups: the
admin can configure one or more backup schedules, with each schedule being
defined by a name, a frequency, a chain length and how many chains to keep. For
each of these configurations, a new backup will be created periodically
according to the defined frequency, and this backup will be appended to the
current chain for that schedule. If the chain is full (as defined by the chain
length), a new chain is created. Finally, the admin can configure how many of
these full chains to keep.
As an example, my server currently uses a dual-schedule system:
* One configuration is called "30min". As the name suggests, it has a frequency
of 30 minutes. It stores chains of length 48, and keeps 1 full chain. This
configuration allows me to create incremental backups (which take 5-10
seconds) every 30 minutes, and I can restore these backups in this 30-minute
granularity up to 24 hours back.
* The second configuration is called "daily", and this one simply creates a
full backup (a chain length of 1) every 24 hours, with 7 chains being stored.
This allows me to roll back a backup with a 24-hour granularity up to 7 days
This configuration would've never been possible without incremental backups, as
the 30 minute backups would've simply taken too long otherwise. The required
disk space would've also been rather unwieldy, as I'd rather not store 48
multi-gigabyte backups per day. With the incremental backups system, each
backup after the initial full backup is only a few megabytes!
Of course, a tool like this wouldn't be complete without some management
utilities, so the Alex binary contains tools for restoring backups, exporting
incremental backups as a new full backup, and unpacking a backup.
## What's next?
There's still some improvements I'd like to add to Alex itself, notably making
Alex more aware of the server's internal state by parsing its logs, and making
restoring backups possible without having to stop the Alex instance (this is
rather cumbersome in Docker containers).
On a bigger scale however, there's another possible route to take: add a
central server component where an Alex instance can publish its backups to.
This server would then have a user management system to allow certain users of
the Minecraft server to have access to the backups for offline use. This server
could perhaps also show the logs of the server instance, as well as handling
syncing the backups to another location, such as an S3 store. This would make
the entire system more resistant to data loss.
Of course, I'm well aware these ideas are rather ambitious, but I'm excited to
see where this project might go next!
That being said, Alex is available as statically compiled binaries for `amd64`
and `arm64` [on my Gitea]( If
you're interested in following the project, Gitea recently added repository
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