
1020 B

Vieter CLI

I provide a simple CLI tool that currently only allows changing the Git repository API. Its usage is quite simple.

First, you need to create a file in your home directory called .vieterrc with the following content:

address = ""
api_key = "your-api-key"

You can also use a different file or use environment variables, as described in Configuration.

Now you're ready to use the CLI tool.


  • vieter repos list returns all repositories currently stored in the API.
  • vieter repos add url branch repo arch... adds the repository with the given URL, branch, repo & arch to the API.
    • arch is a comma-separated list of architectures, examples are x86_64, but also x86_64,aarch64
  • vieter repos remove id removes the repository with the given ID prefix.
    • id should be the ID of the repo returned by vieter repos list.

You can always check vieter -help or vieter repos -help for more information about the commands.