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Throughout both the codebase and the documentation, I use a couple of terms that might be confusing at first glance. This page aims to explain this Vieter-specific jargon.

Repo & arch-repo

In Pacman jargon, a repository is simply an HTTP(S) web server that provides a database archive, and optionally a files archive. This database archive contains information about what packages are contained in the repository, including the filenames of the actual package tarballs that Pacman then downloads when installing and updating packages.

In Vieter, this is called an arch-repository. The reason for this change in naming is because Vieter allows packages of different architectures to reside under the same repository name. For a Vieter repository named vieter, there can be packages built for the x86_64 and the aarch64 architecture. For both of these architectures, a Pacman repository (or arch-repository) is created, and it's these architecture-specific repositories that are then accessed by Pacman. On either architecture, the repository could then be added to /etc/pacman.conf as follows:

Server =$repo/$arch
SigLevel = Optional


A target describes a build that should be periodically performed. Each target consists of a URL to a Git repository containing a PKGBUILD (or a direct URL to said PKGBUILD), among various other configuration options. The list of targets defines what builds need to be performed at what times, on what architectures.