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Building packages

The automatic build system is what makes Vieter very useful as a replacement for an AUR helper. It can perodically build packages & publish them to your personal Vieter repository server, removing the need to build the packages locally.

Adding builds

Before the cron system can start building your package, you need to add its info to the system. The Vieter repository server exposes an HTTP API for this (see the HTTP API Docs for more info). For ease of use, the Vieter binary contains a CLI interface for interacting with this API (see Configuration for configuration details). The man pages describe this in greater detail, but the basic usage is as follows:

vieter repos add some-url some-branch some-repository

Here, some-url is the URL of the Git repository containing the PKGBUILD. This URL is passed to git clone, meaning the repository should be public. Vieter expects the same format as an AUR Git repository, so you can directly use AUR URLs here.

some-branch is the branch of the Git repository the build should check out. If you're using an AUR package, this should be master.

Finally, some-repo is the repository to which the built package archives should be published.

The above command intentionally leaves out a few parameters to make the CLI more useable. For information on how to modify all parameters using the CLI, see vieter-repos-edit(1).